After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 542 536. This year's Christmas is coming as scheduled.

Chapter 542 536. This year's Christmas is coming as scheduled.

"The second disease also wants to fall in love" will be broadcast in January. In order to cooperate with the publicity, the guest of Totsuka Canteen will be the voice of the heroine Maaya Uchimura.

This is what Mogami Kazuto learned on the phone just now.

Presumably Uchida Maaya also received the notification.

Behind him, Uchida Maaya walked slowly, with a pretty excited expression on her pretty face.

I don't know if it was because the wind in December was too cold, or something else, which made her cheeks blush.


Maybe it's because he's used to the name here, even when getting along in private, Maaya Uchida often calls him by his stage name.

Mogami Kazuto didn't care about such details.

"Just now, my manager called and said that he wanted to arrange for me to go to Totsuka Cafeteria."

"Well, I just heard that too."

Uchida Maaya smiled shyly: "Did I take another step as a seiyuu?"

"I don't think it has much to do with voice actors."

"How come, Totsuka-san is a very good voice actor, I am very happy to be able to participate in the recording of your program."

"Uh...thank you."

Uchida Maaya raised her head and blinked her eyes, as if she wanted to say something else.

Mogami Kazuto said first: "Sorry, I have to go to the next set, so excuse me."

"Ah! Sorry! I shouldn't delay you, please go."

Mogami Kazuto nodded with a polite smile and walked slowly towards the station.

He wasn't lying, at least not completely, that he did have another set, but that was three hours later.

Taking the tram to another recording studio, Mogami Kazuto found a nearby coffee shop, silently read the novel he carried with him, and quietly waited for the passage of time.

Kazuto Mogami suddenly remembered that it would be Christmas in a few days, so maybe he should prepare some gifts for Ayane Sakura and buy some for his parents.

I have gone through a lot of things this year, and I finally made friends. By the way, I will also prepare for Shimada Nobunaga and Ishikawa Suketo.

There are also Dai Qiuhui and Miyano Mamoru who have been taking good care of him.

Mogami Kazuto is serious, he wants to have a good relationship with the people around him, and he doesn't want to go back to the previous state.

Then socializing is an inevitable part, and there is nothing troublesome about it, it might be better to say that Kazuto Mogami wants to do this.

It's just that, intentionally or unintentionally, he omitted those female voice actors who had intersected with him.



12 month 24 day.

The cold wind blows out a trace of wrinkles in the bustling winter Tokyo.

Kazuto Mogami walked down the street, wrapped the scarf around his neck tightly, and walked slowly.

Today is Christmas Eve, and Mogami agreed with someone that he will go back to his parents' house in the evening.

Sakura Ayane couldn't meet him because of her busy schedule.

During the day, Kazuto Mogami put the Christmas presents he bought in advance at the company. Besides Dai Qiuhui and Mamoru Miyano, the staff who caused a lot of trouble on weekdays also prepared them. Everyone was very happy.

Mogami Kazuto has already accumulated a lot of savings, and he doesn't have exaggerated expenses on weekdays. There is nothing wrong with doing such things occasionally.

At the sound audition in the afternoon, Kazuto Mogami met Hidaka Lina, and they hadn't cooperated for a long time.

When the sound supervisor announced that the voice actors of the male and female protagonists would be the two of them, Hidaka Rina showed a happy smile.

Kazuto Mogami arbitrarily believed that it was the joyful smile that would only be shown after winning the heroine.

The outline of the story is a pair of lovers who once dated in junior high school. After breaking up, the father and mother of both parties remarried and became brothers and sisters (sisters) living under the same roof.

Today's light novels can really think of any theme.

Being brother and sister with his ex-girlfriend, and living in the same home, Kazuto Mogami would feel his stomach ache just thinking about it.

As the evening approached, Kazuto Mogami returned to Tsukishima's parents' house and had dinner together seemingly happily.

No matter who it was, no one took the initiative to mention that matter.

But Kazuto Mogami sensed a strange atmosphere in this home.

The cause of all this lies with him. It is precisely because he doesn't want to see his parents' expressions anymore that Mogami Kazu wants to be a completely different Mogami Kazuto.

He didn't say anything about Ayane Sakura, it's not the time yet, it's okay for the mother to talk, but the father may worry about him again.

Kazuto Mogami did not want to see such a scene.

After having dinner with their parents, the family of three sat in the living room and chatted. The emotional topic that mother cared most about on weekdays was also kept silent today.

Until 08:30 in the evening, Mogami took a bath with someone and lay alone on the bed in the bedroom.

Everything is no different from usual, and it seems a bit too ordinary for Christmas Eve, a rather ambiguous day.

But the reason why reality is reality is that there are not so many romances and coincidences in literary works.

There will be no Shura field on Christmas Eve, and wonderful emotional entanglements will not be ushered in on Christmas Eve.

Just one of the countless quiet nights spent in life.

At least that's what he thought until Mogami Kazuto's cell phone rang.



"The above is this issue of "The Konishi I Want to Do With Sakura". Finally, I wish everyone a happy new year."

"Shouldn't it be Merry Christmas?"

"It was already New Years when it aired."

"I see, Happy New Year everyone!"

With the supervisor's "ok", the last radio program recorded this year finally came to an end.

Ayane Sakura stretched her waist greatly, revealing her graceful curves, Saori Nishi who was beside her was about to reach out her hand, but Ayane Sakura stopped her with quick eyes and hands.

"Caiyin, have your reactions become faster recently?"

"Because resistance has developed."

"I shouldn't be doing it frequently enough to make you resistant."

Sakura Ayane smiled without saying a word.

"What kind of expression is that on your face? I'm so flat."


Konishi Saori always felt weird about the pride that Ayane Sakura had come from.

"Caiyin, do you have any arrangements later? Would you like to have a drink together?"

Sakura Ayane clasped her chest with both hands: "What are your plans for me?"

"Why do you understand so much!"

"You said you had a drink, obviously trying to get me drunk."

"I'm just thinking that I haven't had dinner with you for a long time. Even if I transfer to another agency, it's okay to invite my former juniors to dinner."

"I have an appointment."

"Huh? With whom?"

"my mother."

"Then there's no way."

Sakura Ayane is telling the truth, she promised to go back to accompany her as soon as work is over tonight.

Although the work ended earlier than she imagined, Sakura Ayane didn't have the idea of ​​meeting Mogami Kazuto at this time.

She always felt that her mother was a little suspicious of her recently, and asked her more than once if she was in a relationship.

Sakura Ayane is naturally afraid to tell the truth, but she is not a good liar, so she deliberately changes the subject every time.

Even though she thinks that the method of changing the subject is very clever, Ms. Zhishin's rank is obviously higher than her daughter's by more than one level, and she has already known it clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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