After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 531 525. It's a girl's nature to like to eat melons, and voice actors are no excep

Chapter 531 525. It's a girl's nature to like to eat melons, and voice actors are no exception.

At this time, there were not many people in the izakaya.

After Miho Okamatsu cleared the table, it was almost time for her shift change.

After notifying the store manager, he went to the dressing room and changed back to his private server.

After coming out, seeing the two men in the corner still eating and drinking, he hesitated for a while and walked slowly towards Mogami Kazuto.

"That... Shimada-san, Totsuka-san."

The two who were talking about a certain anime at the moment stopped chatting and looked at the girl at the same time.

"Miss Miho, ah...are you off work already?"

Miho Okamatsu nodded with a reserved expression.

"Well, may I ask you two? About the voice actors."

Mogami Kazuto and Shimada Nobunaga were taken aback, and looked at each other.

Shimada Nobunaga said: "Of course, you might as well sit down and talk first."

Miho Okamatsu waved her hands in a panic: "It's okay, I'll just stand and it won't waste too much time."

"Let's sit down and talk, otherwise we will be tired looking up at you."

Mogami gave her a step jokingly, and Miho Okamatsu nodded hesitantly when he heard this, and sat down on the vacant seat.

"Actually... I'm going to audition for various firms next month."

"Isn't this a good thing, come Qingyi, I'll cover you."

"Why do these words sound so familiar to me?"

"Isn't it enough for me to cover you? I didn't fight you for the main character of "Second Childhood Disease"."

"The rumor I heard is that you also auditioned at the time, but you were rejected."

"Don't tear me down in front of future generations!"

Seeing the two of them chatting, Miho Okamatsu suddenly felt that she was a bit redundant, neither talking nor not speaking.

Fortunately, Kazuto Mogami immediately rescued her and said to her, "Miss Miho, are you worried that no firm will accept you?"

Miho Okamatsu nodded silently, and after a while, said:

"As a person, I'm actually a little shy. I don't have any problems in front of the teachers in the training center, but when I think of performing in front of people I don't know anymore, I get a little nervous."

After listening to Miho Okamatsu, the two glanced at each other without speaking.

For a seiyuu, this defect is really fatal.

"Both of them are voice actors who can stand on their own. I would like to ask, how can I not be nervous when I am a newcomer?"

What Okamatsu Miho is worried about is not about technical issues such as vocalization and acting skills.

Shimada Nobunaga stroked his chin: "This feeling...I understand it very well. When I was a rookie, I was often worried that I would not do well and was nervous. As a result, my voice stumbled and I was often scolded."

"How did Shimada-san overcome it?"

"Overcome? No, until now, in any audition, I have maintained a high level of tension.

Occasionally, even the script will be crumpled by me. "

"how come?"

Miho Okamatsu looked at Kazuto Mogami again, as if trying to get a different answer from him.

Mogami Kazuto pondered for a while: "In this regard, I agree with Nobunaga.

I'm just a rookie voice actor, so I wasn't nervous at all during the audition, and I was too arrogant.

That is the margin that only seniors in the industry can have.

A great voice actor is a great actor.

It is quite normal for actors who perform on stage to feel nervous and stressed before performing.

So far, the non-stop practice and study of acting are just for the few tens of seconds to stand in front of the microphone.

The tension you feel is not something that burdens you.

It's a testament to the hard work you've put in so far. "

"Oh! Ahwa, you still say some cool things occasionally." Shimada Nobunaga smiled and gave Mogami Kazuto a thumbs up.

Okamatsu Miho lowered her head, sat silently, thinking carefully about what the two said.

After a long time, he stood up and bowed solemnly.

"thank you very much."

Kazuto Mogami and Nobunaga Shimada waved their hands casually, saying that this is not a big deal.

After that, the mobile phone on the table rang suddenly. Nobunaga Shimada glanced at it, said it was the manager, and walked outside the izakaya to answer the phone.

Okamatsu Miho left at this point, but it was impolite to think that Shimada Nobunaga went out to answer the phone and walked away without saying hello.

He sat on the chair, thinking that he would leave after he came back.

Kazuto Mogami drank the water in the glass without saying a word, and Miho Okamatsu looked at him secretly.

Regarding the deeds of Kazuto Mogami, Miho Okamatsu, who is also a voice actor, knows it very well.

A rookie singer who debuted for a year, is also a popular light novel writer, and has shown extraordinary dubbing ability. The voice actor is the main character when he debuts, just like the protagonist in a light novel.

She originally thought that such a person should be more cheerful, sunny and confident, but after actually getting in touch with her, she always felt that it did not match her impression.

Speechless, silent, most of the time he doesn't know what he is thinking, only occasionally in the conversation with Shimada Nobunaga, can he be seen a little bit closer to the appearance of ordinary people.

It's not that I'm curious, but I just feel that this person is a little strange. Every time I come to the store, I will order a cup of hot water, which is quite unbelievable.

"Where did Totsuka-san attend the voice actor school?"

Kazuto Mogami shook his head, "I never went to a seiyuu school."

"Huh? No way."


Okamatsu Miho was dubious about what Mogami Kazuto said, but Mogami Kazuto didn't explain too much, and remained silent.

He was a little afraid to speak, for fear of inadvertently saying something that would be more abrupt to a girl.

But after thinking about it for a while, he was worried that the girl beside him would feel the pressure of silence.

After thinking for a while, he said to himself, "That fellow Nobunaga is so slow."

"Totsuka-kun, you have a good relationship with Shimada-san."

"Well... I don't have many friends to talk to. Nobunaga is a nice guy, and he is willing to invite me to dinner."

Miho Okamatsu blinked her eyes a few times, and suddenly said: "Speaking of which, when Totsuka-kun came here for the first time, he came here with Ayane-san."

Mogami Kazuto was taken aback, and nodded calmly.

"I've never seen Sister Caiyin bring a male friend here, you must be very good friends too."

Okamatsu Mihoyu, like many girls, likes this kind of topic the most. I heard that this person has a very good personal relationship with many female voice actors.

Ayane Sakura, Rika Taneda, even heard that before the singer's debut, she had a close relationship with Miss Amy, and even once had an affair with Inori Minase.

All in all, wow kuwaku!
It's a pity that I really don't know Mogami and people that well, so it's hard to ask.

"Forget...forget it..."

"I kind of want to go to the office that Caiyin sister belonged to before."



"pretty good."

"I don't know if I can pass." Miho Okamatsu looked worried.

"Use what you have learned with all your strength, without leaving any regrets. It's not too late to think about whether you can pass that kind of thing."

"Ah! I know this, I'm going all out... right? I've heard the rumor about Totsuka-san."

Miho Okamatsu laughed, still squinting into two cute narrow slits, unable to see her eyes.

Mogami Kazuto sighed helplessly, he didn't want such rumors to spread too widely.

 The group has already uploaded the full text of 520 Ah Ying's big do special do, so what are you waiting for.

  A group of friends wrote the pen, and I signed it.

  Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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