After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 703 696. Be honest to the honest and lie to the liar.

Chapter 703 696. Be honest to the honest and lie to the liar.

After the audition, Kazuto Mogami got the male lead, and Nobunaga Shimada took second place and won the second male lead. Therefore, Mr. Mogami pays for the drinking game tonight. No matter what the ending is, Nobunaga Shimada will Win numb.

As for the main female characters, as if it was agreed, the Yingshuixi three-person group is one for each.

It can only be said that the sound supervisor understands voice actors.

After leaving the recording building, Nobunaga Shimada went to other recording studios, while Kazuto Mogami returned to the company to prepare for the upcoming concert.

Kazuto Mogami has two more concerts to be held in Tokyo this month, and the tickets were sold out long before the wedding incident. Although there are some online fans clamoring to sell tickets, even if the price is increased, many people are rushing to buy them.

As an artist, Kazuto Mogami is obliged and responsible to give an explanation to the fans. Anyway, that's what Dai Qiuhui said, so the company specially sent someone to write a small composition and publish it in the name of Kazuto Mogami.

Looking at the "always support Hebao" under the small composition, Kazuto Mogami suddenly felt that this world is really magical.


Seven o'clock in the evening.

Kazuto Mogami came to the recording studio on time to record the broadcast.

In the lounge, the long-haired girl was sitting quietly reading the novel. This was originally Kazuto Mogami's unique gesture. I don't know why she didn't read the script today and was interested in reading the novel.

Mogami Kazuto subconsciously glanced at the cover of the novel, Taoberto Barrera Tisca's "Sickness", which is quite unpopular.

Seeing Kazuto Mogami push the door in, she gently closed the book, unzipped the satchel, put the book in the inner pocket of the satchel, and smiled elegantly at Kazuto Mogami.

"Good evening, Totsuka-kun."

"Well... good evening, Miss Taneda."

Compared with animation recordings, Kazuto Mogami found that he still prefers recording studios where broadcasting is recorded. There are not so many seiyuu who secretly look at him here, and that person is not the type who will take the initiative to inquire about his privacy, which will not make you tired. All day long, he continued to face the enemy.

Gengtian Lisha moved the chair beside her, and this simple movement seemed to urge him to sit on that chair.

After hesitating for a while, Kazuto Mogami walked up to Tanada Lisa, pulled the chair back a little further away calmly, and sat down.

"You don't look very good," she said with a smile.


"Because of your business these days, the industry has never stopped. It's interesting and interesting."

Mogami Kazuto glanced at her side face indifferently, it was still peerlessly beautiful and elegant.

"Stop making sarcastic remarks, these two days have really exhausted me physically and mentally."

"Of course, it is human nature to like to dig people's privacy, and it is also for fun."

"Miss Taneda too?"

"I'm not interested in such low-level fun, I just find it interesting to look at your face at the moment."

"What's on my face?"

"Tired, bored, lies."

"It's not something that makes people feel interesting at all," Mogami Kazuto said.

"It varies from person to person."

"I can't see that Miss Tanada is interested in such emotions."

Taneda Lisha shook her head: "I'm not interested in emotions."

Mogami Kazuto did not speak.

"Perhaps it was because of the time when I was sick. I saw a lot of negative emotions in the hospital, and now I am not interested in these things. Rather, it is a bit incredible."

"Why is this?"

"Because of arrogance."

"Arrogance? Miss Taneda?" Mogami Kazuto was a little surprised.

"Feel weird?"

Kazuto Mogami nodded.

"I can't understand Totsuka-kun's state of mind at the moment, I just compared it with my own situation, and came to the conclusion of 'not so much'.

You see, I obviously don't understand your inner troubles, maybe this is a big event for you, but I calmly think that it is nothing worth mentioning compared to being sick or not being able to be a voice actor little things.

Can't this be called arrogance? "

"I see."

Zhongtian Lisha raised a smile: "Am I arrogant?"

Mogami Kazuto didn't know how to answer the conversation, so he could only smile lightly.

Nakeda Risa neither asked questions nor showed curiosity, but used her own standpoint to belittle Mogami Kazuto's troubles.

"Thank you."

"no need thank me?"

"Anything, just wanted to say thank you."

Zhongtian Lisha glanced at him with a smile on her lips: "You're welcome."

There was still some time before the recording of the show, and there was a little pleasant fragrance from Tanada Lisha beside her. Mogami Kazuto silently flipped through the script, and the only sound in the lounge was the sound of him flipping the paper.

After a long time, the voice of Changtian Lisha suddenly sounded, the voice was more seductive than the moonlight outside the window.

"The person in the photo is Caiyin, right?"

Kazuto Mogami froze his fingers just as he was about to flip the script, and looked at her beside him from the corner of his eye.

"Didn't you say you're not interested in low-level fun?"

"Don't believe every word of the beautiful nonsense that Tokyo people say."

"I thought Miss Taneda was an honest person."

"Then it depends on who it is."

"Who are you lying to and who are you being honest with?"

"Be honest with the honest and lie to the liar."

"That's right, I can understand it now."

"So? You haven't answered me yet."

"Can you believe my answer?"

"That depends on what your answer is."

Mogami Kazuto shook his head, sighed softly, and mosuoed his fingers back and forth on the white table, making a "rustling" sound.

"is her."

"Surprisingly, I didn't expect to hear the truth."

"Lying is an extremely exhausting thing. Not only do I have to bear the harshness in my heart at the moment of lying, but I also have to bear the consequences and pressure brought by the lie. I am already tired."

"Haven't thought about it before?"

"I thought about it, of course I thought about it. I wanted to be a sincere person countless times, but every time I ended up in a situation where I couldn't get better."

Taneda Lisha looked at him: "Sincerity doesn't mean not telling lies."

"If you lie, is it still called sincerity?"

"Good concealment and active confession are called sincerity. Not lying is just a modifier for evasion. If you are willing to lie, it means that you are still saved.

The hopeless are those who are unwilling to even tell a lie. "

"Sounds like nonsense."

"Just treat it as fallacy, maybe it will become the truth in the future."

Mogami Kazuto sighed faintly: "I hope so."

Seeing Mogami Kazuto's expression, Taneda Risa suddenly laughed softly: "It seems that the blow is really not small."

"It can't be called a blow, but it's just that I suddenly figured out a lot of things, and the regret is real. I feel more and more that I haven't done a good thing so far."


"It kind of means that." Mogami Kazuto responded with a smile.

"Is it useful?"

"do not know."

(End of this chapter)

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