After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 558 552. The figure of that girl is lingering.

Chapter 558 552. The figure of that girl is lingering.

In the blink of an eye, it came to late January, and the atmosphere of the New Year quietly faded away, but the temperature did not pick up.

Kazuto Mogami's life rhythm during these days is very mechanical, every day is work, work, work non-stop.

In addition to work, I eat and chat with male seiyuu such as Shimada Nobunaga.

There is not much intersection with female seiyuu, and each of them maintains the minimum standard of social interaction.

Say "hello" when you come to the set, and "thank you" when you leave the set.

From time to time, the "Lord of the Harem" would affect his thinking and make him say some shocking words, but every time he was able to resolve them without any risk.

These are Mogami and people during the day.

At night, he would meet with Ayane Sakura almost every two days, most of the venues were Kazuto Mogami's home.

The "home" here does not just refer to the bedroom.

Living room, hallway, stairs, bathroom.

There was even one time when the two of them sat in the car and drove to the door of Sakura's house, something almost happened in the car.

Afterwards, because of the sudden appearance of Sakura Shishin, he stopped just before undoing the belt.

Kneeling down and hiding in front of the co-pilot, Sakura Ayane followed Sakurashi into the room before sneaking away alone.

Sakura Ayane also thought about telling her mother about her relationship with Mogami Kazuto.

But because of the scandal a few years ago, my mother said this intentionally or unintentionally, and sighed, "Totsuka-kun looks very good, and it is normal to fall in love with a girl."

At that time, Sakura Ayane was sitting next to her, and she even got off the bed in Mogami Kazuto's bedroom not long ago, her body was limp, and she dared not say a word.

From the current point of view, it seems that the mother does not reject Mogami Kazuto, at least in the eyes of Sakura Ayane.

Even though her parents are very open-minded, Ayane Sakura will still take care of Kazuto Mogami's emotions. The family background of the two is very different, and she is afraid that Kazuto Mogami will have conflicts because of this.

That night, Ayane Sakura used another excuse to spend the night at the female voice actor's house, and she was sitting on the bed after taking a shower.

The original single bed had been moved to the next bedroom by Kazuto Mogami, and now the two of them slept on a spacious double bed.

Mogami Kazuto just got out of the shower and was wearing pajamas. While wiping his wet hair, he went back to the bedroom, sat down on the edge of the bed, and reached out to touch Sakura Ayane's little hand.

Sakura Ayane gave him a blank look, and let him hold her hand in his palm.

"Let's say it first, I'm not convenient tonight."

"I know, I have a measure."

Sakura Ayane glared at him viciously: "I just reminded you because I knew you were inappropriate."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Mogami Kazuto reluctantly responded.

Patting her bare white thighs lightly, Sakura Ayane moved her body very naturally to make room for Mogami Kazuto, and lifted the quilt for him.

As soon as Kazuto Mogami sat down under the covers, Ayane Sakura immediately clung to her like an octopus.


"Stomach hurts, rub it."

"it is good."

Skillfully unbuttoning the two buttons at the bottom of the pajamas, Kazuto Mogami stretched out his hand to caress the girl's lower abdomen.

"Hey, Lord Scrap."


"Would it be fun to fall in love with me?"

"Happy mean?"

"Mood, feeling, spiritual, and that."

"Searching the whole world, there should be nothing happier than having you by my side."

"This is saying, you have never really searched the whole world."

"That's true."

Sakura Ayane hammered him dissatisfiedly: "You really dare to nod."

"That's not."

"Could it be that you really want to find something happier?"

"I dare not have such thoughts. I know that meeting you is already the greatest favor I have come to this world."

"Hey~~ it's really disgusting."

"A man's truth is always nasty, and your father must have said nasty things to your mother."

"No, my dad is that kind of gentle and refined mature man."

"The nasty things said by such a person are so sincere, don't they?"

"Well... I can't say enough about you."

Mogami Kazuto smiled, and lightly rubbed Sakura Ayane's hair.

"Does it still hurt?"

"It hurts, but it's better."

"Then knead again."

"it is good."

Her snow-white skin gradually revealed a hint of pink, and Mogami Kazuto could definitely feel the temperature of her skin rising, drawing circles again and again.

With every turn, her body temperature seemed to rise by one point.

"Well...He Renjun, it's better not to rub."


"You know, girls become extremely sensitive at times like this."

Kazuto Mogami kept in the dark for a while, and it was indeed the truth.

"Then turn off the lights and go to sleep."


Tonight was extraordinarily peaceful, and it was one of the rare nights when the two of them slept with their clothes on.

But on the way, Mogami Kazuto still couldn't help but go climbing, Sakura Ayane tried to dissuade him several times but to no avail, so he let him go.

"Did she take the initiative to contact you?"

Mogami Kazuto's climbing movement froze, his fingers became quiet.

Mogami Kazuto naturally knows who the "she" that Ayane Sakura is referring to is the best.


"That's it."

"What about you?"

Sakura Ayane shook her head.

The atmosphere between the two suddenly fell into silence.

Occasionally there will be such a moment between them, obviously the atmosphere is good, you and me, but for a moment, at the same time, the figure of a girl breaks into my heart.

To get rid of that figure, it is necessary to use a more stimulating method to make them forget.

That's why they are getting more and more intense, and they are becoming more and more inseparable from each other.

The two hearts with missing corners touch together, relying on that method to fuse.

"It's okay, don't think about it." Mogami Kazuto could only gently rub the hair of the girl next to the pillow.

Sakura Ayane shrank into his arms wordlessly.

"You are a cruel man."


"I'm a cruel woman, too."

"I don't think so."

"What use do you think it is?"

"I won't feel it even if there is sand."

"Can you still assert what she thinks?"

"Of course I can't, but I don't think she would have such an idea. You are friends, right?"

"Friend...? I, I don't know."

Ayane Sakura lost confidence in her words.

"Definitely a friend."



"Is there anything absolute in this world?"

"Yes, I have."

"for example?"

"For example, I love you."

"Tsk, I'm talking serious to you."

"I'm also serious."

Ayane Sakura pinched the soft flesh on Kazuto Mogami's waist.

"I've said it's inconvenient for me tonight, don't say these things that I can't help."

In the darkness, Mogami Kazuto hugged her tightly without words.

He successfully changed the topic, just to stop Sakura Ayane from thinking about that girl.

It's been a long time.

"Hey, Lord Scrap."


"See comments."

(End of this chapter)

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