After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 529 523. People still have a big food addiction, and I'm talking about Ms. Sakura.

Chapter 529 523. People still have a big food addiction, and I'm talking about Ms. Sakura.

On the tram back to Tsukishima, Kazuto Mogami huddled in the corner of the car, silently watching the receding city outside the window.

The book in his hand still maintains the page that was originally opened, and the page has not been turned for a long time.

Ever since meeting Qingshui Yousha in the company, his mood has been inexplicably depressed, as if something negative was stuck in his throat.

No matter how hard he scratched, he couldn't drive this emotion out of his body.

This strange sense of discomfort pierced his heart from time to time.

Even the water he drank and the air he inhaled were pierced with long, sharp needles, and the pages of the book in his hand shone like thin razor blades.

His heart and reason seemed to be eroded by something, and whispers from the devil could be faintly heard in his ears, urging him to do things that he despised.

In the noisy and quiet car, he could hear the voice of desire and impulse in his heart, which was stretching a little bit.

Opening the panel, Mogami Kazuto looked at the special skills upgraded to Lv2, and closed his eyes in pain.

Absolutely not, be dominated by this damn skill.



Back home, Mogami Kazuto had recovered from the inexplicable throbbing.

"I am back."

There was still Ayane Sakura's shoes at the entrance, but there was no response from inside the house.

Walking into the living room, Kazuto Mogami saw the sleeping girl on the sofa.

She was still wearing her own sweater and covered with a blanket, and it could be seen from her bare calf that she was not wearing pants.

The heating in the living room was fully turned on, Mogami Kazuto took off his coat a little too hot, squatted in front of Sakura Ayane, and stared at it for a long time.

He couldn't help reaching out and touching the tip of her lovely nose. He didn't kiss her nose less last night.

Perhaps feeling that someone was messing with her nose, Sakura Ayane, who was sleeping soundly, couldn't help but frowned and wrinkled her nose.

Mogami Kazuto laughed, and gently poked her soft cheek with his hand.

The girl finally woke up faintly, saw Mogami Kazuto squatting in front of her, blinked a few times, stretched her arms around his neck without saying a word, and bit his lips lightly.

The blanket fell very consciously, revealing the pair of long and slender legs that were close together.

After kissing for a full or two minutes, Sakura Ayane let go of his neck and sniffed him.

"what happened?"

"I'm smelling other women on you."

"Do you smell it?"

"The nose seems to be blocked, and I can't smell anything."

"Don't catch a cold."

"It's just that I just woke up in a bad state, and it will be fine after a while."

"That's good."

"Hey, Lord Scrap."


"Take me upstairs."

Mogami Kazuto looked at her for a while, and found the heat quietly flowing in her eyes.

"You are really not afraid of death."

Sakura Ayane bit her thin lips lightly: "Or do you want to be here?"

"Uh... let's go upstairs then."

Sakura Ayane blushed and laughed.



eight pm.

Kazuto Mogami went downstairs to take a shower, took out the ingredients from the refrigerator, and prepared to make dinner.

Not long after, Sakura Ayane also slowly went downstairs.

Kazuto Mogami looked at her and said, "Go take a bath, you can eat after you take a bath."

"Have you finished washing?"

"finished Wash."

"Tch! You didn't wait for me, the man really is a bastard who doesn't recognize anyone when he puts on his pants."

If you challenged her at this time, it probably wouldn't end well, so Kazuto Mogami chose to remain silent.

"If you dare to come in and take a peek, you will die."

Not long after, there was the sound of a shower in the bathroom, and Kazuto Mogami naturally wouldn't do things like peek.

When Ayane Sakura came out of the shower, dinner was almost ready. At this time, it was 08:30 in the evening, and the two were sitting on the sofa watching TV, and a quiz variety show was playing on the TV.

Sakura Ayane pointed to the TV and said, "I have been invited to this program."

"A real person leaving the country?"

Sakura Ayane shook her head: "The narration is voiced."

Mogami Kazuto said "Oh".

Variety shows are not very interesting, and both of them feel a little boring.

Ayane Sakura, who was sitting beside her, stretched out her hand quietly.

Mogami Kazuto looked at her helplessly.

"I said you, are you a little addicted?"

"Huh? Miss Ben only serves you with good intentions because you look like you still have more to say."

"Whose fault do you think it is?"

"What can I do? If I can bear it, I will definitely not stop it."

"Weak chicken physical strength." Kazuto Mogami squeezed out a sentence.

"If you have the ability, you can say it again."


The two who were intimate and loving one second, were bickering again the next.

Kazuto Mogami doesn't know how other lovers in the world get along, but he doesn't hate this way of getting along with Ayane Sakura.

"How are you?"

"Excellent condition."


An enigmatic silence followed.

"I wish I could be home by twelve o'clock."


"It's eight forty past eight."


"I really want to do some exercise to digest when I'm full. It would be bad if I got fat."



"To shut up."

Mogami Kazuto stood up, grabbed Ayane Sakura who was laughing heartily, and went upstairs again.



At midnight, Ayane Sakura returned home, cursing in her heart that the man was not a thing, and staggered up the stairs holding on to the handrail.

She was afraid that her mother would notice her movements, so she tiptoed every step and did not dare to make too much noise.

After returning to the bedroom, the first thing to do was to take off all the clothes, put on loose pajamas, and fell weakly on the bed.

Recalling the experience of the day, Sakura-san blushed and buried herself in the pillow.

She couldn't remember exactly how many times, she almost lost consciousness in the second half, and finally had to take another bath.

The two together.

Fortunately, they were all exhausted at the time, so they didn't continue in the bathroom.

Opened the line page and sent the guy a message that he had returned to the room.

She parked the car at Mogami Kazuto's house, and took a taxi with Mogami Kazuto at night, and Mogami Kazuto should still be in the taxi at this moment.

The taxi fare is naturally paid by Kazuto Mogami.

Sakura Ayane, who is immersed in love, has no idea of ​​worrying about causing trouble for the other party.

I called Kazuto Mogami, and even though he was still in the taxi, we chatted for a long time.

Until Mogami and Ren arrived home, she didn't hang up the phone, as if she had endless words.

However, the exhaustion of the past two days was still real in his body after all, and after returning to his bedroom, this exhaustion turned into a long sleepiness.

After Mogami Kazuto said "Hello" a few times, Sakura Ayane remained silent, thinking that she fell asleep unknowingly.

He said good night softly and cut off the call.

(End of this chapter)

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