Chapter 556 550. Wife?What lady?
Kazuto Mogami drank a little too much tonight. After paying the bill, he walked out of the izakaya with the support of Nobunaga Shimada.

The cold wind of January blew in, and my drowsy head began to ache. Immediately, I retched while sticking to the electric pole beside me, unable to vomit anything.

"Hey, Ah He, are you okay?"

Kazuto Mogami waved his hand in a daze.

"Come to sleep at my house tonight?"

"Ma... I'm sorry to trouble you, vomit..."

"Tsk tsk tsk, I really don't know what to say with your drinking capacity."

Shimada Nobunaga patted him on the back with disgust, and was about to take Mogami Kazuto to the street to take a taxi, when suddenly several young men and women in suits came out from another izakaya diagonally opposite.

"Where to go next?"


"Not bad."

"Mr. Beichuan wants to treat you."

"I agree."

"Hey~~ why is it me?"

"Isn't this a promotion?"

"Don't bring such a thing."

A group of people were chatting and laughing, and when passing by the two of them, one of the young girls suddenly called out.

"Huh? Isn't that the most senior?"

Mogami Kazuto seemed to hear someone calling his name, dazedly wiped the corners of his mouth, half-closed his eyes, unable to open them.

"Ah! It's really the most senior!"

Leaning weakly on Shimada Nobunaga, Kazuto Mogami gradually lost hearing the sounds from his surroundings.

Therefore, the heavy responsibility of dealing with the current scene naturally fell on Shimada Nobunaga.

"Huh? Isn't this Mr. Shimada, the voice actor?"

It was the first time for Nobunaga Shimada to be approached by five or six people, if this could be considered a conversation.

"What happened to Mogami-san?"

"You don't need to ask, you can tell by just looking at it. He was drunk again. He used to rely on this and got a lot of bills that should be settled. Really, there is no reason for the younger generation to pay for the treat."

This group of people was obviously also drunk, chattering non-stop, Shimada Nobunaga was overwhelmed by the sudden battle.

"That...excuse me, who are you?"

"Mogami-san used to be our boss."


"Here, the one in your arms."

Shimada Nobunaga heard a chill, and immediately let go of Mogami Kazuto's shoulder. Seeing that he was about to fall to the ground, he had no choice but to tighten his arm again.

He really couldn't understand what the situation was now. After all, how could these people know him.

Kazuto Mogami never talked about his past. The place where he used to work was a game company, such as painters, singers, and voice actors in the industry, so he is naturally quite familiar with it.

"Huh? Mr. Shimada, don't you know, Mogami-san, uh... I think it's called Totsuka Kazu now, that's a stage name."


Nobunaga Shimada had never heard of Kazuto Mogami mentioning this, so he was a little dazed for a while.

"Ouch... Xin, Nobunaga, water..."

Mogami Kazuto next to him burped in a daze, Shimada Nobunaga resisted the urge to slap him on the head, and smiled at the people around him.

"Sorry everyone, this guy is already unconscious, I have to take him back first."

He tried to speak politely and modestly.

"Ah... Sorry, that's what I said. If you go back too late, my wife should be worried."

Shimada Nobunaga couldn't help frowning: "Madam? What madam?"

"Mogami-san's wife, that young voice actress..."


Hearing a shout from the person beside him, the young man shivered suddenly and closed his mouth.

"Then what, Mr. Shimada, we still have a second meeting, so I won't bother you, goodbye."

"Wait... Shiratori, don't drag me, I can walk by myself."

A group of people came like the wind, and they left in the same hurry.

Nobunaga Shimada looked at the backs of those people leaving with a puzzled expression, and turned to look at Kazuto Mogami beside him who was still retching.

"Hello, Ah He."


Unable to understand what the man was talking about, Shimada Nobunaga had to drag him to a taxi and took him back to his apartment.



The next day.

Kazuto Mogami woke up on the sofa in the living room with a splitting headache. The blanket on his body had already fallen to the floor, and he was curled up and shivering.

Limbs were weak, and he sat up with difficulty, half-closed his eyes and looked around, but found that he was not at home.

It took about 5 minutes to figure it out.

Last night, I went drinking with Nobunaga Shimada, talked a lot, and then got drunk. I only remember that he took himself back to the residence, covered him with a blanket, and turned on the air conditioner. I didn’t care about him anymore. .

Smelling the clothes on his body, there was a smell of alcohol, Mogami Kazuto got up and went to the kitchen to pour a glass of tap water, drank it gulp, and felt better.

Arriving at the door of Shimada Nobunaga's room, Kazuto Mogami knocked on the door twice, but there was no response. After pushing the door and entering, he found that there was no one there.

Turning around in the living room, I saw the note he left on the dining table. The general content was that he had to catch up with the studio in the morning, so he left first.

Kazuto Mogami checked the time and realized that it was already eleven o'clock.

Fortunately, his first job today will start in the afternoon, so the time is not tight.

After tidying up the living room, Kazuto Mogami went downstairs and took a taxi home.

He didn't want to squeeze the tram full of alcohol.

After returning to Tsukishima, the first thing Kazuto Mogami did when he got home was to boil water in the kitchen, then went back to the second floor to get his clothes, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After that, I made a simple brunch and ate it quietly by myself.

Shimada Nobunaga seemed to have finished his work in the morning, and sent him a message asking when he would be free, saying that he had something to talk to him about.

Kazuto Mogami thought it was a follow-up to what happened last night, and he couldn't help but feel a warm current in his heart. He didn't expect him to care so much about his own affairs.

So this is what it's like to be friends, no wonder everyone likes to make friends.

Sure enough, those words are correct, no one likes to be alone, they just don't want to be disappointed.

Shimada Nobunaga should be the friend who won't disappoint him.

Before going out, Ayane Sakura called and asked where he was.

Mogami told people that he was at home.

Sakura Ayane asked him again when he was going out, and whether she had enough time to come now, and what, Mogami told people that there would be work later, and before that, he would go to meet Nobunaga Shimada.

Sakura Ayane snorted coldly, "It's Shimada-kun again".

"What about tonight?"

"Are you coming?"


"it is good."

After the appointment, she hurriedly hung up the phone.

Kazuto Mogami looked at the phone and sighed silently. Since Yusa Shimizu suspended activities, Ayane Sakura has become more and more fond of Nahan.

He couldn't explain what was going on with this change, he only guessed roughly, thinking that he and Sakura Ayane's state of mind at this time were similar.

The words of Qingshui Yousha before leaving were like chains with magic power, binding the two of them firmly in the cage of lust.

They gradually gave up thinking, and they didn't think about whether it was right or wrong.

Isn't it just dark and dark?

Just do it.

(End of this chapter)

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