After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 570 564. After work, I ran into an izakaya.

Chapter 570 564. After work, I ran into an izakaya.

4 month 3 day.

The weather was not clear, the sky was shrouded in a layer of clouds.

Kazuto Mogami came to the recording studio to participate in the official recording that was postponed for a week.

The recording of the first episode was postponed for a week, and Mogami Kazuto felt that the future of this episode was worrying, and only hoped that the final episode would be released within three episodes.

It was only natural that I met my ex-wife on the set. Kazuto Mogami had already learned that Saori Konishi was the voice actor appointed by the original author to act as the heroine.

In other words, Kazuto Mogami will work with her on the collection for a long time to come.

Xiao Nishi Saori is still the same as usual, very active in the atmosphere of the set, and occasionally because of problems with the scene, he will go to talk to Mogami Kazuto who is huddled in the corner, and more often it is with the same I'm Ms. Matsuoka from the voice actor agency talks about acting.

On the set was another female seiyuu whom Mogami was familiar with, Ms. Hidaka who had sat with him at the sound audition.

In the officially recorded set, because Kazuto Mogami, who is the lead actor, huddled in a corner, Hidaka Rina sat next to the other lead actor, Konishi Saori.

As far as the coffee position is concerned, although she is young, she is the oldest among these people, so there is no problem.

The process of recording was very smooth. Kazuto Mogami has returned to his normal state of work after undergoing psychological counseling.

After the recording was over, everyone was naturally full of praise for Mogami Kazuto's acting skills, and Mogami Kazuto waved humbly and waited for the opportunity to leave.

While the others were still chatting, Mogami Kazuto ran to take the elevator first, and Miss Hidaka walked in right behind.

Helpless, Kazuto Mogami had no choice but to go downstairs with her.

"Totsuka-kun, you hardly talk to Nishi-san on set."


Mogami Kazuto was taken aback.

After a pause, he replied: "I'm not very good at talking to women, let alone seniors."

"But you know each other very well, don't you?"


Mogami Kazuto was confused now, and he was a little confused as to what Hidaka Lina meant by what he said.

"Hora, didn't you teach her how to cook before, um...she said it on Twitter."

Kazuto Mogami suddenly realized that such a thing had indeed happened, it was before his debut as a singer, and if it hadn't been mentioned by Hidaka Rina, he himself would have almost forgotten about it.

"It can't be said that they are very familiar, it's just that they have communicated."

"So it is."

The girl next to her smiled sweetly. For some reason, Kazuto Mogami always felt that something frightened him in her beautiful eyes.

After a while, the elevator reached the first floor, Hidaka Rina said goodbye to him politely, and went out first.

Leaving the building, the clouds that had obscured the sky before all dissipated, and the evening sunlight poured down gently on the street.

He will go to other recording studios to record the sub-track of "The Second Sickness". His partner in this issue is Nobunaga Shimada, and there is no pressure to chat.

The 10-minute chat was quite fast. Compared with recording with a female seiyuu, Kazuto Mogami still felt most comfortable partnering with Nobunaga Shimada.

If the male seiyuu also has intimacy, he can account for more than 5 out of 4.8 points.

The reason why he didn't use the system of female voice actors was because he was worried that if he really saw Shimada Nobunaga's name on the panel, he wouldn't be able to laugh.

After the recording of the sub-track was finished, it was already evening, and the two of them went to an izakaya for dinner. Today, Sakura Ayane is going back to her house, so it doesn't matter if she goes back later.

"Ahe, the official collection of "Journey to Death" seems to be coming soon."

" should be, it will be officially broadcast in July, and it will be recorded in May or June."

"how do you feel?"

"What do you mean?"

"The novel I wrote is made into an animation, and the protagonist is still dubbed by myself. There must be a different mood."

"Well... To be honest, I don't have any real feelings yet."

"If it were me, I would use the animated Qian Dakrypton to krypton."

"It turned out to be about money, don't compare me with you."

"Then what are you going to use it for?"


"So simple!"

Kazuto Mogami took a sip of his beer without saying a word.

He doesn't have any material pursuits or desires, but if Sakura Ayane expects it, he might really consider buying a luxury house worth hundreds of millions of yen in Chiyoda.

But he knew Sakura Ayane's disposition, and she was also not attached to those things.

If you want to say that Kazuto Mogami has something deep in his heart, maybe it's just sleeping with the girl he likes.

He couldn't tell whether it was something he liked or an idea that came about under the influence of skills, but it was meaningless to delve into this kind of question.

In conclusion, he, Kazuto Mogami, is a man who likes to sleep with girls.

Maybe it wasn't in the past, but everything is about the present.

It's the same reason that his current girlfriend is Ayane Sakura instead of Yousa Shimizu.

"Nobunaga, is there anyone you're dating?"

"Huh? Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"No, I'm just a little curious about what type of person you would like."

What Kazuto Mogami wants to ask is whether he likes to sleep with girls, so as to refer to how he is different from other men.

But obviously he couldn't ask such words directly, otherwise he would be regarded as a pervert by Shimada Nobunaga.

"Is falling in love more fun than games?"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

Kazuto Mogami is not obsessed with playing games. He is not interested in mobile games or PC games. When he has that kind of time, he prefers to sit in the courtyard and read a book.

Perhaps the moment he had this idea, it showed the difference between him and Nobunaga Shimada.

To sum up, men who like to read books like to sleep with girls.

This is the absurd assertion of Kazuto Mogami.

When the drink was halfway through, two female voice actors who accompanied them suddenly walked into the izakaya. Nobunaga Shimada had sharp eyes, looked at Kazuto Mogami, and pouted towards the door.

Take a look at Mogami and others.

These two are acquaintances.

Saori Konishi and Hidakari dishes.

He subconsciously thought of Sakura Ayane, but this time it seemed that there were only the two of them.

And those two also saw Mogami Kazuto and Shimada Nobunaga here, and nodded politely at them.

After searching for a long time, I couldn't find a vacant seat. Ms. Okamatsu, the clerk, was bowing down to apologize to them, and then walked towards Mogami Kazuto, and said with some difficulty:

"That... Shimada-san, Totsuka-san."

"Okay!" Shimada Nobunaga nodded heartily.

"I haven't said anything yet."

"You'll know it just by looking at it, right? You're welcome! Ah He?"


(End of this chapter)

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