After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 520 514. The beginning of the chapter, this seems to be his first real initiative.

Chapter 520 514. Looking back, this seems to be his first real initiative.

Sakura Ayane widened her eyes and said nothing.

It was not until a long time later that he recovered from what Kazuto Mogami said.

She faltered, her face was reddish, and she was a little at a loss.

It's not unexpected, it's only a matter of course that a mere scumbag would like me.

I'm not proud or happy!

And... this kind of confession is too bad!

How can there be a girl in the world who will listen patiently!The burden is too long!

Yes, but Ms. Sakura has finished listening.

And, the heartbeat quickened.

"What... what is that! It's too long! That's why I hate literary and light novel writers! Can't even say a simple word of like!"

"I thought you'd like it."

"Hmph! That sucks! I order you to do it all over again!"


"Why? Are you dissatisfied?!"

Sakura Ayane dared to refuse Mogami Kazuto, so she immediately rushed forward and bit his neck.

"How dare I."

After thinking about it, Mogami Kazuto had no choice but to take a step forward, Sakura Ayone's delicate body trembled, and she couldn't help but take a half step back.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't laugh or cry: "What are you refunding?"

"I... I... I'm nervous, what if you kiss me here."

"I'm not you."

When Ms. Sakura heard this, she was unhappy: "What! You make me sound like a kissing maniac!"

Kazuto Mogami chuckled, looking at the girl with twin ponytails in front of him, staring at her for a long time, those pleasant and unpleasant memories with her came flooding back.

It's like the third-rate bridge section in a third-rate TV series. Enemies have a narrow road, they don't see each other well, they get acquainted gradually, and finally fall in love with each other.

If there were only the two of them on stage, they would definitely be labeled as a third-rate urban romantic comedy.

It's shallow, but it's not bad, at least in a comedy story, no one will cry in front of the camera.

Even if tears are shed, they are in places where the audience cannot see them.

It's a pity that Kazuto Mogami lives in the real world, and his interpersonal relationships are complicated. There are always people crying where he can't see.

Like in the car.

"Let's go quickly, don't keep Senior Miyano and the others waiting for a long time."


Sakura Ayane showed a look of being unable to let go, Mogami Kazuto saw her thoughts, couldn't help but raised his hand to squeeze her jaw tightly, and kissed it like a dragonfly.

After parting, Kazuto Mogami said in an unnatural tone, covering his cheek with his arm as if hiding his shame, "Is this all right?"

Miss Sakura hadn't recovered from being attacked by him, she was stunned for a while, her face gradually turned rosy.

"Oh... oh..."

Both of them turned sideways, neither of them dared to look directly at each other, the blush on their cheeks was exactly the same.

Ms. Sakura looked at the flower bed on the side, with her back on her side, her eyes wandering, her voice soft: "Me too, this is the first time I saw a man who confessed to Haruki Murakami."

"Do you hate it?"

"Well~'s not annoying."

Mogami Kazuto smiled: "Then, do I still need to ask the result?"

Sakura Ayane trembled in her heart, turned around mechanically, and met Mogami Kazuto's dangerous and gentle eyes, her heart seemed to slow down by half a beat.

According to Sakura Ayane's temperament, maybe he deliberately made things difficult for him at this moment, saying a few words like "seeing your performance".

No matter how proudly she raised her chin and left him a sassy back, that was what she would do.

However, she didn't want to be so troublesome in this kind of place.

Most importantly, she couldn't bear that temper.

The left hand shook slightly, touching the back of his hand pretentiously, first with the little finger, then the ring finger, the middle finger and the index finger, entwined into his palm one by one.

Mogami Kazuto understood and showed a hearty smile.

Sakura Ayane couldn't help pouted: "Why are you smiling so proudly, it's really disgusting!"

Even so, there was a gentle smile on the girl's face.

In this autumn, Kazuto Mogami finally completed his transformation and found the girl he likes.

No longer pretending to be deep, no more unfounded worries, and took a firm and proactive step.

Not because of responsibility, not because of gratitude, let alone guilt.

Just visceral, pure.

I think she is cute and want to be with her.

I want to hug each other and roll down on the hillside in spring.

When she asked how much she liked it.

He told her, like a bear who loves spring.



Inside the pub.

Mogami Kazuto and Sakura Ayane deliberately staggered the time, and Sakura Ayon walked in 5 minutes after Mogami Kazuto walked in.

Sakura Ayane walked up to Miyano Mamoru graciously, presented a bouquet of flowers that she bought temporarily, and said with a smile: "Miyano-san, do you mind if I come to eat?"

"Of course not, welcome."

Kazuto Mogami was sitting beside Mamoru Miyano at the moment, and nodded politely to Ayane Sakura.

Sakura Ayane ignored him at all.

It's kind of like that.

At another table full of female voice actors, Aimi Terajima was waving with Ayane Sakura, and saw the sandy water sitting beside her.

Sakura Ayane hesitated for half a second, then walked towards them slowly.

Shimizu Yusa smiled and greeted Ayane Sakura with a calm look on her face. On the other hand, Ayane Sakura was a little unnatural, but there was no conflict between the two.

All of this was seen by Mogami Kazuto.

Today was a special day, and the scene was full of joy and harmony. Under the influence of the atmosphere, Kazuto Mogami drank some beer after a long absence, but he didn't dare to drink more.

As for the female seiyuu's table, they all drank drinks.

Don't worry about that guy Sakura getting drunk.

Miyano Mamoru was banned from drinking alcohol before the concert. Although he drank secretly, he was finally able to let go of drinking tonight and took Mogami Kazuto one after another.

Mogami Kazuto didn't dare to be like him, so it was expected that he would be ridiculed.

The party didn't come to an end until one o'clock in the morning, but it wasn't over yet, and there would be a second meeting and a third meeting.

Kazuto Mogami refused the next second meeting on the grounds that he could not drink too much.

Maori Miyano was completely drunk, so he could only ask the staff to take him home.

At this time, the running time of the tram had already passed, and when Kazuto Mogami was asked how to get home, he felt Sakura Ayane's gaze, and blurted out: "I'll just take a taxi back first."

So, bidding farewell to everyone at the scene, Mogami Kazuto walked to the street alone.

After a long time, I received a call from Ayane Sakura asking where he was, and Kazuto Mogami reported his location silently.

About five or six minutes later, Ayane Sakura's car stopped in front of Kazuto Mogami, and Kazuto Mogami got into the co-pilot.

As soon as Mogami Kazuto got into the car, and Mogami Kazuto hadn't even put on his seat belt, Sakura Ayane leaned over, hugged his neck tightly, and kissed him.

 Thanks to [ノhuaノ] for renewing another captain.

  I'm not pretending, I'm going to showdown.

  I am Zozo!

(End of this chapter)

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