After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 584 578. The voice actor who pecked in the rain was drowned.

Chapter 584 578. The voice actor who pecked in the rain was drowned.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Kazuto Mogami and Ayane Sakura walked out of the hotel holding hands and walked towards the station together.

On the tram to Chiyoda, the two casually chatted about recent events.

Tacitly did not mention the girl's name.

"I thought you'd be working late today."

"Well, Saori... seems to be sick, and it's really not the case that she can participate in the recording, so she postponed it."

Sakura Ayane's tone was indifferent, word by word passed into Mogami Kazuto's ears, the same poker face with no change in expression.

"That's it."


"Don't you need to ask?"


"You are good friends."

"Who knows."

Kazuto Mogami glanced at Ayane Sakura, but said nothing.

He has been with Ayane Sakura for a long time, and he can see all the changes in her.

He couldn't help being a little worried, worried that Sakura Ayane would become the second Shimizu Yousha.

But this time, Kazuto Mogami decided to stand on the side of Sakura Ayane and become her partner, so he didn't say anything.

Sakura Ayane lightly squeezed Mogami Kazuto's hand, the train swayed, and each other's shoulders kept touching each other.

"Hey, Lord Scrap."

"what happened?"

Sakura Ayane looked at the man beside her, opened her mouth, but couldn't say a word, she was worried that if she asked such a question, it would break the proper state between them.

"No, as expected, there is still nothing."

"Strange guy."

"It's strange enough for me to like a guy like you."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Mogami Kazuto replied seemingly perfunctorily, but Sakura Ayane did not have any dissatisfaction. Mogami Kazuto is such a person. His casual experience is in language, movement, expression and many other aspects. This does not mean that he is a cold person, but just It's just that he, as a human being, doesn't understand the complicated expressions.

She thinks this is also very good, not only likes his occasional sweet talk, but also admires his usual seriousness.

The most important thing is to be honest, rhetoric, whitewashing, and deceit are all unacceptable.

Of course, when coaxing people, the more love words, the better. His voice sounded muffled and low, as if it had been filtered through several sheets of filter paper. Knowing his way, she took the initiative to take off her clothes and have fun with him.

"Colorful sound."

"What's the matter?"

"Are you bored with me?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Perhaps I feel that I am a boring person."

Sakura Ayane shook her head: "He was a very colorful person in the hotel just now, but when he went outside, he seemed to be a different person."

"Which is better?"

"all good."

"Nothing needs to change?"

"No need to change, I like you calling me to get up for dinner in the morning, I like you pretending to be unfamiliar with me on the set at noon, I like you calling me Caiyin affectionately on the bed at night, and there are many things that cannot be told in the tram. I like all of them."

"Is it really okay to go on like this?"

"I don't know how to make you change it, so let's just leave it like this."

The certainty in her words, revealing an indestructible style, made Mogami Kazuto feel particularly at ease.

After getting off the train, walked out of the station, and walked all the way to the mansion area where Ayane Sakura lived. Ayane Sakura no longer said how much the house on this side was worth, but she just quietly held Mogami Kazuto's hand and walked on a prosperous and happy road. pace.

When they came to the front of Sakura's house, the two looked at the lit window on the second floor at the same time. Sakura Ayane laughed softly, "Maybe my mother is hiding under the window sill and watching us secretly."

"Then you want to kiss her here?"

"You are really going to die, who wants to kiss you here."

Mogami Kazuto smiled slightly, he was joking, Sakura Ayane is the kind of person who is measured, at least she is an elegant and well-behaved girl in front of her elders, she will never do that kind of slightly indulgent thing .

"Then I'll go in. Mr. Xiaoren, be careful on the way back, and don't go into the house of any female voice actress." Sakura Ayane warned with a smile.

"No, see you tomorrow."

"Well, see you tomorrow."

Watching Ayane Sakura enter the house, Kazuto Mogami went to the station and returned to Tsukishima smoothly before the parking was suspended.

Entering the house, everything is silent, the night outside the window is dark, there is no light at all.

Sitting there until midnight, the color of the sky has changed a bit, the sound of the wind has long since died down, and the shape of the clouds is also slightly different.

Things that I had hardly thought of in the past came to my mind one after another, some of which were exciting, and some of which were a little sad.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't tell the origin of this emotion, he was sure that he was deeply in love with Sakura Ayane, but after hearing that someone was sick, there was always a soft voice deep in his heart, while teasing his delicate nerves , as if whispering softly in the ear.

