After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 547 541. Wenchun may be late, but he will not be absent.

Chapter 547 541. Wenchun may be late, but he will not be absent.

Outside the window, heavy snow was flying, as if there were huge invisible birds flying over the night sky.

Every time it flaps its wings, pieces of pure white feathers are shaken off and fall with the wind.

Inside the house, Kazuto Mogami was sitting on the bed, looking up at the familiar but unfamiliar ceiling, with the sweet voice of his girlfriend in his ears.

Sakura Ayane has definitely changed. She used to refuse to listen to explanations, but now she can calm down and listen to his explanations carefully.

It may be a little wrong to say that it is an excuse, but what he said is the truth.

Even if he can't be a person who doesn't lie, he still speaks the truth.

Is it true not to lie?Or are people who tell lies insincere?

This question may be much more profound than Kazuto Mogami imagined, and it is not suitable to delve into it at this time.

So what's the right thing to say now?

It is suitable to say things that make Ayane Sakura happy.

Just as Ms. Sakura became willing to listen to people, Kazuto Mogami also became willing to talk to people.

She watched the heavy snow drifting outside the window and listened carefully.

He looked at the silent ceiling and said truthfully.

The "I don't listen to me, I don't listen to me, I don't listen to me" scene in romantic TV dramas didn't happen.

In the process of being in love, supporting each other to grow up, maybe this is the meaning of being in love.

"Hey... Mr. Despicable Man."


"I seem to be... still angry."

"It's my fault, I shouldn't have done it first."

" doesn't seem quite right."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm not angry with Renjun, but angry with Chinosuke."

"Hate her?"

"I... don't know. It's just..."


"It's just that I didn't expect Qi Zhizhu to like you so much. I'm a little at a loss."

"It seems to be my fault."

"That's right! Think about it carefully, the problem really lies with you, a scumbag!"

"Uh... I'm reflecting on it."

"Reflect on what?"

"Hmm... the food is too delicious?"

"You guy, you're really terrible!"

Mogami Kazuto sighed helplessly.

Regarding Kazuto Mogami's private meeting with Yusa Shimizu, although Ayane Sakura still had a bit of a grudge, she didn't bother with him after all.

If it were any other girl, Sakura Ayane might be furious, but only facing clear water and sand, Sakura Ayane couldn't help but soften her heart.

It is precisely because she has had a similar experience that she knows how painful it is for the person she likes to already have a lover.

The relationship between them cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

And Ayane Sakura herself didn't have a better ending. Maybe Kazuto Mogami's approach was a little heartless, but Ayane Sakura thought about it for a long time, and had to admit that his approach was the only correct one.

At least for Ayane Sakura, this is the best way.

No matter how much Sakura Ayane likes Qingshui Yousha, it is impossible for her to separate half of her lover.

Even if Qingshui Yousha can acquiesce to Mogami and Ren's entanglement now, will he acquiesce forever in the future?

Sakura Ayane would definitely not be able to do that kind of thing.

Therefore, although she felt unbearable and sympathetic to Kazuto Mogami's stern rejection, she still gave her approval.

I only hope that there will be sand in the clear water, so that I can get out of this relationship soon.

And she once again deeply understood in her heart that between herself and Qingshui Yousha, there is probably no way to go back.

Unknowingly, neither of them wanted to continue discussing this topic.

Whether it was Mogami Kazuto or Sakura Ayane, they didn't know how to deal with that paranoid girl.

It is natural to feel distressed and guilty, but they still have a long way to go in the future. Keeping in love with a certain girl in mind, such a relationship will collapse one day.

Ayane Sakura couldn't bear to hurt her, so she had to be done by Kazuto Mogami.

This was the mistake he made, and Sakura Ayane should not be responsible for him.

"Will you show up at the office tomorrow?"

"Well, I should go."

"Can we meet?"

"Noon should be fine."

"Then I'll give you the Christmas present."

"What is it?"

"Want to know now?"

"Well...forget it, just treat it as a surprise tomorrow."

Kazuto Mogami laughed.

"Hey, Mr. Xiaoren, I talked a lot with my mother today."

Kazuto Mogami was a little surprised, thinking of the beautiful woman who was almost similar to Ayane Sakura, he gave a soft "hmm".

"I told her that I have someone I like, and she said that as long as it's an honest and reliable person, it's fine."

Sakura Ayane's tone reveals joy, maybe she didn't think about what these two adjectives represent at all.

The more straightforward words of praise, the more difficult it is for people, especially Mogami and Ren.

"Why don't you ask me if you told your mother your name?"

"Did you say that?"

"of course not."

Mogami Kazuto smiled, disapproving in his heart, with the character shown by that lady, it shouldn't be difficult to guess.

I'm afraid that only Ayane Sakura thinks she's hiding it well, and Kazuto Mogami didn't expose it. Since she will be happy because of the current situation, Kazuto Mogami doesn't want to spoil her interest.

It's just that at this stage, Mogami Kazuto will inevitably think about the future with Sakura Ayane.

She is a daughter of a wealthy family. Although the Mogami Kazu family is not impoverished, it is only a well-to-do family. Compared with the rich and powerful Sakira family, it always pales in comparison.

But Kazuto Mogami doesn't feel inferior because of this, he always looks down on things like money or family background than others.

Whether it's Chiyoda's villa or annual income of [-] million, compared to these, it's not as attractive to him as Miss Sakura's charming smile.

But this is Mogami Kazuto's idea after all.

To gain a foothold in this society, accumulating money is the most intuitive way.

Not everyone is as indifferent to such extraneous things as he is.

So, after being in this world for so long, Mogami Kazuto had the idea of ​​wanting to make more money for the first time.



In the early morning, Kazuto Mogami was awakened by the ringing of his mobile phone.

Mogami already has a biological clock in his body, so he rarely wakes up after hearing the alarm clock.

After all, he didn't set the alarm clock at all.

After opening my eyes and looking carefully, I realized that someone had called.

It was just after seven o'clock in the morning, and it was almost time for Kazuto Mogami to wake up naturally, so he didn't complain, and just connected the phone.

"Hello? Totsuka-kun."

"Good morning, Miss Dai, what can I do?"

Kazuto Mogami's work didn't start until noon today, so he was a little puzzled as to why Dai Qiuhui called so early.

"Totsuka-kun, something happened."

Dai Qiuhui on the other side of the phone revealed an unprecedented seriousness in her tone.


"Were you with Ms. Minase last night?"


(End of this chapter)

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