After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 572 566. She has become a person from the past, and what exists in front of him are just fra

Chapter 572 566. She has become a person from the past, and what exists in front of him are just fragments of his past memories.

Inside the station, drunk office workers with ties tied to their foreheads, and high school girls wearing bubble socks and heavy make-up can be seen everywhere.

Perhaps because of drinking some wine, Kazuto Mogami felt a little hot, so he unbuttoned the two buttons of his shirt collar casually, shook his shirt, and let the wind get in.

While waiting, I went to the beverage vending machine to buy a can of coffee, and when the machine spit out some change, I missed the train.

I had no choice but to continue to wait for the next shift.

While drinking coffee, he rejected two young women who came to strike up a conversation, silently put on a mask, and shrank in the corner of the platform.

"Hey, Miss, I've had enough to drink. Do you want to play together next time?"

On the streets of Tokyo at night, such conversations can be seen everywhere, and the gangsters and drunk girls who strike up a conversation can be called a match made in heaven.

Mogami and Human Rights drank coffee leisurely without hearing anything.

"Hi'er~ I'm already... married, let's go."

"Oh...wouldn't it be better to have a wife!"

Kazuto Mogami frowned slightly, and opened his eyes tentatively. Who else could he be calling the drunk girl? It was the ex-wife who showed off her drinking in front of the three seiyuu.

How frugal this guy is when he drinks like this and rides the tram.

After thinking about it, there may also be the possibility of motion sickness.

But these things are not important. The important thing is that Kazuto Mogami should not pretend not to see it.

Maybe going up at this time would cause a lot of trouble, but Mogami Kazuto couldn't bear to watch her being taken away while drunk like this.

He can only tell himself in his heart that this is what an ordinary man should do, not because of those weird ideas.

"Then, madam, let's go drink some more, of course I invite you."

"I am going home."

"Don't say such spoiling things, let your beautiful wife go out to drink alone, your husband probably doesn't care about you that much."

"It seems true, he doesn't care about me at all."

"Hahaha, madam, you are so funny."

Mogami Kazuto's face darkened, he almost turned his head and left, after thinking twice, he still walked over.

The ex-wife was half leaning against the wall at this time, her figure was precarious, her face was flushed with blush after drinking, as if she would fall to the ground and shatter like a vase with flowers if touched lightly.

The young man with colorfully dyed hair made a gesture to help her by the shoulders.

Before he stretched his hands, a thin man wearing a mask stood in front of him, taking advantage of the opportunity to catch the body of Xiao Nishi Saori who fell to the side.

Drunk, she struggled fiercely for a few times, raised her head to meet those dark eyes that could not see any emotion, then suddenly calmed down, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Seeing this, the man glared at Mogami Kazuto with dissatisfaction: "Hey, where did you come from? First come first, then come first, do you understand?"

Mogami Kazuto is not in the mood to entangle with this kind of passer-by role, he just finds it troublesome.

"First come, first served...that's true.

But it's a pity, I'm the one that this guy just said doesn't care about her at all. If I don't take her back, my father-in-law and mother-in-law will definitely not let me go. "

The man was obviously taken aback when he heard that, and looked at Kazuto Mogami suspiciously.

Xiao Nishi Saori grabbed Mogami Kazuto's skirt tightly, even though he was drunk, he could still speak clearly.

"Heren... I... feel so uncomfortable and want to vomit."

"Telling you to drink so much, it's one thing after another to criticize others."

"Stop scolding, stop scolding, vomit, vomit..."

"Hey! You bastard! Don't try to throw up here!"

Xiao Xi Saori covered her mouth, her body arched violently, her eyes widened, and there was a faintly audible "gudong" sound.

She let out a sigh of relief and hiccupped again.


Kazuto Mogami looked at that person expressionlessly, and pointed at Saori Nishi: "Are you sure you want to take this funny girl away?"

The man took a few steps back with disgust on his face, looked at the two of them as if he was looking at something unclean, turned around cursing and left.

Before leaving, Kazuto Mogami heard "bad luck".

In short, it is best if he is willing to leave voluntarily.

Realizing that he was still holding Xiao Nishi Saori's shoulder, Mogami Kazuto felt uncomfortable, and immediately let go, but Xiao Nishi Saori fell on his shoulder, motionless.

Another tram came into the station, and Mogami Kazuto pushed her body, Xiao Nishi Saori remained indifferent until the tram left again, Mogami Kazuto had to help her sit down beside him, went to buy a bottle of mineral water and handed it to her. she.

"Don't drink anymore, don't drink anymore, if you drink again, your consciousness will be blurred." Xiao Xi Saori waved his hands with half-opened eyes, the smell of alcohol on his body was unusual.

"You are allowed to drink water, but not alcohol." Mogami Kazuto said angrily.

"And you're already blurry."

"Why, I still recognize you."

"Then who am I?"

"Totsuka Kazuto."

Also said it wasn't blurry.

Kazuto Mogami let out a long sigh and covered his forehead with a headache.

Xiao Xi Saori didn't speak, but closed her eyes peacefully, ignoring everything around her, as if she knew that there was someone beside her, even if she fell asleep on the spot, it didn't matter.

Mogami Kazuto was thinking about what to do next, he definitely couldn't bring Tsukishima back, but he couldn't let it go.

Fortunately, he still remembered the address of her apartment, and now he could only send her back.

Taking his half-drunk and half-awake ex-wife into the tram, Kazuto Mogami finally arrived at the door of the apartment where Saori Konishi lived after several transfers.

"Where's the key?"


"Where is the key?"

"Mouth... mouth, pocket."

Kazuto Mogami touched her jacket pocket first, and there was only a mobile phone inside.

Mogami Kazuto didn't care about any physical contact at this time, and found the key in the butt pocket of her jeans.

It's a good thing she didn't panic when she sat down.

Pass through the living room, bring little Xi Saori into the bedroom, and lay him down on the bed.

For a long time in the future, the appearance of the living room and bedroom will remain the same as when he came, and a burst of memories will inevitably flood his head.

Shaking his head, covering her with the quilt, he was about to leave this place that made him feel complicated.

"and people……"

Kazuto Mogami turned to look at her.

She still closed her eyes, moaning in pain.

" thirsty."

After standing there for a long time, Mogami Kazuto silently went to the kitchen to pour a glass of water, returned to the bedroom and placed it on her bedside.

At this time, Xiao Nishi Saori seemed to have fallen asleep.

Kazuto Mogami can leave whenever he wants.

But he suddenly felt that his footsteps became heavy, as if he had fallen into an invisible quagmire,

She has become a person in the past, and what exists in front of him is just fragments of his past memories.

If you think about it now, you will only feel sorry for that troublesome girl who loved him to death.

He gently stretched out his hand, and when his fingertips were about to touch her fiery red and soft cheeks, the dull cell phone rang, dragging him back from the past to the present reality.


"Moxi, Moxi, Jun Ren, are you home yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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