After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 560 554. "Totsuka and Farming Game House".

Chapter 560 554. "Totsuka and Farming Game House".

late at night.

Xiao Nishi Saori lay quietly on the bed, looking at the dark ceiling, thinking about what Qingshui Yousha said in his heart.

[If you really like someone, you will like the face under his mask together. 】

Kazuto Mogami has already revealed his truest and original side to him, but Saori Konishi has been reluctant to take the last step.

To this day, she has not been able to tell the real reason for marrying him.

It was also because of this incident, perhaps because of her attitude, that it became a barrier between her and Kazuto Mogami.

Then it is understandable for him to accept another real girl who doesn't wear a mask and looks the same.

Like she said on the phone, this is the best ending.



As the end of January approached, Kazuto Mogami had just finished his dubbing work in the morning and was taking a break from his busy schedule.

In the afternoon there will be a "TRINITY SEVEN" dubbing session, and we will leave after drinking this cup of coffee.

The characters that were successful in the sound audition last year, and the official collection of all of them have exploded this year. Many seiyuu lists that were not released to the public last year, after being released one by one, many people are curious about him, a new voice actor. .

Check the resume, good guy, there are quite a lot of titles.

Denki Bunko's million-selling light novel author, a powerful singer praised by King Records, and a rookie voice actor who will play the main role after debut.

If you know more, you will find that this is a guy with a handsome face who is ambiguous with many female voice actors.

Indeed, it belongs to the winner group of life.

Mogami Kazuto himself is not interested in the evaluation of the outside world, and still lives his own way of life, especially after experiencing scandals, he increasingly does not talk to female voice actors on the set.

However, in many studios, there is no second male voice actor besides him. Every time he arrives at the studio, he sits on a small bench in the corner.

There was even one time when she was exercising all night with Ayane Sakura, so she didn't sleep at all.As a result, on the occasion of formal dubbing the next morning, when he read the lines with a passionate tone, he directly suffered a nosebleed in the recording studio, which caused a big commotion and became a legend in the industry (referring to after-dinner conversation).

In short, such accidents have been caused by Mogami Kazuto more than once.

After drinking coffee, Kazuto Mogami went to the recording studio to record "TRINITY SEVEN", and met Ayane Sakura on the set.

Sakura Ayane simply greeted him, and never looked at him too much.

In the eyes of others, the two of them are at best colleagues in the same firm, and at best they are a CP business.

But in fact, the two were sleeping together more than ten hours ago.

After the recording ended, Kazuto Mogami was forced to greet a group of female voice actors and leave the set as if fleeing.

Sakura Ayane felt quite amused by him like this, and was also very satisfied in her heart.

Forgive him for not daring to hook up with a female seiyuu under his nose.

She had no other work in the afternoon, and was planning to find someone to drink tea with and chat with.

After looking around in the address book, I finally chose to call Naneda Lisha.

However, Taneda Risa said that there is still radio work to be done in the afternoon. Although Sakura Ayane is a little disappointed, she is not dissatisfied.

Immediately, I got into the car of Ms. Hikasa who came to record "TRINITY SEVEN" together, and went for a drive together.



Walking into the recording studio of the program group, Kazuto Mogami greeted the supervisor and all the staff present.

After that, he walked into the lounge with the script. In the lounge, a female voice actress with long hair was already sitting there one step ahead of him.

In the not-so-big lounge, there were only the two of them, and it seemed empty instead.

Kazuto Mogami didn't move the chair to the corner, but chose a seat far away from her and sat down.



"How are you doing today?"

"It's alright."

"It's okay but it's not okay. Today is our first broadcast, so we can prepare for the battle with a complete attitude."

Well, how should I put it, Ms. Taneda is indeed a person who takes her work very seriously.

Although Kazuto Mogami thinks he will not be lazy, he does feel a little ashamed when facing Risa Tanada who has a passion that ordinary people don't have.

"I will try my best not to drag Miss Tantian down."

"You should work hard to make the show well with me."

"You can also say that."

"You are..."

Today is the first episode of the radio program "Totsuka and Taneda's Game House", broadcast by invisible broadcast.

Although the show itself has no pictures, as the hosts, the two need to take some official photos for promotion and production.

This part will be carried out after the collection is completed, nothing more than taking some group photos and the like.

"I heard that Totsuka-kun has recently received dubbing for many works."

"Most of them are supporting roles."

"That said, I can't even get a supporting role."

Mogami Kazuto didn't know what to say.

There is no doubt about the dubbing ability of Taneda Risa, but compared to the past, she has indeed lost a lot of things, such as voice, skills and so on.

This is irreparable. On the contrary, she has become more and more popular in the field of radio programs, and she is also 100% enthusiastic about this newly established radio program.

"Is it fun to be a voice actor?"

"Besides being rumored to be scandalous, I'm pretty happy."

Gengtian Lisha chuckled, covered her mouth lightly, her charming eyes were shining brightly.

"This thing has nothing to do with whether you are a voice actor or not. If you want to blame it, you can blame yourself for not paying attention."

Mogami Kazuto sighed, she was right.

"Miss Tantian, don't make fun of me anymore, I will be out of shape in a while."

"Oh, do you want to blame me for your mistakes?"

"I didn't say that."

"Well... I won't say anything."

While chatting, the door of the lounge was knocked, and a staff member wearing a peaked cap leaned in and reminded: "Totsuka-san, Taneda-san, you can start recording."


"We know."

Responding to each other, they walked out of the lounge together.

After walking into the recording studio, the two sat down facing each other, put on ear monitors, and adjusted the position of the microphone.

Kazuto Mogami already has a lot of experience in recording radio programs, and has also recorded many video broadcasts, but it is still a little insufficient for the master of broadcasting, Naeda Risa.

After simply trying out a section of sound, the supervisor confirmed that there was no problem, so he issued the official recording instructions.

A red indicator light was lit in the recording room, and the sound of the supervisor saying the start came from the back of the ear.

Clearing his throat, Mogami Kazuto looked at the script, lowered his voice, and the voice was full of coldness and perverseness, and suddenly scattered.

"Sa... let's start the game!"

(End of this chapter)

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