After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 527 521. After becoming gods, their mentality will change.

Chapter 527 521. After becoming gods, their mentality will change. (Ask for a monthly pass!)

After breakfast, Mogami went upstairs with Kazuto, knocked on the door, and walked into the bedroom.

The bed was squirming, and Mogami Kazuto walked over and patted her.

A pair of dark and bright eyes slowly poked out of the quilt.

Half of his face was huddled under the quilt, his hair was disheveled, and his complexion was ruddy. It didn't look like he had just woken up, but he had been awake for a while.

"Since you're awake, why don't you go downstairs for dinner?"

"No strength."

Mogami Kazuto was slightly taken aback, and stroked her long hair.

"Shall I bring it to you?"

The girl lay on the bed, looked at him a little shyly, and nodded slightly.

He went downstairs again and served breakfast to Ayane Sakura. Worried that she would catch a cold, Kazuto Mogami found her a sweater of his own.

"Turn around."


"You look at me like this, how can I wear clothes?"

Mogami Kazuto laughed: "Okay."

So Mogami Kazuto sat by the bed and turned around silently.

Sakura Ayane slowly removed the quilt wrapped around her body, revealing her fair skin, exposed to the cool air, and the cherry blossoms stood upright.

"If you dare to peek, I will kill you."

"Can you stop threatening with your life at every turn?"

"Who almost killed me last night?"

"Uh... sorry."

"Don't apologize seriously! I'm so embarrassed!"

Sakura Ayane is a cute guy who is naturally weak. Since birth, the number of fractures alone has been as many as eight times.

According to her, almost all the joints in her body have been broken, which amazes Kazuto Mogami

Ever since, Mogami Kazuto didn't dare to exert any force at all, even so, Miss Sakura is still in a state of collapse at this moment.

Putting on Mogami Kazuto's sweater and eating breakfast in silence, Sakura Ayane tried to get out of bed, just moving her hips made her feel bad.

To put it bluntly, it hurts, I have no strength, and I want to hit someone.

"Don't go to work today."

Sakura Ayane nodded: "I'll call my manager and get my phone for me."

"Where to put it?"

"In the bag."

Kazuto Mogami brought Ayon Sakura's bag, and while looking for the phone, he suddenly saw an unopened rectangular box.

Kazuto Mogami was stunned, and looked at Ayane Sakura: "How many boxes did you buy?"

"Two...two boxes."

A box of 10, two boxes is 20.

Mogami Kazuto said in awe: "You really are not afraid of death."

By the way, if this is used up in one go, Kazuto Mogami will die too.

Sakura Ayane blushed and stretched out her hands to hit him. She had never bought this kind of thing before, so she took two boxes out of nervousness, and was embarrassed to tell the clerk that only one box was enough.

"You're so annoying! Give me your phone!"

After that, Ayane Sakura called her agent, and when she was asked what was wrong with her body, Ayane Sakura faltered for a long time and was speechless.

In the end, the manager unilaterally thought that it was the one who came, and he casually said that this month came a little early, it may be an endocrine disorder, and asked her to take care of her body.

Sakura Ayane blushed, unable to refute.

After hanging up the phone, Ayane Sakura glared at Kazuto Mogami and raised her hand to call.

"It's all up to you."

Mogami Kazuto didn't dare to provoke her at this time, anyway, her fists were weak and had no lethal power at all.

After hammering it a few times, Sakura Ayane's hand hurt, and she complained again.

Kazuto Mogami has a job this afternoon, and Kazuto Mogami wanted to try to push it down, but was sternly rejected by Ayane Sakura.

According to her, two people absent from work today may be misunderstood by people in the agency.

Mogami Kazuto said with a smile, "They didn't misunderstand", which once again drew Sakura Ayane's eyes.

At noon, Sakura Ayane was finally able to barely get out of bed, and with the support of Mogami Kazuto, she slowly went downstairs.

The two sat on the sofa together and chatted until eleven o'clock. Mogami and others went to the kitchen to prepare lunch, while Ayane Sakura sat on the sofa and played with her mobile phone.

Today is different from the past, today's Sakura Ayane is in command of Mogami Kazuto.

With a new experience, even when Mogami Kazuto called her to have lunch, she just sat on the sofa and waved, opened her arms without saying a word, and asked Mogami Kazuto to carry her to the dining table.

For this request, Mogami Kazuto could only obey with a sigh.

But even though he was obedient, Mogami Kazuto played tricks, even when he hugged her, he tapped Miss Sakura's buttocks twice.

Ayane Sakura suddenly cried out in pain, put her arms around Kazuto Mogami's neck, and bit hard.

"Are you crazy?"

"You're crazy, I'm still in pain, and you still dare to hit me."

Well, this is indeed my fault.

Putting Ayane Sakura on the chair and sitting down, Mogami Kazuto took out his mobile phone and took a picture of his own neck, a clearly visible tooth mark.

A wry smile suddenly appeared: "Are you a dog?"

"Sorry, really."

So Mogami Kazuto had nothing to say, and reached out to touch the corner of Sakura Ayane's mouth, telling her to open her mouth.


"I hope that Ms. Sakura, who is born weak, won't be able to be a voice actor because of my broken teeth. When the time comes, my words will leak out."

"Just say some annoying things and ignore you."

They ate lunch together like a newlyweds, Mogami Kazuto took care of cooking and washing dishes, Miss Sakura was only in charge of eating, and after the meal, Mogami Kazuto carried her upstairs.

In the bedroom, Kazuto Mogami found a lot of comics for her to relieve boredom, and Ayane Sakura reckoned that she would be able to go downstairs by herself by dinner time.

Mogami Kazuto said that today's work will end early, and he will send her home after dinner together in the evening.

Ever since, Kazuto Mogami first took off all the messy sheets, put on new sheets, changed his clothes, and went out to work.

After Mogami left, the bored Sakura-san rolled on the bed.

Thinking of everything that happened in this room last night, I couldn't help but feel hot again.

So this is what it feels like to become a god, hehe... Miss Ben has finally stepped up to the ladder of adulthood.

In addition to being shy, a trace of confidence and pride from the victor spread over the girl.

Suddenly, the mobile phone suddenly sounded a line notification tone, and Ayane Sakura opened it.

"I heard that you are sick, and you won't be able to come to the sling this afternoon."

It was from Xiaoxi Saori.

Sakura Ayane's heart is somewhat complicated at the moment, facing this person is Mogami Kazuto's ex-wife.

In Sakura Ayane's cognition, she blamed the marriage incident on Konishi Saori's arbitrariness, while Kazuto Mogami, that stupid guy, agreed hastily.

It was not until she had the closest relationship with Kazuto Mogami that Ayane Sakura finally tasted this wonderful discomfort.

She couldn't understand her friend's true thoughts, and this incident would become a thorn in her heart, reminding her all the time.

It reminded her that at this moment, she was already standing on the opposite side of Xiao Nishi Saori.

 The 520 extended chapter will be finished in the near future, and the group file will be sent directly after finishing.

  Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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