After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 557 551. Shimada-kun wants to know who his wife is.

Chapter 557 551. Shimada-kun wants to know who his wife is.

In the coffee shop near the recording studio.

Kazuto Mogami met with Nobunaga Shimada, and Kazuto Mogami expressed his apologies for what happened last night as soon as he came up.

He was unconscious after drinking, which troubled Shimada Nobunaga all night.

Shimada Nobunaga waved his hand, saying how could such a thing not work, and he had something to ask him.


Shimada Nobunaga looked at the surrounding environment, hesitant to speak.

"Confession?" Mogami Kazuto made a rare joke.

"It's not an idiot."

"what is that?"

"Hmm... About marriage?" Shimada Nobunaga's tone was a little unconfident.

"I won't go to Shibuya to register with you, so give up."

"Who said it was me and you! By the way, how do you even know to register in Shibuya!"

Well... I heard it from Ms. Sakura.

"So, what are you going to say?"

Shimada Nobunaga is still in a tangle.

On the other hand, Kazuto Mogami looked extremely relaxed, and Nobunaga Shimada even began to recall whether what happened last night was real, or just a hallucination caused by drinking too much.

"Ahe, you have nothing to hide from me, right?" Shimada Nobunaga tentatively asked.

"Huh? Of course."

Kazuto Mogami answered very decisively.

"I'm not the kind of person who talks about everything. If no one asks me about irrelevant things, I won't say them."

"for example?"

"Annual income."

"No one would ask such a question, okay?"

"Why is it suddenly soaring?"

Shimada Nobunaga thought this guy was pretending to be stupid, and couldn't help but slander in his heart.

"I said Ah He."


"We are close friends."

"What's the matter today, I'm just nagging."

"Tell me the truth first, what's your name."

Kazuto Mogami looked at him suspiciously, but saw that he was very serious, and he didn't seem to have a fever.

"Totsuka Kazuya."

"real name?"

Mogami Kazuto was taken aback, thinking that there was nothing to hide.

"Mogami Kazuto."

Shimada Nobunaga narrowed his eyes slightly, it was normal for him to have a stage name, and he didn't take it to heart at all.

He cares about another place.

"What about the wife?"


"hora~ that's also the voice actor, ko~ko~~"

Shimada Nobunaga deliberately elongated his voice, always paying attention to Kazuto Mogami's face.

However, Kazuto Mogami still had a poker face, his expression unchanged.


"ko ~ ko ~ eh ~ ko what is it?" Shimada Nobunaga pretended to recall the situation in a daze, watching Mogami Kazuto's expression from the corner of his eye.

This guy.

Mogami Kazuto was speechless for a while, holding his head with a headache, where did he get this kind of information.

At first, it was his real name, his wife, and the initial pronunciation of Xiao Nishi Saori's name.

But judging by his appearance, he probably didn't know the specific name, which made Mogami Kazuto heave a sigh of relief.

"How? It's almost time to confess!"

"Don't skip the process as if nothing happened."

"Ahe, you are the one, like a murderer who only kneels down and weeps to tell the reason if the evidence is convincing."

"If you can produce evidence, I can put on handcuffs and get into the police car with you right now."

The scene once reached a deadlock.

Shimada Nobunaga looked at Kazuto Mogami for a long time.

"Why do I feel that your current attitude is like pleading guilty?"

"I still haven't figured out what crime I committed."

Shimada Nobunaga looked around, even though there were no other guests around, he still deliberately lowered his voice, leaning forward to Mogami Kazuto, his voice was soft.

"Hmmm... conceal the marriage and not report the crime?"

"Don't talk nonsense, where did you hear this?"

Shimada Nobunaga told all about last night, Mogami Kazuto quietly clenched his fists.

I also know that Kyoya Kitagawa drank too much. Fortunately, there are reliable people around him who stopped him in time so that Nobunaga Shimada knew everything.

It has been more than a year since Kazuto Mogami debuted as a singer. During this period, although many people on the Internet have slapped him and other female cp.

But the strange thing is that Saori Nishi, who was once his wife, is not among them.

And Mogami Kazuto's former colleagues did not announce this matter to the public.

For a sudden situation like last night, the chance is too strong.

Right now, I have to deal with Nobunaga Shimada first. Although Kazuto Mogami is unwilling to lie, the less people who know about it, the better.

What's more, they have no intersection, so it's not good to disturb her because of something now.

"What do you say? Has your conscience been condemned?"

"Why should my conscience be condemned?"

"Don't you think it's too much to hide such an important event as marriage from your best friend?"

"I haven't admitted it yet."

"When you say this, it is equivalent to acquiescing."

"Whatever you say."

"You guys have the same attitude when you don't know how to deal with women, right? My wife will run back to her mother's house."

Thanks, it's gone.

"Thank you for your advice, I don't bother you."

"Damn! What an unpleasant guy, anyway, you just don't admit it."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Kazuto Mogami killed him and refused to admit it, Nobunaga Shimada had nothing to do with him.

He didn't want to grab something or something, he just couldn't suppress his inner curiosity.

I want to know what kind of woman would marry a withdrawn guy like Kazuto Mogami.

This kind of mood is like a beloved novel or comic being suspended, as if there are bugs crawling on my body.

"Let's not talk about this now, what should I call you in the future?"

"It's fine as usual. You can come here however you like. Both names are mine."

"That's true."

As far as Kazuto Mogami is concerned, he may personally prefer the name "Totsuka Kazuto", which represents the most authentic version of him.

But in the end, the name is just a code name, and it doesn't matter what it is called.

"Then Ah He."


In the afternoon, Kazuto Mogami went to the studio to dub. He sat in the corner as usual, but no one came to talk to him.

Until ninety o'clock in the evening, I finally finished my work and took the tram home.

There was a pair of women's boots in the entrance. Kazuto Mogami walked around the first floor, but did not see the girl.

On the second floor, into the bedroom, the room was pitch black.

"Caiyin? Are you there?"

Kazuto Mogami was just about to turn on the light when he was suddenly hugged from behind, holding his hand that was reaching for the switch.

"Why so late?"

A familiar girl's voice came from beside her ear.

"Well, a little busy."

"Do you know how long I've been waiting for you?"

"how long?"

"10 minutes."

"Isn't this just a while?"

"Stupid~ I have to go home before twelve o'clock, cherish every minute."

The girl who was holding him behind her stretched out her hand to remove the woolen coat on his body.

Mogami Kazuto quietly turned around, cupped her face and kissed her.

(End of this chapter)

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