Chapter 554 548. New radio program.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the location is my bedroom.

I half sat on the bed, patting Sakura's smooth back, feeling sorry.

"Ouch~~cough cough!"

She slapped my hand away violently, glared at me, then turned her head and lay on top of the trash can, stretching out her fingers to dig her throat.

"So uncomfortable~"

"Feel sorry."

"Let me die!"

I got out of bed silently.

"What are you going to do?"

"Pour you some water."

In this way, she will not stop me.

"Don't heat me up."

"Drinking hot water is good for your health."

"I always feel sick after drinking hot water."


When I poured water on the first floor and returned to the room, Sakura had already put on her panties, and was desperately trying to fasten the back hook of her underwear behind her.

Too big a mountain range is also a kind of burden. Seeing her working hard, I couldn't help but ask, "Do you want me to help?"

"When did you say that, and when did you not play around?"

Well, this is true, but I am becoming more and more powerless against her body, and I can't help but climb that mountain every time.

Well, this is true, but I am becoming more and more powerless against her body, and I can't help but climb that mountain every time.

If you want to ask why you want to climb a mountain.

Because the mountain is there.

"Are you going home today?"

I handed over the transparent cup full of tap water, and she drank it in a few sips. I couldn't help but imagine that there was a little bit of me left in her stomach at this time.

"Well, I have to go home today. My mother has been annoying recently. If I don't go back again, she will definitely think about it."

She finally buckled the back hook, and suddenly let out a cry.

"what happened?"

"What's wrong? Look at you!"

I looked down in the direction of her finger, my expression gradually becoming embarrassing.

"Silver Devil!" Sakura spat.

"What can I do, you look so cute in underwear."

She paused, then suddenly knelt down on the bed and waved to me.

I walked over slowly and stood in front of her, ***, *****, **, (404)

"You scumbag, I don't have any physical strength anymore."

The lower abdomen felt cold, and the pajamas on her body had been lifted off by her, **** (404, complete in the group).

"I see."

"Qi! How can you speak so condescendingly? It's really annoying. Look at the trick!"

She ***, ***, ***, (404, complete in the group)
I seemed to fall into the abyss where the two sides were squeezing each other. No matter how I called for help, no one could hear me.

******, ***, ****, ***, ****. (404, complete within the group)
In short, it is 404.



In mid-January, I confirmed a new job.

It was discussed last year, and the matter of forming a partner with Ms. Taneda to start a new broadcast has been thoroughly finalized.

The name of the radio program is "Totsuka and Taneda's Game House". (totsuka to taneda no game house)
Subtitle "Although it's broadcasting, it's serious about games". (ラジオだけと, ゲ一ムに本気)
People don't know where to start complaining.

In short, it seems to be a radio program mainly for playing games. Compared with cooking, it really gives people the feeling of a seiyuu broadcast.

But as far as I am concerned, there is no difference in either side. If possible, I would like to make a program that does not require guests and can be completed by talking to myself.

But most likely no one will watch it that way, I know that.

Who would be bored enough to see a withdrawn man in his 20s complaining about the world? Even I put myself at arm's length.

If Nobunaga was going to make this kind of broadcast, I would definitely laugh at him and never take a look.

The first issue of "Game House" will be officially recorded at the end of this month, and the publicity has already been announced.

I can't avoid being called a scumbag who wants to change to another female voice actress.

I wasn't angry at all, but simply felt that this definition was very strange. If I played with her body or emotions, it would be understandable to be called so.

I couldn't figure out what the conclusion of this was, and it took me a long time to realize it clearly.

There is no need for any conclusions, people can say what they want, and I don't care.

I was suddenly relieved.



"Are you good at playing games?"

I thought about it.

"Only at the level of ordinary people."

"The level of ordinary people?"

"It won't be ridiculed, nor can it be called a master of skills. If it is seen by others, it will at most look like a game promotional video."


"you can say it this way."

"No, that's fine, but I don't know anything about it."

"In our line of business, you can be strong or good, but you can't be ordinary."

Miss Zhong Tian looked at me and thought for a while, then nodded: "Maybe that's the truth."


"Totsuka-kun is such an interesting person."

She is indeed very pretty when she smiles. According to the standards of the world, the word "peerless" seems a little exaggerated, but I have no other ideas.

That guy Sakura is cuter.

Having said that, I'm not someone who would just move on because there are other cuter girls.

There have been a lot of things going on between me and Sakura, and I've come to where I am today. I'm definitely not the type of person who can't walk when he sees a cute girl.

"Please give me more advice on the program in the future."

"Me too, please teach me a lot."

I haven't forgotten that Miss Farming's name is still recorded on the panel, and the value is still at that level without any change. I am naturally happy with it, but I am worried that after the number of cooperations increases, that thing will gradually increase.

Perhaps it was because I fell in love with an excellent girl like Ms. Saki, and I suddenly realized that there was something in me that attracted girls, and I became conceited inadvertently.

Calling it pretentious might be an exaggeration, but I figured out how to deal with it.

The answer is simple.

When he sensed that sign, he just ignored it, and if that didn't work, he kept mentioning that fellow Sakura's name.

This is indeed a good idea, I am afraid that Sakura will be angry with me, she always has strange ideas in places that I can't understand.

"Totsuka-kun, have you been in a bad mood recently?"

"Why do you ask that?"


"You girls always tell things by intuition?"

"Who else?"

"It's just a metaphor."

"I just see you are unhappy."

I was a little surprised: "Probably not."

"Is it Miss Minase's business?"

"To be honest, you are the first person who dared to ask such a direct question. No one else mentioned her in front of me. If I was there, if anyone mentioned this name, others would definitely look at me secretly."

"Sounds nasty."

"Who said it wasn't."

I sighed quietly, and couldn't help thinking about what the girl was doing at this time.

 A complete chapter was uploaded in the group
(End of this chapter)

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