After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 528 522. Strange emotions breed in his heart.

Chapter 528 522. Strange emotions breed in his heart.

"Good afternoon, Totsuka-kun."

"Good afternoon, Miss Dai."

When he came to the company, Kazuto Mogami greeted Dai Qiuhui, and after chatting for a while, he began to make preparations for recording songs.

When he came to the office area in the lobby, Kazuto Mogami saw two staff members arranging many fancy gift boxes, and asked Dai Qiuhui curiously.

"What holiday is today?"

"Today? Ah... You mean those gift boxes, those are for Ms. Minase."

Kazuto Mogami was taken aback.

"Today is Ms. Minase's birthday. Those are all sent by fans. Well... Although it is a very happy thing, it is still quite troublesome. The staff has to check it one by one."

Dai Qiuhui explained to Mogami Kazuto in this way.

"That's it."

Mogami Kazuto then remembered that today is December [-]nd, Shimizu Yousha's birthday.

Kazuto Mogami specially made a birthday cake for her on this day last year.

However, this year is no longer suitable for such redundant things.

His girlfriend will be unhappy.

After clearing up his mood and no longer thinking about the clear water and sand, Mogami Kazuto tidied up his emotions and walked into the recording studio.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, Mogami Kazuto finished today's song recording, and got stuck preparing to rush to the dubbing studio.

Today is the first official collection of "Cartoonist and Assistant".

When we came to the recording studio, Kazuto Mogami greeted the on-site staff and voice actors one by one, and when it was the turn of Miss Morning to be the heroine.

Although the other party had a face of resistance and vigilance, he still nodded to him politely.

Kazuto Mogami thought it was really troublesome to think of voice actors who were experienced, but it is also possible that this is the characteristic of the voice actors of IM firm.

Although some people have immigrated, some things engraved in DNA are not so easy to remove.

Although Mogami Kazuto himself is also inclined to experience, but he is not like Miss Morning.

A character is a character, a voice actor is a voice actor, this sentence will always be a wise saying.

During the recording, Ms. Morning listened to Mogami Kazuto's acting for the first time live.

I was shocked by the fact that this new voice actor who just debuted has such terrifying acting skills.

For a while, I couldn't tell whether he was really a superb actor, or if he acted in his true colors.

So the attitude towards Kazuto Mogami became more and more indifferent, and after the dubbing ended, he said goodbye to everyone present.

Only when it was Mogami Kazuto's turn, he nodded at him from a distance and then fled.

Although Kazuto Mogami had no intention of establishing a good relationship with a female voice actor, he always felt a little strange being alienated for no reason.

After the recording ended, Kazuto Mogami received a call from Nobunaga Shimada, asking him if he wanted to go drinking together tonight.

Thinking that there was a female voice actor at home waiting to be fed, Mogami Kazuto refused without thinking.

Before going home, Mogami Kazuto went back to the King Records headquarters and took the script that will be used for shooting the video in a few days.

To put it simply, it is to open an official account on the barrage website in mainland China, and upload some short videos exclusively for China on weekdays.

The self-introduction in Chinese pronunciation is marked in katakana on the script, but for Kazuto Mogami, there is no need for this thing at all.

Mogami Kazuto thought for a long time, then looked at Dai Qiuhui who was sitting on the opposite sofa.

"Miss Dai, I would venture to ask, this is a project for the Huaxia region."

"Yes, Huaxia is different from China in terms of traffic, and now many voice actors have opened accounts there."

"Are there voice actors who can speak Chinese?"

"Well... as far as I know, although there are not many voice actors who can speak Chinese, there are still some."

Dai Qiuhui casually mentioned the name of a female voice actress Mogami Kazuto had never heard of, and took out her mobile phone to search silently.

I saw a clip of more than one minute on a bullet screen website, clicked it in, and listened to it for more than ten seconds.

Chinese cannot be spoken fluently and clearly, but with a slight dialect accent. Chinese and Japanese are mixed, which is very interesting.

A sentence popped up in the live video...

"Want to be my dog? Hey, hey, don't rob, don't rob... There are still many dog ​​positions left, everyone, don't rob~"

Three question marks appeared on Mogami Kazuto's head.

Are all female voice actors playing so aggressively nowadays?
Isn't it a little too outrageous.

Kazuto Mogami turned off the video and rubbed the space between his brows.

"But why would Totsuka-kun ask such a question?"

"Uh...Actually, I know a little bit of Chinese, so I wondered if it would be better if it was directly made into a Chinese program."

"Eh? Totsuka-san, do you know Chinese?"


"How far will it go?"

"It's always better than the one in the video just now." Mogami Kazuto said modestly.

"Isn't that pretty powerful?"

Mogami Kazuto smiled lightly.

Dai Qiuhui thought for a moment, and said: "How about this, Totsuka-san, you can record a self-introduction in Chinese later, you can say whatever you want.

After that, I will take the recording to the planning team to see if it is feasible. "

"Huh? Is it really possible?" Mogami Kazuto was surprised that this casual decision was able to win Dai Qiuhui's approval.

"Since you have this special skill, of course you have to make full use of it, otherwise how can you gain fans overseas."

Well...the words are right.

After that, Kazuto Mogami recorded the voice, and did not deliberately use a strange accent. Although he did not say it for a long time, it was Kazuto Mogami's mother tongue after all, and it was impossible to forget it easily.

Dai Qiuhui has been listening to the side, did not understand a word, but this does not prevent her admiration.

In short, although I don't understand it, I feel very professional and powerful.

Ever since, after finishing the recording, Kazuto Mogami and Dai Qiuhui bid farewell.

Just as he was about to take the elevator, a cute girl with a beautiful appearance and a petite figure stepped out of the elevator.

It was none other than the clear water with sand that I hadn't seen for a long time.

Both were stunned.

Shimizu Yousa was much better at socializing than Mogami Kazuto, and after reacting first, he greeted him with a sweet smile.

"Hi, Mr. Totsuka."

"...Well, what a coincidence, Ms. Minase."

Qingshui Yousha blinked her beautiful big eyes, with a natural expression: "Are you planning to go back?"

"Well, work is over and I'm leaving."

"That's it."

In the distance, the voice of the staff suddenly came.

"Mizose-san, today I received birthday presents from many fans, and I will pass them on to you after checking here."

"Even the record company sent it here? I see, thank you very much, everyone has worked hard." Qingshui Yousha thanked in surprise.

Mogami Kazuto remained silent, Shimizu Yousha glanced at him intentionally or unintentionally.

"Then I'll go to work first, Mr. Totsuka."




 Dragon Boat Festival Ankang.

  Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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