After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 548 542. The response of public opinion is a million points different from what he imagined.

Chapter 548 542. The response of public opinion is a million points different from what he imagined.

After finishing the phone call with Dai Qiuhui, Kazuto Mogami began to browse today's news, his expression gradually becoming dignified.

[Today's Wenchun Express: Shocking in-house love!Popular voice actor Inori Minase (23) and fellow male junior Totsuka Kazu (25) have a tryst on Christmas Eve! 】

As the title says, the content is even more long-winded, and it even digs out the Twitter scandal of Kazuto Mogami more than a year ago before his debut, emphasizing that the two have started dating secretly since then.

Read it all, it's all nonsense.

Kazuto Mogami is so stupid, I suggest that the person who wrote this manuscript make his debut as a novelist immediately.

Jokes aside, Mogami Kazuto knows that this matter is no small matter, as a popular female voice actor of the younger generation, he can't touch such scandals, not to mention that Shimizu Yousha is still an idol voice actor.

More importantly, the meeting with Qing Shui Yousha last night was filmed.

In the photo, both of them are in profile. It is not difficult to distinguish between Shimizu and Yousha and Mogami Kazuto.

The only good thing to say is that the two people in the photo just looked at each other, and there was no physical contact.

If this is the case, there is room for public relations maneuver.

Mogami Kazuto didn't dare to delay, and immediately rushed to the station to go to the company.

On the way to the station, Kazuto Mogami received a call from Yusa Shimizu.

Kazuto Mogami hesitated for a few seconds before answering the phone.

"Moshi Moshi! Kazuto-san!"


"Today's news..."

"I already know, the agent called me."

"I didn't do it! I don't know anything."

Qing Shui You Sha's tone was very hasty, helplessly defending himself.

Mogami Kazuto responded silently, Shimizu Yousha only said that last night, today the matter between them was immediately reported by Wenchun.

Although Mogami Kazuto didn't want to doubt her, deep down in his heart, he would eventually have doubts.

"Calm down first, Yousha, where are you now?"

"On... on the way to the office."

"I'm going to the King Records headquarters now. I think we should discuss the plan together when we arrive. Anyway, it's useless to rush now."

There was a long silence over there.

"Yes, I'm's all my fault."

Kazuto Mogami is a little confused right now. It doesn't make any sense to discuss who is right and who is wrong at this point in time.

"Since the matter has already happened, let's cooperate with the agent first. If you have something to say, let's talk about it later."


After hanging up the phone, Kazuto Mogami got on the tram. There were a lot of people on the train, and Kazuto Mogami was so crowded that he couldn't breathe, as if his heart was covered with an opaque layer.

At this point, Sakura Ayane should still be sleeping, and when she wakes up, he doesn't know what expression he should use to face her.

Fortunately, he had already informed Sakura Ayane about his meeting with Shimizu Yusa yesterday.

If yesterday's Mogami Kazuto concealed the matter with a little luck, today's him will definitely have more headaches than now.

It's better to be honest.

Kazuto Mogami thought from the bottom of his heart.

After arriving at the company, Kazuto Mogami walked into the meeting room, where Dai Qiuhui was already waiting.

"Miss Dai."

"You're here, Totsuka-kun, what's going on?"

Without any pleasantries, the topic was straight to the point. Maybe things were far more complicated than Kazuto Mogami imagined.

After sitting down opposite Dai Qiuhui, Mogami Kazuto apologized bluntly first, and Dai Qiuhui waved his hand to let him put this kind of thing aside.

The most important thing right now is to ask about the relationship between him and Qingshui Yousha, and then start thinking about the public relations plan.

Mogami Kazuto's attitude is very firm, he and Shimizu Yousa are very good friends, yesterday they just met and chatted, the whole process of meeting didn't even last 10 minutes.

This is the truth.

But Mogami Kazuto still hesitated in his heart, hesitating whether he should tell about his relationship with Qingshui Yousha.

Dai Qiuhui listened to Kazuto Mogami's words, and keenly realized that the crux of the problem was why the two suddenly met on Christmas Eve.

Mogami Kazuto's evasive attitude made her very puzzled, but the resumption of public relations has never been a fact, but a fiction.

Even if Mogami Kazuto and Qingshui Yousha really have an unusual relationship, considering the identities of the two, it must be cleared here.

"Totsuka-kun, I don't care what kind of friendship you have with Miss Minase, you two are public figures, especially Miss Minase.

She is an idol voice actor and singer strongly promoted by the company. If this matter becomes a big deal and the company has to make a choice, considering your influence, you will definitely be the one who gets left behind.

Forgive me for being a bit blunt, but this is the situation right now. "

"I can understand."

Compared with Qingshui Yousha, a popular voice actor of the new generation who takes the idol route, a rookie like him, who has just started his career, is bound to have less value than Qingshui Yousha.

Perhaps with Mogami Kazuto's potential, it will be a matter of time before he reaches the top singer and voice actor field, but at least at this stage, Mogami Kazuto does not have that kind of influence.

This kind of thing is seen as seniority, which is a matter of course.

When Dai Qiuhui called the senior management to ask for instructions, Kazuto Mogami searched the Internet for some keywords.

I thought that the public opinion on the Internet would accuse him of having trouble with Qing Shui, and the husband fans and mother fans of the two clamored for fans to turn black.

But in fact, it was completely beyond Mogami Kazuto's expectations.

Mogami Kazuto didn't understand.

I don't understand what the fans are thinking right now.

What is even more unclear is what this matter has to do with Ms. Sakura.

Compared with the combination of the keywords [Totsuka and x Minase Inori], the keyword [Sakura-san's big failure] is three times as popular as the previous one.

With Mogami Kazuto's barren imagination, it is completely impossible to understand the brain circuits of these people.

Don't say that the fan has turned black, after reading hundreds of comments, all of them are gods praying for the best baby in the world, and the comments that were crazily liked and reposted are all Miss Sakura's embarrassing emoticons.

What is magic?

For Mogami Kazuto, this reaction from the outside world is called magic.

While Kazuto Mogami was still browsing the web on his mobile phone, the number finally rang.

At this time, Dai Qiuhui was still on the phone outside the door, Mogami Kazuto thought for a while, and connected obediently.

"Hello, Sakura."


The silence on the other side of the phone seemed to reveal a commander-level spiritual pressure, Kazuto Mogami didn't even dare to take a big breath.

Well, that's a normal reaction.

No girl can laugh softly when she sees her boyfriend's scandal with other girls being rumored.

Even if there were, at least Ms. Sakura was definitely not included.

"Saki... Ryo?"


"Miss Sakura?"



"I read today's Wenchun Express."

(End of this chapter)

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