After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 543 537. Keep the heart distance between them.

Chapter 543 537. Keep the heart distance between them.

Nine p.m.

Kazuto Mogami walked on a street full of neon lights, feasting and feasting, young couples coming and going on the road.

Declining the invitation of two hot girls with heavy makeup, Mogami Kazuto put on a mask and walked with his head bowed in fright.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't tell whether what he was going to do next was right or wrong.

But if Ms. Sakura found out, she would probably be angry.

Standing alone in the bustling streets of Shinjuku, Kazuto Mogami looked up at the dark night sky above his head, thinking about how to apologize to Ayane Sakura later.

Not long after, a girl walked up to her.

The long light brown hair is tied up into a cute ball head, the beige woolen coat, and the pure white scarf are like warm snow.

Step by step, he walked towards Mogami Kazuto.

Three meters, two meters, 1.5 meters.

She was getting closer and closer to Mogami Kazuto, and Mogami Kazuto quietly took a step back.

This step made the girl in front of her stop her progress.

"Good evening, Kazuto-san."

She held her head high, dressed exquisitely, and the earrings on both sides were shining brightly, comparable to the stars at night.

Facing this girl, Mogami Kazuto has always tried his best to alienate her, and now it is also when they are dating.

Kazuto Mogami would never have come to meet her if she hadn't said that on the phone.

What she did must be wrong, but Kazuto Mogami couldn't blame her.

It is none other than Mogami Kazuto himself who turned the once innocent girl into an unscrupulous girl.

It's just that he never thought that Shimizu Yusa would use the matter between him and Sakura Ayane as her trump card.

[Kazuto-san, you don't want tomorrow's Wenchun Express, it's about you and Neru-san. 】

Whether she was serious or joking, he didn't dare to bet.

So here he is.

Without telling Sakura Ayane.

Even now, he still hopes that the friendship between them will not be destroyed, and wants to maintain her image in front of Sakura Ayane.

"Kazuto-san, did you tell Neru-san that I was looking for you?"

Kazuto Mogami looked down at her indifferently, and shook his head slowly.

Clear water with sandy smiles charmingly.

"I knew it, because Kazuto-san didn't want Neru-san to know that I was such a girl, so he deliberately kept it secret."

For this man's thoughts, Shimizu Yousha couldn't understand more, Mogami Kazuto has such a temperament.

At the beginning, he was still trying to repair her relationship with Saori Xiaoxi in the live broadcast. It is impossible for such a man to do things that would cause her to be harmed.

But alas, this approach is wrong.

Because Qingshui Yousha is a girl, and because she used to be this person's girlfriend, she can understand that this seemingly gentle approach is the worst thing to do.

I just took advantage of his character.

Of course, Qingshui Yousha would not do such things as breaking the news. If she did, she would hurt too many people.

Moreover, she will become a loser in this emotional entanglement and lose the qualification to stand by his side forever.

What he did today is a double-edged sword, and it also proves that Qingshui Yousha no longer has any other means or cards to keep this man by his side.

Kazuto Mogami showed sad eyes from beginning to end, alienating the girl who was once closest to him.

"Yousha, I'm here, you can tell me what's going on."

"Can't you come out without something?"

Even though he had a hunch in his heart, Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but sigh.

"Yisa, I will be very troubled if you are like this, and so will Sakura."

"I know."

"then you……"

Mogami Kazuto hadn't finished talking, but there was sand in the clear water and he interrupted him: "Then Kazuto-sang should turn around and go back now.

It's like seeing a puppy discarded in a cardboard box on the road, and sighing from the bottom of my heart, 'It's so pitiful'.

Then turn around and forget about it, and happily go to the dessert shop across the street to buy crepes. "


Her expression was serious, if Mogami Kazuto turned and left at this moment, she probably wouldn't catch up, and wouldn't call his name on the street.

"I know that He Rensang will come out to see me tonight because he is afraid that I will tell you about you.

It doesn't matter, this is just an excuse that I want to see you, I don't want to do things that make Neru-san sad. "

Kazuto Mogami's gaze was bright and his voice was calm: "If you don't want to make her sad, you shouldn't contact me."

"But if I don't contact you, I will be sad."


The topic has been detoured into a dead end.

Shimizu Yousha tried to move forward, but Mogami Kazuto kept backing away.

He didn't have the confidence to hold back the urges of the skill that made him do things out of character time and time again.

If he did something to Shimizu Yusa here, he would not know what expression he should use to face Sakura Ayane.

At least, he should keep a distance from her.

"I always feel that the distance between me and He Rensang's heart is getting farther and farther."

Kazuto Mogami looked at her: "Maybe, we have never been close to each other from the beginning."

"...I don't believe it. I won't believe a word I said to Rensang."

Mogami Kazuto didn't know how to communicate with her, but he just let her go, and he didn't know what she would do after that.

Maybe this kind of thing is a bit cruel, but Mogami Kazuto still decided to talk to her here, in this cold December in Tokyo.

This is also for the future of the three of them.

"Yousha, I didn't expect to be forgiven by you in the past, I did a lot of excessive things, many things I could have done better at the beginning, but I didn't know how to do them.

No... this kind of rhetoric is just self-deception.

I know what to do, but I haven't acted on it.

Because I have never been able to take the steps to truly accept the world.

Many times, I probably understand what you want in your heart, but I just pretend to be submissive. "

"I know what kind of person Kazuto-san is. I know better than Saori and Neru-san, but I don't care."

"I really care."


"I don't want to repeat the mistakes of the past, what has been done is done, and there is no way to make it up.

For me, and for Mogami Kazuto, it is important to look at the mistakes I made in the past and beat myself at all times, in order not to make the same mistakes.

In this case, that relationship is my most precious treasure. "

"So... are you going to convert all the mistakes I made here into liking her by making up for it?
Don't you think this approach is too unfair to us girls? "

Having said so much, the most important point is still not noticed.

Kazuto Mogami originally didn't want to say it so bluntly.

Youyou sighed, facing the girl's direct gaze, he did not choose to avoid it.

"Sakura, she is a bit annoying.

She is different from you. You have always been well-behaved and obedient, but she always does something unreasonable, which often gives me headaches. "

"If that's the case..."

"The fact that I fall in love is itself against common sense.

It's not what you said to make up for it, nor is it any other reason.

In the words of you, Yousha, um... the distance between my heart and her should have been reduced to zero.Like heated butter, it melted into one piece, and it was hard to tell who belonged to whom.

That guy the reason why I want to live well in this world. "

(End of this chapter)

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