After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 532 526. At the audition, she walked slowly.

Chapter 532 526. At the audition, she walked slowly.

Regarding the aquarium tickets that Natsuki got from Yuta, Kazuto Mogami asked Ayane Sakura if she wanted to go with her.

Sakura Ayane said that she was busy with work this month and probably didn't have time, but Mogami Kazuto was not surprised, as he expected.

After instructing her to pay attention to rest, she didn't bring up this topic again.

On the contrary, Ayane Sakura jokingly said that he could go with Nobunaga Shimada, and Kazuto Mogami directly replied that he was not interested in dating a man.

Sakura Ayane immediately became unhappy, and asked him with a sneer if he would like to invite other female voice actors to try, presumably many people would be happy.

Mogami Kazuto didn't dare to answer at all.



On this day, Kazuto Mogami went to an audition for a new animation, which was not a TV animation, but an OVA of a romance comic.

Almost all the voice actors who came to the audition were new voice actors, and Kazuto Mogami easily won the job of the male lead.

What surprised him was that the voice actress for the heroine was Taneda Risa.

This should be the first main character she has received after her comeback, except for "Journey to Death".

Even if this is not a TV animation, Kazuto Mogami can still see the excitement on her face.

Kazuto Mogami is always envious of people who, after suffering a blow like this, did not slump, but stood up against their fate.

"Congratulations, Miss Tanada."

"Thank you, Totsuka-kun too, congratulations, you are the main character again."

Compared with when she was just discharged from the hospital, Zhongtian Lisha's condition has recovered visibly to the naked eye, and her complexion is much better than before, with a little more healthy rosiness on her fair face.

No wonder Ayane Sakura praised her as a peerless beauty, it was true.

In the next second, Kazuto Mogami shook his head and shook this inexplicable thought out of his head.

Whether someone is a beauty or not has nothing to do with me.


"I'm fine..."

Mogami Kazuto supported his head and squeezed out a smile: "It's probably because I didn't rest, it's okay."

"Totsuka-kun, you've been getting busier at work recently. I've heard that you might already be a popular voice actor."

"I dare not say that, I'll make you laugh."

Taneda Risa covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "Totsuka-kun is still so modest."

"By the way, I made a reservation for the surroundings of Totsuka's dining hall."


"T-shirts, cutlery, and aprons."

"Um...thank you for your patronage?"

Hearing Mogami Kazuto's answer, Taneda Risa let out a chuckle: "Totsuka-kun, you are so funny, what is your reaction?"

Mogami Kazuto stood there in embarrassment, speechless.

Just as she was thinking about what to say, Naneda Lisa's cell phone rang untimely, she showed a sorry expression, and walked aside to answer the phone.

He didn't deliberately lower his voice, so Mogami Kazuto heard the word "Color Sound" very sharply.

After waiting for a while, Taneda Lisha ended the call, came over and said that she was going to have dinner with friends, so she left first.

Kazuto Mogami could probably guess that the friend she was referring to was Ayane Sakura.

Although Mogami Kazuto and Sakura Ayane are dating, but since their relationship was established, they seldom eat out together, mainly to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Sakura Ayane is very clingy now, and Mogami Kazuo is afraid that she will make some inappropriate intimacy in public.

If this was captured by Wen Chun, things would be a big deal.

And not long ago, Dai Qiuhui beat him to tell him not to get too close to Sakura Caiyin in public.

Both of them are on the rise in their careers, and Kazuto Mogami is preparing for next year's concert. Some negative news will come out at this juncture, and the impact will be quite bad.

Thanks to this, a group of cp addicts had no medicine and began to make sugar in vain, saying that the two did not meet to avoid suspicion.

Presumably, after the audio comic of "As the Moon Wishes" is released, there will probably be another burst of carnival. This is a foreseeable thing.



In the afternoon, Mogami went to record the additional lines of "Original God", and at the same time participated in the audition of a certain TV animation.

Sitting in the corner, I saw Taneda Risa and Sakura Ayane walking in together, presumably it was because they had a joint audition in the afternoon that they ate together.

Most of the time, Kazuto Mogami sits alone in the corner, silently exuding a do-not-disturb aura. Only when Nobunaga Shimada is present, he will take the initiative to sit next to Kazuto Mogami and chat with him for a few words.

There were many people who came to the audition, and many of them were acquaintances. In addition to Sakura Ayane and Taneda Risa, Shimizu Yusa and Shimada Nobunaga were also there.

Shimada Nobunaga naturally went to Kazuto Mogami and acted as a shield for him to prevent female voice actors from approaching him.

After receiving the line from Ayane Sakura, Kazuto Mogami glanced at it. She was very satisfied with the content of Nobunaga Shimada's behavior, and suggested that she bring him every time she came to the set in the future.

Finally, I added a sentence, don't seduce male voice actors, Mogami Kazuto can't laugh or cry.



"This time there are two male protagonists, one for each of us."

The work for this audition tells the story of an unremarkable heroine who went to Beijing for track and field, and became a trainee manager of two teenage idols in order to make a living.

Kazuto Mogami didn't look up at him, and silently flipped through the script in his hand: "Sorry, I'm not the main character who auditioned today."

"What, it's boring."

After a while, Shimada Nobunaga, who couldn't calm down, continued to talk to him.

"Ahe, who do you think will be chosen for the heroine's voice?"

Kazuto Mogami glanced at the female voice actors around him, then his eyes gradually fell on a certain petite girl, and he said softly, "Miss Minase."

"So sure?"

"Her voice is more appropriate."

"Why are you suddenly acting like a sound supervisor?"

Kazuto Mogami shrugged.

The phone vibrated again.

【If you look at Kinosuke again, I'll dig out your eyes. 】

Mogami Kazuto raised his head and glanced at Sakura Ayane who was not far away, she was smiling happily with Taneda Risa.

Sensing Mogami Kazuto's view, he forced out a kind smile.

Women in love are scary.

Kazuto Mogami pondered for a while, then suddenly raised his head to look at Nobunaga Shimada with a serious expression on his face.

"Anossa, Nobunaga."


"Do I look like someone who would prey on male voice actors?"

Shimada Nobunaga was stunned: "Huh? Do you think that about me? Sorry, I can't accept it."

Mogami Kazuto quietly clenched his fists, then sighed inwardly, stopped chatting with Nobunaga Shimada, and concentrated on reading the script.

Not long after, Nobunaga Shimada went to audition first, and only Kazuto Mogami was left in the corner.

Kazuto Mogami thought that he would sit like this until the audition was over, but unexpectedly, a female voice actor not far away suddenly stood up and walked towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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