After taking a cold shower, I suppressed the annoying voice a lot and buried my head in sleep.

The next day, when there was no dubbing work, Kazuto Mogami practiced in the karaoke room and went to the gym to exercise his endurance.

As the concert is approaching, Kazuto Mogami's exercise and diet management during this period have been strictly controlled by Dai Qiuhui, and he must present the most perfect state on the day of the concert.

At the same time, the convenience of business has not been left behind. Kazuto Mogami, as a voice actor, received the first TV variety show and acted as the narrator.

It happened to be a variety show that Sakura Ayane also starred in, and the two partnered again.

Of course, in order to match the schedule of the two, the collection was done separately, and there was no chance to meet each other.

Even so, it is enough for cp people to drink for a while.

With the withering of the ancient cherry tree protruding from the wall in the neighbor's house, April passed, and May, which was even more difficult to pass than April, came.



On this day, Kazuto Mogami received a line from Mr. Komori.

When dubbing the mobile game "Fantasy C", Kazuto Mogami once met Komori, one of the screenwriters, and added line friends to each other at that time.

Since then there has been no contact other than New Year's greetings.

Therefore, Kazuto Mogami was quite surprised when he received the greeting from Mr. Komori today.

After a deep chat, Mrs. Komori finally revealed her intention of coming. The light novel "Is It Wrong to Seek an Encounter in the Dungeon" written by her is about to be animated, and asked Mogami Kazuto if he would like to voice the male protagonist.

And the implication of this sentence is that he does not need to participate in the audition meeting, and is directly determined by the original author with permission.

Kazuto Mogami was quite surprised. He first thanked and then apologized, expressing the fact that he knew nothing about the content of this work.Teacher Komori was not dissatisfied because of this, but called him a straightforward person.

After some exchanges, the other party said that they would send the script to Qingyi's office first, and make an appointment for Mogami Kazuto to audition.

It was the first time for Kazuto Mogami to be dubbed by the original author, so he agreed in a daze, and after passing the matter on to Dai Qiuhui, Dai Qiuhui said that Qingyi originally planned to get him a chance to audition for this role , which saves you trouble.

Therefore, Kazuto Mogami made a special trip to Akihabara after finishing his work today, and bought back the entire volume of the original novel of "Ground Error".

With the return of Shimizu and Yousha and the subsidence of the incident at the beginning of the year, Kazuto Mogami's life gradually entered the right track, practicing songs non-stop every day, rushing to the set, and participating in auditions.

The monthly "Totsuka Cafeteria" has officially ended, and "Totsuka and Taneda's Game House" has become a weekly broadcast compulsory course, and even the Nico live broadcast of the program is also done with Taneda Risa Twice, the popularity is quite high.

As more and more famous broadcasting scenes are broadcast, and the original work of "Journey to Death" gradually enters the climax stage, any drama with these two co-stars will inevitably cause some guys who can't read the air to frantically swipe the screen, It drew backlash from many passers-by.

Roughly speaking, "Pure passers-by, are these two husband and wife?", "Pure passers-by, they seem to be a good match" and the like.

For example, the animated "God's Notebook" was just announced this month.

Kazuto Mogami plays the male lead, and the female lead is Yui Ogura, a young senior from the record company. Although Risa Taneda is not the main character, she also has a lot of roles. For the two of them who have not received animation dubbing work for a long time, they talked very well. It's a shot in the arm.

Last year, the OVA of "Hori and Miyamura" that the two co-dubbed, finally announced the news that they will make the second OVA this year, which means that they will dub this drama again.

At the same time, the sound manga "Dungeon's Childhood Friend" was once again voiced by Kazuto Mogami and Ayane Sakura.

With taking over a large number of main roles, Kazuto Mogami's popularity has risen, and he has gradually entered the career of the general public and various animation supervisors in the industry. People have paid attention to this young man who made his debut as a singer and turned into a voice actor.

Voting for this year's Voice Actor Award will start in August, and there are as many as three animations scheduled to be broadcast in July, where Kazuto Mogami plays the leading role alone.

"Journey", "TRINITY SEVEN", "Stepmother's Daughter Is My Ex-Girlfriend".

