After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 595 589. She is intimidatingly clever.

Chapter 595 589. She is intimidatingly clever.

After finishing the recording of the audio manga "Dungeon's Childhood Friend", Kazuto Mogami non-stop recorded another variety show of charades.

The partner of these two works is Ayane Sakura, but they are all recorded solo, so Kazuto Mogami was not able to see Ayane Sakura on the set of the recording.

On the contrary, on the set of "Journey to the Dead", I can occasionally see Ayane Sakura.

Besides, "Shishou classmate is not just cute", it is a drama in which Kazuto Mogami and Saori Konishi take the first step as the protagonists of each other.

As a matter of course, the sub-track of the first episode was recorded together by their pair.

At this time, Kazuto Mogami was sitting with his ex-wife, chatting with each other while watching the content of the first episode played on the screen.

This pair is relatively rare, and Saori Xiaonishi is married to the outside world, so no one will talk about their CP.

"Has Totsuka-san met a woman like Shimori-san in real life?"

"In real life, only delinquent girls can show this expression."

"Hey~~~ It's prejudice."

"Then Nishi-san has ever met a man like Izumi-kun in real life?"

"It's unlikely to happen in reality."

"That's right."

"So Totsuka-san is not interested in two-dimensional beautiful girls?"

"Maybe it will change when I go to Two-dimensional one day."

"Well... Totsuka-san seems to be very popular with girls, so there's nothing wrong with not being interested."

"That's prejudice."

"To be honest, what kind of girls does Totsuka-san like?"

"I like my girls."

"It's not an answer at all, there are too many girls who like Totsuka-san."


"There are so many fans and fans."

"Scared me, I almost thought I was popular among girls."

Saori Konishi let out a business laugh, and looked at Kazuto Mogami meaningfully.

After the recording of the sub-track was over, Kazuto Mogami greeted the staff present, and then rushed to the next set without stopping.

Regarding the drama "The Daughter Brought by My Stepmother Is My Ex-Girlfriend", Kazuto Mogami finished reading the original work, and many of the descriptions made him amazed. Although there was a tendency to be weak in the later period, the early writing was really excellent.

It's just a bad news, the animation itself is not very good, you can tell just by reading the lines.

Also as a light novel writer, Kazuto Mogami deeply sympathizes with the fact that his work may become a sacrifice for an animation company.

But these things have nothing to do with him, and the audience will not blame the seiyuu for the bad animation. Mogami Kazuto still gave his voice with 100% strength as always.

"Totsuka-kun, I heard that next time you and Yui-chan will play the leading roles?"

After the dubbing ended, Hidaka Rina came over to talk to Kazuto Mogami.


"That's good."

"very nice?"

"On the same set as Totsuka-kun, I can learn a lot. Everyone is praising Totsuka-kun's acting skills."

"It's not a big deal."

"Acting is the most important thing for a voice actor. It's really amazing."

Mogami Kazuto felt a sense of crisis when the girl with bright eyes said such words with longing.

As if seeing Mogami Kazuto's retreating reaction, Hidaka Rina changed his attitude, stepped back with a smile, stepped back to a safe distance from Mogami Kazuto, and talked to him about the industry with a smile on his face.

Those breathtaking watery eyes seem to be able to speak, making Mogami Kazuto not know whether to listen to her words or to read the message conveyed by her eyes.

Mogami Kazuto opened the panel silently, Hidaka Rina's intimacy increased gradually, which is an extremely normal figure for ordinary friends.

"Totsuka-kun, do you have a job next?"


"There seems to be a dinner party for the film crew tonight, and Totsuka-kun wants to join you, right?"


"Ah? Didn't you listen to the staff?"


"It's really strange."

Hidaka Lina talked about the dinner party tonight, but Mogami Kazuto didn't say a word after listening.

"Actually, I am also hesitating whether I should go or not. The university major I am studying is about to take an exam, but I have been busy with work and have no time to study. I originally thought about studying hard at night.

If Totsuka-san goes, I might be able to excuse my absence. After all, it would be too bad for both of the main players to be absent. "

There was naughtiness and a slight pleading in her eyes, Mogami Kazuto quickly understood what she wanted to express, and suddenly felt that this girl might be a little different from what he had imagined.

It's not that he rejects smart girls, it's just that he suddenly finds her clever and intimidating.

"I'll be there."

"Really? Thank you Totsuka-kun."

Kazuto Mogami shook his head helplessly, not knowing what to thank for such a thing.

"If Miss Rigao doesn't go, it's better to say hello to the supervisor in advance."

Out of humanitarianism, Mogami Kazuto sent a reminder.

"I know, I will talk to the supervisor."


After that, Hidaka Lina told Mogami Kazuto about the time and place of the dinner, and then happily ran to the staff's lounge.

Kazuto Mogami didn't think too much, and left the recording building silently, and sent a message to Ayane Sakura, saying that there was a dinner party for the crew tonight.

Not long after, Sakura Ayane sent a message, saying that she would invite Naeda Lisa to dinner after finishing work tonight.

Mogami Kazuto naturally has no opinion.

At six o'clock in the evening, Kazuto Mogami got off the tram and walked all the way to the izakaya that Hidakari had told him about.

I walked into the store and looked around for a long time, but I didn't see any familiar figures, thinking that I must have come too early.

I told the clerk that I was waiting for someone, but no one showed up after about 10 minutes. Just when Kazuto Mogami was puzzled, a familiar figure finally walked in.

Mogami Kazuto looked intently, surprised.

"Miss Hidaka?"

"Ah... Totsuka-kun?!"

"Didn't Miss Hidaka say that she would study at home?"

Hidaka Licai scratched her head, and said with a embarrassed smile: "I was told by the supervisor that I must be present today."


The girl said so, so Kazuto Mogami naturally couldn't say anything more.

"Has everyone not come yet?" Hidaka Licai asked.


Kazuto Mogami also felt strange, there were still 10 minutes left before the agreed time, logically speaking, the relevant staff should have arrived early.

So the two sat looking at each other dryly, the clerk came up and asked the two what to eat, Mogami Kazuto said again that he was waiting for someone.

Hidaka Rina propped her chin with both hands, looking at Mogami Kazuto curiously.

Mogami Kazuto looked a little uncomfortable, and silently looked away.



She paused, showing a cute look that hesitated to speak, but was overwhelmed by the strong competitive spirit, and softly probed:
"Totsuka-kun, are you really dating Ayaneru?"

(End of this chapter)

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