Chapter 555 549. Cheers in the izakaya.

After finishing today's work, Mogami Kazuto and Shimada Nobunaga meet at an izakaya, there is nothing special, they just want to have a meal with their seniors.

"What do you two eat?"

"Yeah, Miss Miho, long time no see."

"Long time no see, Shimada-san, Totsuka-san."

Shimada Nobunaga treated everyone warmly as usual, and Totsuka Kazuto nodded slightly to her with the same flat expression.

"Miss Miho looks good, did something good happen?"

"Huh? Is it so obvious?"

"It's all written on the face."

Miho Okamatsu blushed immediately, and looked at Totsuka Kazu uneasily, as if she wanted to seek his confirmation.

Kazuto Mogami thought for a while, and said, "I'm extraordinarily energetic today, I guess something good happened."

Miho Okamatsu scratched her head in embarrassment when she heard this.

"Wait, let me guess!"

"It must have been accepted by a voice actor agency."

"Hey! I was just about to say that!"

Facing Shimada Nobunaga's dissatisfaction, Kazuto Mogami calmly ignored it.

"Totsuka-san is amazing! I guessed it right away!"

Well... because it's all written on my face.

And a while ago, Uchida Maaya's younger brother, Uchida Yuma also successfully became a voice actor, Kazuto Mogami wondered if this would be the case.

"Which firm?" Shimada Nobunaga asked curiously.


Shimada Nobunaga and Mogami Kazuto raised their eyebrows at the same time.

"It's better to be careful with the seniors over there, the spirit will become abnormal."


Mogami Kazuto's tone was quite helpless: "Don't scare the juniors who have just entered the industry."

Shimada Nobunaga laughed.

"Speaking of which, Ms. Uchida's younger brother seems to have joined the I'm office."

"Huh? Is this the case?"

Kazuto Mogami nodded.

Okamatsu Miho echoed: "There is such a person, he is a very active boy."

"Hey~~ It turns out that Ms. Uchida has a younger brother. It's the first time I know that both siblings are I'm. I'm really worried."

"Nobunaga, this is a little rude."

"Ah! I don't mean anything else, I'm just saying that I'm voice actors are all funny, sorry, Miho-san."

Miho Okamatsu waved her hand: "It's okay."

"But really, congratulations."


"Thank you two seniors."

Miho Okamatsu bowed shyly, and after the two ordered dinner, they stepped forward to greet other guests.

"I'm? That's great. Speaking of which, why didn't you go to I'm?"

"Didn't you invite me to Qingyi?"

"Is there such a thing?"


"Ahahaha, it seems that something like this happened, and it's fine as long as the result is good. Anyway, Ms. Sakura has also moved here."

Kazuto Mogami said nothing.

"Huh? Ah and You are a little strange."

"What's so strange?"

"Before, you would have said indifferently, "It's none of my business for her to come here", that's it. "

Needless to say, it is worthy of being a top voice actor, and the imitation is lifelike.

Mogami Kazuto shook his head and sighed, pretending to have nothing to do with him, but actually wanted to change the topic, but Nobunaga Shimada misunderstood.

"Still worried about that?"

"That thing?"

"Of course Miss Minase."

"Don't mention it, you should know what's been said recently."

"That's not true, but I won't take it seriously. I don't know you yet. You hate being with female voice actors the most. How can you do those things?"

Kazuto Mogami suddenly felt a little guilty. The Kazuto Mogami sitting in front of him was a guy who had sex with female voice actors almost every day.



"I like you the way you are now, don't change."

Nobunaga Shimada was startled at first, and then broke out in a cold sweat, looking at Kazuto Mogami in amazement, hesitating.

"Don't be thinking about something very rude."

"I'm trying to figure out how to say no to you without ruining our friendship."

"When you said this, our friendship has completely disintegrated."

"Damn! Do I have to accept you!"

Mogami Kazuto didn't bother to take care of this nervous guy anymore, and when the beer was served, he drank it alone, as if he wanted to drown the depression in his heart.

Shimada Nobunaga saw his emotions, raised the beer glass in his hand and touched him.

"not in a good mood?"

"Why do you all say that?"


"Miss Tantian."

"Oh, that person is very good at observing words and expressions. All the female voice actors in Osawa Office are like that."

"Isn't this prejudice?"

"of course there are exceptions."

"for example?"

"Miss Iguchi."

Because the answer was too decisive, Kazuto Mogami almost asked him to apologize to that person immediately.

"Because Ah and you usually have a poker face, it's especially noticeable when you're in a bad mood."

"I think I usually smile very softly."

"What kind of new joke is this?"


After a while, Shimada Nobunaga sighed: "Don't worry too much. As far as I know, Ms. Minase announced the suspension of activities because of physical reasons. It has nothing to do with you. Don't put too much pressure on yourself."

Nobunaga Shimada, who didn't know the truth, was so comforting. Even if Mogami Kazuto couldn't be relieved by his few words, he was grateful for what he said.

In the past, he always silently felt the good and evil in this world, and it is the same now, but at least there are people around him who will care about him. This kind of change is especially precious.


"What's wrong?"

"If one day, I am not the Totsuka Kazuya you imagined, maybe my essence is darker and more damp, hiding something darker and more disgusting, will you still be friends with me?"

"Guess the riddle?"

Mogami Kazuto shook his head: "It's telling the truth."

"Would you do something criminal?"

"I'm not so confused yet."

"Is that something outrageous?"

"It's not hurtful to say that, but there will indeed be people who will become unlucky because of me."

"Is that your will?"

"At least the result of my actions."

Shimada Nobunaga couldn't help narrowing his eyes after listening.

"I said, don't you think of yourself as a sage?"

"How to say?"

"There is no one in this world who does not make mistakes, we are just ordinary people, and we can do what ordinary people would do.

I have also done many things that I regret, and I wish I could slap myself at the time, but what does this have to do with me being friends with you?
Are you going to break up with me because I skipped classes when I was a student, and the teacher was so angry that he was hospitalized? "

"Have you ever done that?"

"I'm just a metaphor! Do you understand the metaphor? I mean, everyone has done things that want to turn back time, but those are two different things from me wanting to clink glasses with you."

Mogami Kazuto seemed to understand, but also seemed not to understand.

"Can you understand?"

"I don't quite understand."

"That's right, I don't understand myself, I just know that I want to drink with you now, and then I will go home drunk with you behind my back later, if you say these inexplicable things again, I will sleep in Shinjuku tonight Let's go to the street."

Kazuto Mogami was silent, Nobunaga Shimada looked at him: "You know what I most want to hear from you right now?"

Mogami Kazuto said nothing, paused, and raised his glass.


Shimada Nobunaga smiled brightly.


 The last chapter was 404, it will be released after modification, the full version is in the group.

  It seems that the number of big do special do should be reduced (sad!)
(End of this chapter)

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