After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 702 695. So, she changed her mind so far.

Chapter 702 695. So, she changed her mind so far.

After Yusa Shimizu left, Saori Konishi looked at the script silently, and Ayane Sakura was browsing Zozo with her mobile phone. There was nothing to say between the two of them.

Even though they were recording radio programs, the two could still laugh and chat with each other, but once they were in private, they were like problem students who were caught by the teacher in the office to do their homework at the same time after school, with their heads lowered one by one.

Speaking of which, because of this incident, the two of them were complained by the script writer of Slingstone Terrace. In this case, no matter how the next script is written, it will be embarrassing.

"Hey, what are you talking about, didn't you see that these people are secretly staring at us?" Sakura Ayane slid her finger on the screen, whispering at a volume that only Saori Nishi could hear.

"Do you care what other people think?"

Xiao Xisha did not change his face, still looking at the script in his hand, turning the pages calmly, showing that he did not take public opinion to heart at all.

Facing Saori Xiaonishi like this, Ayane Sakura suddenly felt irritated, she didn't like this calm attitude the most.

Glancing at Konishi Saori's serious reading of the script, Sakura Ayane snorted lightly.

"What kind of childhood sweetheart will never lose, it's obvious that they lost in a mess, Maggie won't show it (laughing)."

Xiao Xi Sazhi was startled when he heard the words, tilted his head and glanced at her indifferently, then set his eyes on the script again.

"Caiyin, it's too ugly. Life is life, script is script, and I don't want to quarrel with you here."

"I don't want to argue with you here."

"What you say is completely different from what you do. You really haven't changed at all, Caiyin."

"Aren't some people the same, what they say is completely different from what they do, what they say is nice, but the body is still so honest to steal."

Xiao Xi Saori was slightly silent: "It was because of drinking that time. Even so, it was indeed my fault. I promise there will be no next time."

"Everything is blamed on alcohol, right? That's why it's said that women who love to drink are not good enough."

"Is this really good? It's entangled in the workplace."

"Isn't it Saori who is pestering you?"

"If you want to put it that way, when Yousha fell in love with him, you wouldn't have been entangled for a long time, wouldn't you?"


It seems that there is such a thing, but didn't she not know that they were in love at that time!

Seeing that Ayane Sakura was suddenly at a loss for words, Saori Konishi showed a kind smile. Although the female voice actors couldn't hear the conversation on their side, as long as they smiled, they would think that they had a very harmonious relationship with Ayane Sakura.


Sakura Ayane pursed her lips, and from the corner of her eyes, she noticed that a few other voice actors were looking at them, and they also put on a kind smile, and the corners of their mouths twitched and said:
"You are really eloquent, Xiao Xisang."

Saori Nishi returned with a polite smile: "Where is it, not as good as Ms. Sakura."

far away.

Shimada Nobunaga elbowed Mogami Kazuto's arm, and said softly, "Hey, Awa. You seem to have a good chat over there, and you seem to be in a good relationship. Do you want to go over and have a conversation?"

"Which eye of yours saw them chatting happily?"

"You see they all smile so brightly, why don't you go and listen to what they are talking about?"

"Please shut up."

Mogami Kazuto rubbed his temples with a headache, trying not to let his eyes look there.

Having said that, it would be a lie to say that he was not curious about the content of the conversation between Ayane Sakura and Saori Konishi.

But compared to this, he was more worried that the two of them would make trouble in this recording studio. At this juncture, if something happened again, they might not be able to continue to gain a foothold in this industry.

"Speaking of which, you didn't speak clearly yesterday."

Mogami Kazuto frowned vigilantly: "What did I say yesterday?"

"you forgot?"

To be honest, Kazuto Mogami had no memory of the content of the conversation last night at all, so he didn't know what he said after drinking.

"Ask why you want to divorce Xiao Xisang."

"You bastard, it's too despicable to talk when others are confused."

"I didn't ask, but someone asked."

"No difference."

Kazuto Mogami began to recall, but after recalling to no avail, he asked, "How did I answer?"

"you guess."


"It's okay, it's okay, we have a very strict mouth, and we won't tell outsiders."

Suppressing the anxiety in his heart, Kazuto Mogami let out a long sigh: "Forget it."

"Speaking of which, I really didn't expect you two to be childhood sweethearts."

"The childhood sweethearts are just acquainted for a long time, there is nothing special other than that."

Moreover, strictly speaking, they are not really childhood sweethearts.

"Next, Mr. Shimada Nobunaga."

When Shimizu Yusa came out of the recording studio, the staff's voice sounded, Shimada Nobunaga patted Kazuto Mogami on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "The person who won the main role is a treat."

Mogami Kazuto sighed softly: "If you want me to pay you, you can just say so, there is no need to beat around the bush."

"You guy, you really have confidence. Is this the way you treat your seniors?"

"Yes, yes, Shimada-senpai, let's go." Mogami Kazuto waved his hand.

Shimada Nobunaga smiled and hammered Kazuto Mogami on the chest, and walked into the recording studio with the script.

Shimizu Yousha, who came out of the recording studio, did not immediately walk towards Ayane Sakura and Saori Konishi, but stopped in front of Kazuto Mogami.

Mogami Kazuto was slightly surprised, and the two female voice actors in the distance also stretched their necks to look at them.

"Heren-san." She said softly.

"………What's wrong?"

Qingshui Yousha stared at him for a while, his eyes were clear, and he shook his head immediately: "Do you think this is really good?"

"Whether it's good or not, it's my own choice."

"Are you sure this is your choice, not Neru-san's?"

Kazuto Mogami took a deep look at her, and then looked at Ayane Sakura not far away from the corner of his eye.

"Since I respect her decision, it is my own choice."

"But you know that this is not Neru-san's true meaning."

"Yeah, I know..."

Mogami Kazuto could not refute this fact.

"Not everything can be resolved by compromise, and Rensang is always compromising, and it was the same during the time with me.

When you compromise to the limit, are you going to treat Neru-san like you did to me? "


She looked at Kazuto Mogami for a long time, then shook her head slightly disappointed: "Let me tell you something that is good news for you."

Kazuto Mogami listened quietly.

"Now, maybe I hate you a little bit."

Although her eyes were a little sad, her words were exceptionally firm.

"Because of this?"

"Because of this."

 Fight and fight.

(End of this chapter)

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