After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 594 588. I want to see the sea of ​​fire with you.

Chapter 594 588. I want to see the sea of ​​fire with you.

In mid-June, Kazuto Mogami attended the two-person broadcast of Hidaka Rina and Ogura Yui, and recorded Hidaka Rina's birthday special.

This time Kazuto Mogami received the notice early and prepared gifts in advance, avoiding the embarrassment like last year.

Sakura Ayane was very open about this kind of work-related entertainment, and she didn't embarrass Mogami Kazuto. Instead, she gave Hidaka Lina a super expensive dress herself, which really made Hidaka Lina happy.

With the end of the "TRINITY SEVEN" TV animation, the release news of the theatrical version has also been finalized. In order to celebrate the release of the theatrical version, the organizer is preparing to hold an event. Hats and scarves.

As for why he should wear a hat and scarf in the coming summer, Mogami Kazuto still can't figure it out.

In order to be half a month before the official broadcast of the animation of "Journey", the original light novel No.11 volume of "Journey" was officially released, and at the beginning of the volume was written the words "rushing to the end, there is one volume left before the end" .

"Journey to Death" has been serialized for less than two years, and with an average publication speed of 6 volumes a year, it can be regarded as a leader in the light novel world.

Denki Bunko is already discussing with Mogami Kazuto about the new work, but Mogami Kazuto has reservations about this, saying that he has no good ideas yet and wants to concentrate on the final volume, and the work of singers and voice actors is really heavy. , the implication is that I am not considering writing new works at present.

Although Natsuki Yuta was disappointed about this, he said that it was worth seeing Totsuka-sensei interacting with Ms. Sakura in public, and Mogami Kazuto had a big question mark over his head.

The two of us are in love, what does it have to do with your leader of the school.

All in all, there is still the last volume left before the end of "Journey", Kazuto Mogami has no slack thoughts.

As for the ending, Kazuto Mogami had an idea more than a year ago.



Inside the recording studio.

"Totsuka-san, Taneda-san, please give me your advice today."

"Please give me more advice, Supervisor."

"Please advise."

Kazuto Mogami is reading a thin script. Today he is here to record the second episode of the OVA animation of "Hori and Miyamura". After a year, the lineup of voice actors has increased a lot, and Yuma Uchida is one of them.

In addition, Nobunaga Shimada and Saori Konishi also appeared on the set. So far, apart from the heroine Risa Taneda who will come to discuss acting skills with him, no other female seiyuu has come to chat with him.

The only thing that bothers Kazuto Mogami is a senior male voice actor named Sugita. He has collaborated with him several times before, but the relationship is not deep. This person always talks about very strange people on the set, and he can often see Until the female voice actors avoid him.

It's not that he's avoiding with disgust, that look is purely looking at creatures other than humans, Mogami Kazuto doesn't want to get together with him.

However, life is not always that simple.

"Totsuka-kun, which do you prefer, a tethered swimsuit or a school swimsuit? Personally, I really hope you like the school swimsuit."

What is this man talking about?
However, this person is a senior in the industry, and Mogami Kazuto really couldn't ignore him, so he had to say perfunctorily:

"Then I'll choose the one that's different from Sugita-san."

"Mina~~ I heard that Totsuka-kun said he likes tethered swimsuits."


"Sugita-san!" Mogami Kazuto couldn't help shouting, it was the first time he lost his composure on the recording set.

"Hey~~~What a surprise~~"

"I didn't expect that Totsuka-san..."

"Totsuka-san is chatting with Sugita-san."

"It's really hard to tell."

"As expected of Ah He."

Shimada Nobunaga, who was sitting across from him, secretly gave Mogami Kazuto a thumbs up, his eyes were clearly praising him as a warrior.

All the voice actors present looked at the two of them with amazed eyes. Compared with hearing that Kazuto Mogami liked tethered swimsuits, they seemed to be more incredulous that the two could chat together.

Kazuto Mogami really couldn't use any words to describe his mood at the moment, so he could only pretend to be silent.

"Totsuka-kun is really cute."

"Please don't tease me." Mogami Kazuto said helplessly.

"How could I do that kind of thing?"

So what did you just do?
Mogami Kazuto thinks.

Suddenly, the audio supervisor came in to greet the voice actors, gave instructions on dubbing, and revised some of the lines in the script.

Kazuto Mogami carefully took notes on the script, and then entered the trial recording of Part A.



After the collection was over, Kazuto Mogami couldn’t stand Mr. Sugita’s entanglement, so he had no choice but to exchange contact information with him. As the first line greeting, Mr. Sugita sent him a picture of greetings. Kazuto Mogami instantly felt his mobile phone Not clean anymore.

"Does Totsuka-kun like breasts or butts?"

Mogami Kazuto couldn't answer at all.

After returning home, Kazuto Mogami told Ayane Sakura what happened today, and Ayane Sakura laughed.

"Just answer if you like boobs."

"Then I won't be a pervert."

"You obviously like it very much."

Mogami Kazuto couldn't deny that there was no one in the world who knew more about Mogami Kazuto's sexual fetishes than Ayane Sakura.

During dinner, Kazuto Mogami chatted with Ayane Sakura about many things in the industry, including Mr. Sugita.

Although Mr. Sugita is always in good shape, he is unexpectedly a well-known person in the industry. No one stipulates that a dead house who likes to tell dirty jokes has to be a person of bad conduct.

After hearing a lot, Kazuto Mogami admired him a little. At least this person can show his true side to others and face himself bravely.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't learn this alone.

"Mr. Xiaoren, come out with me later."

"Okay, where are you going?"

"Let's go shopping casually. I've stayed at home for a long time, and I'll be dragged upstairs by you later."

"How can I say that I am a lustful maniac?"

"you are not?"

"Be with each other."

Sakura Ayane shyly punched him hard.

After dinner, Kazuto Mogami soaked the bowls and chopsticks for two in the sink, put on a mask, and went out with Ayane Sakura.

Early summer is approaching, the wind is blowing mixed with the fresh smell of summer waving greetings, the two of them are holding hands and walking aimlessly.

Riding the tram, sitting side by side in the carriage like the couples that can be seen everywhere, Sakura Ayane leaned her head on his shoulder, the tram swayed, and her head also swayed.

At night, the lights of Shibuya are feasting, people in love hold each other's arms, Sakura Ayane clamors for crepes, Kazuto Mogami takes her to buy them.

The pure white cream was like an artist's paint, and it was randomly smeared on the edge of her mouth. She smiled indifferently, showing her neat teeth that were whiter than cream.

"Mr. Xiaoren, we have been dating for so long, have you thought about where to take me to play?"

"Where do you want to go?"

"ask me?"

"You won't be happy if you go to a place you don't like."

"Did I say something similar to you before, to be unhappy about eating is not to see what to eat, but who to eat with, and the same goes for going out to play.

As long as I'm with you, even if I'm asked to go down the mountain of swords and fire, I'll just fill the suitcase with the skirts you like to see happily, and go out with you happily.

How do you feel? "

"I want to see the sea of ​​fire with you."

Sakura Ayone chuckled.

(End of this chapter)

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