After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 571 565. He ushered in April full of lies.

Chapter 571 565. He ushered in April full of lies.

Mogami Kazuto didn't know what to call the scene in front of him. In front of the square table, his ex-wife was sitting on his left, opposite was Shimada Nobunaga, and on the right was Hidakari.

Shimada Nobunaga looked like an optimist, and Mogami Kazuto looked a little annoyed, but he couldn't say anything.

【Ah?Ahe, don't you want to sit with these two? 】

[This person used to have the same surname as me. 】

How can he say such words.

Therefore, since the two sat down, Mogami Kazuto, who was already taciturn, was even more speechless.

On the other hand, Nobunaga Shimada had a very happy chat with the two of them, and the bright and sunny handsome guy seemed to be cheating a bit in this respect.

Kazuto Mogami is not good at talking to female voice actors. This is something everyone in the circle knows. Nobunaga Shimada seems to be trying to let him get exercise, and often throws the topic to him.

For this, Kazuto Mogami couldn't feel any gratitude at all.

Mogami Kazuto listened to it for a long time, and the topics of these people were not only work but also work, which was indeed a bit monotonous.

But that's fine, Mogami Kazuto doesn't want to know the secrets of who and who in the industry.

I thought the dinner would continue like this, until Nobunaga Shimada ran outside to answer the phone, Miss Hidaka left the table with a smile and walked towards the bathroom, Kazuto Mogami felt something was wrong.

At this time, only Kazuto Mogami and Saori Konishi were left here, looking at each other, speechless.

Kazuto Mogami wanted to just keep his head down and say nothing, but Saori Konishi gave priority to raising the topic.

Her gaze fell on the wine glass in front of Kazuto Mogami.

"Why did you start drinking again?"

Kazuto Mogami paused: "Occasionally."

"It's better to drink less alcohol."


Kazuto Mogami couldn't help but talk about what happened at Xiaonishi Saori's house, and he also drank alcohol that night.

"How have you been lately?"

"Which way?"


Mogami Kazuto shook his head: "Normal."

"Normal means?"

"Ordinary is ordinary."

Mogami Kazuto's answer was somewhat perfunctory, but Xiao Nishi Saori didn't care, resting on his chin with one hand, he looked at him quietly.

"Why do you think that nothing has changed since you fell in love, and you still keep a cold face, no one provokes you?"

Mogami Kazuto suddenly felt a little irritable in his heart, he seemed to be getting more and more displeased with her leisurely expression.

"Is it possible that I am not indifferent only to my love object?"

As soon as the words came out, Xiao Nishi Saori was stunned, perhaps even Kazuto Mogami didn't realize it, his tone was very similar to his attitude towards the biological parents who were abandoned when he was a child and found when he grew up.

Xiao Xi Saori smiled slightly: "Then it's really reassuring to be a girlfriend."

Mogami Kazuto let out a "tsk" in his heart, picked up the wine glass, and took a big gulp unlike himself, and finally choked his nose and coughed continuously.

Xiao Nishi Saori took out a few tissues and handed them over. After some hesitation, Kazuto Mogami took them and wiped them safely.

Not long after, Hidaka Rina came back from the bathroom and asked with a smile what the two were talking about.

Mogami Kazuto didn't reply, but Xiao Nishi Saori replied, "Let's chat casually."

Shimada Nobunaga was still standing at the door on the phone, Mogami Kazuhito complained in his heart, he only hoped that someone could call him at this moment, and he moved a chair out to be with Shimada Nobunaga by the way.

Hidaka Lina drank the fruit juice innocently, her beautiful eyes gradually turned into bright moons, and she exclaimed, "It's so good."

"What's so good?" Xiaoxi Saori asked.

"It's just a little envious. Aren't you two childhood sweethearts? I really want to have a playmate in the industry since I was a child. I think it will be very interesting."

When she said this, her eyes were full of innocence, no matter how cute she looked.

Mogami Kazuto looked at Xiao Nishi Saori in astonishment, an unexpected look of astonishment flashed across her face, she was slightly stunned and then forced out a small smile.

"Really, the last time I was with Ms. Minase and Ms. Sakura, didn't I just say that, but I was a neighbor for a while when I was young."

Kazuto Mogami was silent and did not speak, silently absorbing fragments from the conversation between the two.

Reminiscent of the conversation after the audition, Kazuto Mogami suddenly understood something.

His gaze quietly fell on Saori Nishi, who was also looking at Kazuto Mogami, while Miss Hidaka, who was full of innocence, was secretly observing the two of them.

Just as she was trying to ask something again, Shimada Nobunaga finally finished the phone call and returned to the table. Miss Hidaka put away her emotions for a moment, and asked with a bright smile if she could order another glass of juice.

Nobunaga Shimada didn't dare to drink as much as he did at the celebration banquet that day, presumably he was taught a lesson by his manager, but Saori Konishi became the one who could drink the most, Mogami Kazuto frowned involuntarily .

This woman told him not to drink too much, but she kept drinking there.

It is true that it has nothing to do with Mogami Kazuto if she drinks more or less, but Mogami Kazuto just doesn't like her appearance.

Mogami Kazuto thought he was relieved of the past incident, and he even once had the idea of ​​being willing to reconcile with her, and he showed this attitude.

The response she got was her refusal.

And after that, he fell in love with Sakura Ayane.

From this point of view, Mogami Kazuto seems to be a guy who can't be devoted to others, but waiting for an unknown relationship is a depressing thing.

The more time passed, the more bleak that expectation became, and in the end, only a mass of dark matter remained.

Kazuto Mogami didn't take another sip of wine, and sat there quietly all the time, like a sculpture of Hachiko outside Shibuya Station, not knowing what he was waiting for.

Nobunaga Shimada seemed to sense that the atmosphere was a bit weird, so he secretly sent a line to Kazuto Mogami, asking him what happened during the time he was calling.

Mogami Kazuto just glanced at it, didn't say anything, and didn't reply.

"Xiao Xisang, you seem to be in a good mood today."

"Shimada-san wants to toast with me?"

"As much as I'd like to, I've been ordered to drink less alcohol a few days ago thanks to someone."

Nobunaga Shimada looked at Kazuto Mogami intentionally or unintentionally, but he ignored them.

"what a pity."

Said, Xiao Nishi Saori poured down another glass of beer proudly.

Mogami Kazuto frowned, trying to make his voice sound distant and polite.

"Xiao Xisang, don't drink too much."

Xiao Nishi Saori poked her head and smiled coquettishly: "Oh~ Totsuka-kun is so gentle, hoo hoo hoo."

It's over, this man is already drunk.

At the end, the four of them settled the bill together, with Mogami Kazuto for the male voice actor and Hidaka Rina for the female voice actor.

Shimada Nobunaga was slightly drunk and took a taxi home with a lot of money, while Mogami Kazuto went to the station honestly to take the tram.

As for what happened to the two female voice actors, Mogami Kazuto didn't care, and most of them would take a taxi home.

But on the way, Mogami Kazuto thought inexplicably, I hope she won't get motion sickness and vomit in the car.

(End of this chapter)

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