After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 559 553. Everyone always rejects those who don't wear a mask and live a real life.

Chapter 559 553. Everyone always rejects those who don't wear a mask and live a real life.

"how have you been?"

"It's very good. The scenery here is beautiful, and there is no need to work, and the food is delicious."

"That's good."

"Worrying about me?"

"Can you not worry?"

"It's okay, I'm not a child, I can take care of myself, Saori, you are just a worry-loving person."

"How can you not worry about such a big matter, you told me to go with you, but you refused to say anything."

"Hey hey~ Saori really likes me the most."

"You are really..."

"Because you can't affect your life and work because of me, I have already caused you a lot of trouble."

"You also know that you are causing me trouble."

"I still have this self-knowledge."

Xiao Nishi Saori sighed helplessly.

It was already late at night, and she was standing on the balcony, looking at the quiet moonlight.


"I am here."

"Do you still hate me now?"

"I've never said such a thing, but you left without saying goodbye, I will settle accounts with you when you come back."


"Okay, you only know how to apologize."

"Because I don't know what to say, and I don't know how to face you, him, and Neru-san in the future."

About Mogami Kazuto and Sakura Ayane, Konishi Saori had vaguely felt it, and she got confirmation from Shimizu Yusa.

To be honest, this matter was really beyond her expectation, but after thinking about it carefully, it was extremely reasonable.

From the moment she refused to explain to Kazuto Mogami, she should have thought that such a day would come.

It's her own choice and she can't complain to anyone.

"In short, it's good to go out and relax. You have accumulated a lot of pressure during this period, let's release it all."

"...well, I'll just forget about him."

Xiao Xi Saori smiled slightly: "That's how it should be."

"I can make up my mind, what about you, Saori?"


"It's useless to play dumb. Saori loves him so much, but she is always retreating inexplicably. If you are willing to move forward, it is clear that Neru-san and I have no chance of winning. I really can't understand."

Xiao Nishi Saori didn't expect Qingshui Yousha to say so bluntly, which also shows that she is trying to bid farewell to the memories of the past.

"I really don't understand where your confidence comes from. I'm not as cute as you and Caiyin."

"It's not about being cute, but I can tell that Kazuto-san at that time really liked Saori, and it was Saori that you kept avoiding him.

If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have had the chance to associate with him at all, let alone neru-san. "

Are you avoiding him?

Well, it should be.

That's true, even now.

"Okay, why do you have to talk about these things now? Kazuto is already dating Caiyin, and they seem to be a good match. Isn't this the best ending?"

"Saori really thinks this is the best ending?"

"There is sand..."

"I don't believe it, at least I can't see the person I like with my good friends, so I chose to fight, and then I lost completely.

But Saori, you have never fought before, so why are you acting like a loser? "

"Yousha, love doesn't distinguish between losers and winners."

"Only the winners in love will say such things, but in my eyes, Saori has never even guarded her own love, even worse than a loser like me."


Maybe Qingshuiyousha is right, Xiaoxi Saori never took the initiative to fight for her love, she thinks she has no such right.

Even if the man took the initiative to extend his hand to her and told her the biggest secret, Xiao Xi Saori still chose to retreat.

She never took the initiative in this love affair, and even though she had the closest relationship with him, she never really expressed her inner feelings.

Even if he took the initiative to take a step closer, she would take two steps back.

This is the biggest difference between Saori Xiaonishi and other girls.

She didn't want Mogami Kazuto to be by her side, and she couldn't tell what Xiao Nishi Saori really wanted.

"When I say this, I don't want you to quarrel with Neru-san. I just think that if you like it, you should say it and fight for it."

"... Yousha is really a very good kid, I can't do it like you."


"Well...God knows why." She said with pretended ease.

"Really! Don't be sloppy."

"Yousha, he said that he would forget everything about him, but he was always talked about."

"Well... well, how can you forget it so quickly, it takes time to accumulate."

"How long does it take to accumulate?"

"I don't know, maybe it's a lifetime."

Xiao Nishi Saori was suddenly speechless.

Qingshui Yousha's understatement of "a lifetime" is much longer than they imagined.

"As for me, I have never liked someone like this before, Saori, can you think about it?
The moment I saw them walking together, my heart ached like never before.

This heartache, and even the willingness to share his thoughts with Neru-san in order to obtain friendship and love at the same time. "

"What, what?!"

"But...that's impossible, I'm the only one who thinks so.

Neru-san won't give me the person he likes, and Kazuto-san doesn't need my love either.

After all, it's just a poor fantasy of a poor lost dog. "

"There is sand..."

Xiao Nishi Saori may be able to understand her thoughts, which belong exclusively to the losing side in this war called love.

Maybe this is really what she said, there are winners and losers in love.

So which side are you?

After thinking for a long time, Saori Xiaoxi laughed at herself, she was not in this love at all.

"Yousha, have you ever thought that maybe Heren is not as good as you think, maybe what he shows is not the real him at all."

"Has Saori seen it before? The real Kazuto-san."

hold head high……

I have seen it.

That's why I said this to you.

However, Xiao Nishi Saori couldn't say it.

"In the end, I don't care about these things at all, everyone has an unknown side, and so do I.

We all live in this world wearing masks. People in blue masks become friends with people in blue masks, and people in red masks become friends with people in red masks.

Everyone rejects those who don't wear masks and live real people. "

Xiao Xi Saori was speechless, and she herself was no exception.

"Saori, if you really like someone, you will like the face under his mask together."

(End of this chapter)

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