There are also four TV dramas in which she played supporting roles. In addition to a large number of TV animations, there are also dubbing work such as OVA animations, audio comics, and mobile games.



"God's Notepad" dubbing studio.

Kazuto Mogami huddled in the corner of the recording studio as usual, watching Yui Ogura, who had a microphone in front of him, calmly dubbing.

According to the rules of the set, the male and female protagonists each have their own microphones, especially Yui Ogura. With her height, if she shares a microphone with other voice actors, it will be very difficult for her not to tiptoe.

Although Yui Ogura is not very good at singing, her dubbing skills are quite good. Although she is not at the top level, her sweet and greasy loli voice is something that other voice actors cannot learn.

A voice with strong personal characteristics is the weapon of a voice actor.

But in the same way, the distinctive fixed voice line will bring benefits, but at the same time it will also limit the voice actor's own play path, which can only be compensated by acting skills.

Kazuto Mogami has taken so many light novel male protagonist jobs so far, so that whenever there is any standard Azashi male protagonist in the light novel world, the comment at the bottom of the rating website will say [cv: Kazuto Totsuka] Play around with this.

Kazuto Mogami is quite open about this, but if given the chance, he also wants to try the role of a perverted villain.

But like the purely abnormal characters in the previous "Cartoonist and Assistant", he somewhat respects them at a distance. It's not that he dislikes the characters themselves, but that the disgusting gaze of a certain experienced voice actor is too explicit, leaving him a little shadow.

After the recording was over, Taneda Risa asked him if he wanted to go together. Their next job was to record next week's "Game House". The recording studio is next door, and it's just around the corner when you go downstairs. Kazuto Mogami thought about it, He nodded in agreement.

When I came to the first floor, I saw that petite figure standing in front of the gate at a glance.


"Teda-san, gee... Totsuka-san."

Kazuto Mogami really wanted to know what that "goo" meant. He didn't remember what disgusting things he had done to her. If he was still thinking about the misunderstanding at the beginning, then he really wanted to break her head and see See what's inside.

But as far as the result is concerned, Kazuto Mogami wished for her to be like this.

"Is Ogura-san waiting for someone?" Taneda Risa asked.

"No, it's raining outside. I didn't bring an umbrella. I wondered if I should wait a while."

Kazuto Mogami glanced at the sky, the sky above Tokyo in May was gloomy, the rain was bouncing high on the ground, and there was a lazy atmosphere everywhere, it was suitable for listening to the sound of rain and taking a nap in front of the French windows in the living room .

Naneda Lisha took out a folding umbrella from her handbag and handed it over: "My next studio is next door, and I can walk there in no time."

"Can I really use it?"

"Well, please use it."

Ogura Yui hesitated for a while, and finally reached out to take it.

"Thank you Taneda-san."

"you are welcome."

"Then... I'll go first, I have to catch the tram."


When Yui Ogura left, Taneda Risa looked at Kazuto Mogami beside her.

"Have Totsuka-kun brought an umbrella?"

Kazuto Mogami shook his head.

So she looked at the gradually torrential rain outside the house, showing a helpless expression.

"Looks like you'll have to get in the rain with me."

"Originally, I only need a shower." Kazuto Mogami said.

"how you said that?"

"After all, it's not good for me to share an umbrella with Miss Tantian, so the only option left is to get wet in the rain."

"Is this what I mean by walking behind with an umbrella alone, watching you run funny in the rain with your head in your hands?"

Kazuto Mogami nodded.

"Hmm... Totsuka-kun is unexpectedly entangled in this kind of place, it's just an umbrella together."

Mogami doesn't talk to people.

Zhongtian Lisha couldn't stop laughing: "Well...there's no umbrella anyway, let's run together."

"it is good."


"Still shouting slogans?"

"Of course we have to shout, it's best to decide the outcome."

"Significant?" Mogami Kazuto asked.

"Take it as a game, and make material on the show later."

"Is there a title?"

"The voice actor who is pecking in the rain is drowned, interesting?"


"Hahaha, then run, prepare~prepare~run!"

She walked swiftly and without hesitation, like a sheltered urchin who never worried about getting sick, with her hands open in the wind, her back was so chic.

Kazuto Mogami stayed where he was, touched the folding umbrella in his satchel, and rushed into the rain.

(End of this chapter)

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