After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 701 694. "A Romantic Comedy That My Childhood Sweetheart Will Never Lose"

Chapter 701 694. "A Romantic Comedy That My Childhood Sweetheart Will Never Lose"

In the early morning, when Mogami Kazuto woke up from the sofa with the hangover headache, Sueto Ishikawa was lying on the floor, covered with a thin blanket, scratching his belly with one hand and sleeping soundly.

If it is taken as a photo and printed out, and Ishikawa Sukeren is fooled into signing his name, it should be able to sell for a high price.

After sitting up, Mogami Kazuto rubbed the space between his brows and glanced at the clock on the wall.

Fortunately, it's only 07:30.

He lightly kicked Ishikawa Suketo's buttocks, without any sign of waking up, stood up unsteadily, raised his legs over his torso, and went to the bathroom with ease.

After washing his face with cold water, he was fully awake.

He is very familiar with this room, it is Shimada Nobunaga's apartment.

Well, I'm not too familiar with it, anyway, I've been here a few times.

Trying hard to recall what happened last night, but Kazuto Mogami couldn't remember, how long he drank, what he said, how he got here, all of them couldn't be clearly remembered.

It's useless to think about things that can't be remembered. When the matter became known to everyone, Mogami Kazuto directly chose to open it.

I took out my phone and took a look, it was out of battery and turned off, I couldn't find a charger in the living room, so I simply ignored it.

When I came to the unusually clean open kitchen, I knew that Nobunaga Shimada didn't know how to cook by himself at all. He opened the refrigerator and took a look, and found that there were some instant food.

Take out a bag of unsealed bread slices, put them into the toaster, barely find some eggs, crack a few eggs, sprinkle sugar and break them up, start a fire, heat the pan, pour oil, golden egg liquid is injected every 15 seconds In a square pot.

10 minute later.

Like a nanny, Mogami Kazuto woke up the two male voice actors one by one.

"Oh~~ As expected of Ahe, I deserved my hard work carrying you back last night." Shimada Nobunaga said with a smile.

"My suggestion is that the two of you live together, and I come here every day for a meal." As soon as Ishikawa Jieren finished speaking, he felt the sharp eyes of the two people beside him at the same time.

Nobunaga Shimada and Sueto Ishikawa just picked up their chopsticks and prepared to have breakfast.

"What about "I started"?" "Mogami Kazuto said.

"Oh duo... I'm starting."

"I'm gonna start now."

Mogami Kazuto said no more, clasped his hands together: "I'm starting."



In the morning, Kazuto Mogami and Nobunaga Shimada took the same train to Aoichi's office.

Nobunaga Shimada went to get the new script that had just been delivered to the agency, while Kazuto Mogami went to the president's office.

Regarding the relationship between Kazuto Mogami and Ayane Sakura, although the office said to the outside world that the two are just good friends in private, they also denied that the person in the photo was Ayane Sakura.

But this does not mean that Mogami Kazuto can stay out of the matter. He must have a reasonable reason to explain who the woman in the photo is. For this kind of place that cannot be fooled, the firm can only claim that it is Totsuka Kazuto’s family , went on a family trip during the weekend.

Kazuto Mogami was extremely against such an approach in his heart, but this was an agreement between him and Ayane Sakura, and in the end he acquiesced to the firm's approach.

The president didn't ask any more questions about the relationship between the two, he just asked them to pay attention to their respective positions in public, and he didn't have any more words.

After leaving the president's office, Kazuto Mogami found that Nobunaga Shimada was still outside, wondering what he was waiting for.

Seeing Kazuto Mogami coming out of the president's room, Nobunaga Shimada waved at him: "I took the script for you, it's really quite a lot, is there any recording in the morning?"

Kazuto Mogami walked over, took his part of the script and put it in his backpack.

"There is an audition meeting in the morning."

"It's a coincidence, so am I."

"1, 2..."

Shimada Nobunaga showed the appearance of wanting to check the answers with his closest friends after the exam, Mogami Kazuto ignored him at all, and walked past him, feeling that it was wrong to do this in public Shame enough.

Unsurprisingly, when the two came to the station and found that their destination was the same recording studio, the answer was almost the same.

"What character are you auditioning for?"


"Me too."

After staring at each other silently for a while, Nobunaga Shimada swore, "I have no intention of losing to the younger generation."

Kazuto Mogami: "Senior, please be merciful."


When they came to the recording building, the two found the recording studio with the words "A Romantic Comedy Audition Meeting that Childhood Sweethearts Never Lose" hung in front of the door, and walked in together.

Kazuto Mogami went to the vending machine to buy two cans of drinks and threw one to Nobunaga Shimada.

"Ai Ai, Awa." Shimada Nobunaga suddenly approached, and the sound was extremely soft.

Kazuto Mogami glanced at him, and he could probably guess what he wanted to say.

"I saw your ex-wife just now."

"I'm not blind, I see it too."

"And the current girlfriend too."

Seeing his gossiping face, Mogami Kazuto sighed slightly in his heart, and glanced at the resting place full of female voice actors in the distance, Mogami Kazuto didn't want to blend into that environment even if he died.

"Shall we go over and talk to them?" Shimada Nobunaga asked with a smile.

"kill you."

"It's so cold." Shimada Nobunaga spread his hands.



Looking at the female voice actors, Saori Konishi is sitting on the right hand side of Shimizu Yousha, and Ayane Sakura is sitting on the left hand side. The three of them are sitting on the same sofa, exuding a wonderful aura. The other female voice actors around can only dare Silently looked at, no one approached.

Shimizu Yusamoto made an appointment with Konishi Saori to audition. On the way, Sakura Ayane walked in, came over to say hello to the two, and sat down beside Shimizu Yousha.

This move surprised the two of them. It has been a long time since Sakura Ayane sat with these two on the set. After thinking for a while, they guessed that her behavior should be to show the relationship between herself and Xiaonishi Saori. No barrier exists to prove that he really has nothing to do with that matter.

I have to say that such a straightforward and rough behavior is indeed something that Ayane Sakura would do.

Logically speaking, Xiao Xi Sazhi should be responsible for the atmosphere among the three, but this responsibility has fallen on Qing Shui Yousha since I don't know when.

Shimizu Yusa worked hard to balance the atmosphere of the three of them. Whether it was Saori Konishi or Ayane Sakura, she would take the initiative to talk to each other, making the scene less awkward.

Saori Konishi and Ayane Sakura knew this well, and were grateful for what Shimizu Yusa had done.

Until the staff called out her name, she bowed and walked towards the recording studio, and looked back at them with some worry, hoping that when she came out of the recording studio, the two of them would not fight.

After Qingshui Yousha left, the atmosphere between the two suddenly became weird and fell into a soundless silence.

(End of this chapter)

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