Chapter 585 579. Tokyo people are all liars?

Inside the recording studio.

"The stone comes out first, and the boxing poi~"

"The stone comes out first, and the boxing poi~"

"Yeah~~ I won again."

Taneda Risa smiled very happily. Due to a certain opportunity, Kazuto Mogami became only able to throw stones in the game of guessing fists. Since then, he has not won a single game of guessing games.

Because their clothes got wet from the rain on the way here, both of them changed into custom-made peripheral T-shirts for the show, on which were printed Q-version portraits of Mogami Kazuto and Taneda Risa and the show LOGO.

At this time, the two sat face to face to record the show.

The business is already extremely proficient, but occasionally there will be some tricks that make the staff laugh, and today's broadcast accidents are as stable as ever.

"Totsuka-kun, in the work of voice actors, is there any work that bothers you particularly, or is there something you are not good at?"

"The question on the script today is so serious."

"Hahaha, it seems so, but in my opinion, Totsuka-kun should not have such troubles, he seems to be able to do everything with ease."

"It's not easy, I also have many times when I feel [ah... this is too tiring] work."

"What is what?"

"Recording of the sub-track." Kazuto Mogami answered quickly.

"Hey~~~ah! I can imagine it, although I haven't collaborated with Totsuka-kun to record the sub-track once so far."

"Wait until "Journey to Death" airs and there will be cooperation."

"Sure enough, it's because there was no script when recording the sub-track."

"Uh... I'm basically the type who is not good at talking to others. If I don't have a script, I will often think about what I should say and what I shouldn't say. As long as I think for more than three seconds, I will be detained for silence and a broadcast accident. hat of."

"Really? But I heard some time ago that Totsuka-kun was quite active on the dubbing set, and gradually he talked more and more."

" would be rude for other people to talk to me if they didn't say something to continue the conversation."

"I see."

Taneda Risa nodded.

"Did you hear that? If there is a voice actor-san who is listening to this program, please don't talk to him Totsuka-kun on the set from now on. He will be very troublesome."

"Hey! I didn't say anything that would cause public outrage!"

"Hahahaha! I'm just kidding!"

When recording the program, Naeda Risa was much more active than usual, and she was always able to guide Mogami Kazuto just right, so this program was quite comfortable to do.

"Speaking of which, Totsuka-kun won't be able to catch up with me this time around. I already have [-] wins and [-] losses. Do I want to accept the penalty game in advance?"

"I only remember that I lost one game of boxing."

"Didn't you lose to me on the way to the recording studio? Could it be that you want to renege on your debt?"

"Does it really count?"

"Take it for granted!"

So Taneda Risa described the situation when the two came here, expressively, and imitated Kazuto Mogami's reaction while laughing.

"The title seems to be a seiyuu drowned in pecking in the rain?"

"That's right, that's right!" Taneda Lisha laughed loudly.

"Don't look at Totsuka-kun's long legs, he can't run as fast as me."

"It's not too long."

"How tall is Totsuka-kun?"


"Ah... I'm only 153cm, are you looking for faults with me?"

"how come."

Mogami Kazuto defended himself.

"I just hate running too fast and getting my trousers wet from splashes."

" that's it, I'm also troubled by the fact that I don't dare to take too many steps because I'm wearing a skirt.

All in all, I entered the recording studio one step ahead of Totsuka-kun, so it can be considered my victory. "

"Just be happy."

Naneda Lisha laughed heartily.

In the end, Kazuto Mogami reluctantly accepted the punishment game and ended the hour-long recording of the program.

The staff brought him a tote bag containing his rain-soaked white shirt and told them they could wear the T-shirt home.

The two expressed their gratitude, greeted the staff present, and left the recording building together.

At this time, the rain has stopped, and the sun hides behind the clouds, quietly poking out the timid sunlight.

"Totsuka-kun still has work in the future?"

"Today is over. Recently, I have been doing concert practice, and my manager said that rest is also very important."

"That's right." Taneda Lisa nodded.

So the two went to the station together along the way, Mogami Kazuto looked indifferent, but Taneda Risa was a little concerned about the T-shirts the two were wearing, whether they would be mistaken by passers-by for lovers' clothes, and she was a little shy in her mood.

"Totsuka-kun seems to be used to this feeling?"

"What does this feeling mean?"

"Walking on the road in the same clothes as the girls."

"I haven't experienced it before, it's the first time."

"Won't you go out shopping with your girlfriend?"

Kazuto Mogami glanced at her: "I don't have a girlfriend."

Gengtian Lisha silently said "oh".

Passing by a certain splendid building, the electronic screen above was broadcasting the news of the shooting incident, and Taneda Risa lamented that the world is really not peaceful.

Kazuto Mogami didn't feel this, he didn't even say "um", maybe because he died once, his perception of death is a little different from ordinary people, that's why he wrote such light novels.

"Totsuka-kun, you seem to be indifferent to most things."

"how you said that?"

"I was thinking about it when I saw you in the hospital. This man is a quiet liar."

Mogami Kazuto gave her a strange look.

"Isn't that too straightforward?"

"I said that because I consider Totsuka-kun a friend, what does Totsuka-kun think of me?"

Mogami Kazuto thought for a while, then said flatly, "Friend."

"That's right." Zhongtian Lisha laughed.

If this smile can be seen by Sakura Ayane, it will definitely inspire the lily soul in her heart.

"I'm so blunt because I'm a friend. On the surface, Totsuka-kun seems to be a fairly easy-going person, but that's because he has no intention of getting along with anyone at all, and he just imitates other people's behavior to get by That's all."

"It's the first time I've received such an evaluation."

"That's because so far no one has exposed you, or seen through your true nature."

"Miss Tantian, do you want to say that you have seen through me?"

"Of course I don't have that great ability, I just feel a little bit of the same breath as myself from you."

"……What's the meaning?"

"It means that I am also a liar."

Mogami Kazuto couldn't understand, and he wasn't interested in getting to the bottom of it, but deep down in his heart, there seemed to be a little more thought of staying away from this woman as much as possible.

Arriving at the station, since the two of them had stopped by the way until the halfway point, it was only natural that they got into the same section of the carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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