After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 546 540. Miss Sakura's head is full of colored waste.

Chapter 546 540. Miss Sakura's head is full of colored waste.

The mother didn't deliberately ask who that person was, nor did she ask back and forth what kind of person it was, and she didn't even ask whether the other person was a boy or a girl.

Sakura Ayane was a little surprised by this, but she was extremely relieved. Thinking about it, her mother had no intention of forcing her to speak out.

Just being able to talk to her about the person she likes like this made Sakura Ayane feel satisfied.

Sakura Shinobu just asked what he liked about that person.

Sakura Ayane thought for a long time, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, her hands propped her cheeks, the light in the living room illuminated the girl's fine hair into a beautiful golden yellow.

"I like the sunny spring he described to me."

Sakura Shishin was stunned for a moment, then smiled without saying a word.

Suddenly, Sakura Ayane seemed to think of something, and said hurriedly, "Ah! Mom!"

Before she could speak, Sakura Shinobu winked at her: "I know, keep it a secret from Dad, right?"

Fortunately, it's my mother, I can't hide anything from her.

Sakura Ayane nodded shyly.

"So? Are you dating already?"

"Oh! No, no..."


"Yes, of course it is true."

Regarding this point, Sakura Ayane still did not dare to tell the whole story, portraying the incident as her own unrequited love.

Well... Before that person got enlightened, it was indeed her unrequited love.

"Today is Christmas Eve. If Caiyin and I are dating someone, I must be going out on a date today, right?"

Sakura Ayane and her mother were laughing, trying to use this rhetoric to pass the test.

"Well... that seems to be the case."

"Right, right." Sakura Ayane was complacent about her wit.

"It's too weird not to go on a date with your lover on Christmas Eve. If you don't do it, the other person will mistakenly think that you don't like him, and you may go to another girl. It seems that Mom is thinking too much."


Sakura Ayane's eyes widened, she didn't think about this at all.

"Because it's like that? This year is Christmas Eve once a year. It's a festival for lovers to celebrate. It's a romantic day to hold hands and look at the Christmas tree together in the streets of Shinjuku and exchange gifts with each other."


"If Caiyin's partner is someone who doesn't even want to spend Christmas Eve with you, then mom won't like him, I will really be angry."


How to do?
She...she had a good point.

Sakura Ayane has already started to panic.

By the way, there was a trace of elusive anger.

Although Kazuto Mogami did invite her to spend Christmas with her, Ayane Sakura refused because she was worried that her parents would find out.


Why refuse it!

Coupled with what her mother said just now, Ms. Sakura is already thinking wildly.

"But since Caiyin hasn't dated the person he likes, there's nothing to worry about. Is the person you like popular?"

Sakura Ayane faltered and said with a dry smile, "Eh... still, it's okay."

In fact, it is not only "okay" at all, it is better to say that it is a harvester for female voice actors.

"It's better for Caiyin to be careful. A popular person might be confessed to by other children tonight. Christmas Eve can always give people the courage to confess."

Sakurashi stretched out his left hand to his cheek, looking like someone from the past with a smile on his face.

Ayane Sakura suddenly began to fidget, she found an excuse, got up and went back to her room.

Sakura Shishin sat in the living room, made himself a cup of tea peacefully, took a sip, and gradually burst into a smile.

"My family's Caiyin is such an easy-to-understand child, so cute."



After returning to the room, Ayane Sakura was walking back and forth in the bedroom restlessly. After thinking for a while, she quickly dialed Kazuto Mogami's number with her fingers.

If he dared not to answer, or the person who answered was a girl, then Sakura Ayane promised that he would lie on the bottom of the sea and enjoy tomorrow's sunrise.

After two or three seconds, the call was connected, and Mogami Kazuto's voice came from the phone.

"Moxi Moxi! Despicable Lord! Where are you now?!"

"Huh? Where? At my parents' house."

"Where's the evidence?"

"How can there be any evidence, what's wrong with you?"


Sakura Ayane faltered, not knowing what to say.

"I just wanted to call you too."

"Well, why... why?"

"I want to apologize to you."

"Huh? Why?
... you bastard!Wouldn't you have gone out to see the Christmas tree with the female voice actress behind my back today?

... Just kidding, sorry you don't have that kind of guts either. "

"I didn't look at the Christmas tree, but I did go out, and the female voice actress."

"Yes, yes, I know you dare not..."

Sakura Ayane's voice stopped abruptly, and the words were interrupted, floating in the air like something that had been twisted off.

"Huh? What did you just... say?"

Mogami Kazuto on the other side of the phone was silent for a while, and his voice came again.

"Not long ago, I went out to meet Yousha."

Kazuto Mogami doesn't want to destroy the beautiful image of Ayane Sakura in her heart, and she doesn't want to lie to her.

"But there's a reason for that."

"What reason?"

You could tell just by the sound that Miss Sakura was angry.

Mogami Kazuto even smelled the smell of Tokyo Bay at this moment.

He could have kept it secret and forgotten everything that happened today, but he always felt that this was wrong.

Ayane Sakura should have the right to know.

It was also her right to ask Ayane Sakura to forgive him after listening to it.

Kazuto Mogami told her everything about Qingshuiyousha, but omitted the almost threatening revelation, and described the decision to go out to see her as Kazuto Mogami's arbitrary.

That's why he apologized to her at this moment.

Sakura Ayane finished listening in silence for a long time.

"Mr. Xiaoren, you promised me that you wouldn't go out with girls alone, right?"


"But you went anyway, on Christmas Eve."


"I don't want to hear that I'm sorry, you just tell me directly, have you held hands with her, kissed her, big do special do!"

If the resentment contained in the voice could be said to be real, Mogami Kazuto would not doubt that Ayane Sakura had turned into a wronged soul and wrapped around his neck.

"How could there be! Is there only yellow waste in your mind?"

"Who made you a nasty bastard who was so active in that aspect!"

"Slap back???"

"Ku... Anyway, I'm angry!"

Mogami Kazuto held his forehead with a headache.

The phone remained normal, Sakura Ayane did not hang up the phone, they are not ignorant children, adults have the way of thinking of adults.

Sakura Ayane will not deny him the opportunity to explain, and also believes that he is willing to take the initiative to explain to her, which means that he has no ghosts in his heart.

But girls have the reservedness that belongs only to girls, and they have the face of girls.

That's why she didn't do anything when she should have yelled and cursed after hanging up the phone in a panic.

Just to wait for Kazuto Mogami to say some touching love words that will make her come down the stairs.

(End of this chapter)

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