After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 705 698. Broadcasting accidents do not only exist in broadcasting.

Chapter 705 698. Broadcasting accidents do not only exist in broadcasting.

It was dawn, and Kazuto Mogami woke up from the sofa again, shaking his head with a splitting headache, and the feeling of hangover that filled his body made him feel a little sick.

Spending the night again at Shimada Nobunaga's house.

Shimada Nobunaga seemed to be still sleeping, and Mogami Kazuto made breakfast and put it on the table, then left early.

After returning to Tsukishima's home, Mogami Kazuto took a shower, changed his clothes, and just walked out the door when he received a call from his mother.

Mogami Kazuto sighed inwardly, thinking that they should already know about the public opinion disturbance.

Line connected.

"Hey... Kazuto."

The mother's voice sounded extremely soft, she had completely lost the sick tone, and her body was recovering quite well, Mogami Kazuto was a little relieved about this.

"Well, it's me. I'm sorry, Mom, I can't come back to see you often because I have to be busy with the concert in the past two months, and I even made fewer calls."

"It's okay. I know you are busy with work. Mom is in good health now. Also, you don't have to send us so much money all the time. My dad and I don't need it at all. You keep it for yourself and you will need it in the future." Marry a daughter-in-law?"

"It's okay, mom, it's always good to have more money on you."

"You kid..."

Walking on the quiet street, Kazuto Mogami walked towards the station step by step, waving goodbye to the wind blowing from the sky and the mixed smell of winter.

"Mom, you called because of Saori's affairs. You said you should stop searching for my name on the Internet. It's embarrassing."

"You... are you having trouble?"

"It's nothing, I'm not a husband and wife with her now, and we get along without the old grievances. It's good, don't worry too much." Mogami Kazuto lied.

Now, Mogami Kazuto may be able to understand the meaning of Taneda Risa's words. Sincerity does not mean never lying.

"Then the girl in the other photo is...?"

Kazuto Mogami smiled faintly: "I'll introduce you next time."

"Huh? Oh... oh oh, okay."

His mother's reaction was much more interesting than he had imagined, which made him feel a lot easier.

As Kazuto Mogami had expected, his mother called because she was worried after reading his latest news.

Mogami Kazuto was unwilling to show his vulnerable side in front of her no matter what, so he worked hard to deal with it, hiding all negative emotions such as exhaustion and burnout, just to reassure her.



In the seemingly peaceful March, it seemed that everything was back on track. Kazuto Mogami was still able to receive work as a voice actor and singer, and the concert plan was not disrupted, and it was proceeding according to the scheduled pace.

Ayane Sakura is still Ayane Sakura, still the most popular female voice actor in the industry, she doesn't worry about work at all, and the benefits after moving to the country gradually experience with the passage of time, and she has won a special award from an old firm like Aoichi Ordinary resources have begun to appear in major variety shows, and they have almost escaped from the proper scope of the job of "voice actor".

In comparison, the other party involved in this turmoil, Xiao Xi Saori, is not as moist as they are. She seems to be the one who is most affected by this divorce turmoil, but because Xiao Xi Saori is the one of the three The one who has the least black spots among the people, and is very popular in the industry and audience circles on weekdays, so he still maintains a medium-level job, but there are still people who say some inexplicable things on Twitter from time to time.

Most of these people are from Mogami Kazuto's girlfriend fans, and their words are not very pleasant.

But Xiao Xi Sazhi didn't take this kind of thing to heart, and followed the principle of doing his job well, and never took the initiative to cause troubles.

As for the identity of the person who broke the news, according to Kazuto Mogami’s recollections and conjectures, he and Saori Konishi were probably childhood playmates. of the past.

Kazuto Mogami has probably already deduced the identity of that person. Through these reasonings, the answer is nothing more than Emi and Ryuji and someone in their circle at that time. Friends contact, as for the motive or purpose, until now Mogami Kazuto has no idea at all.



09:30 in the evening.

Today is the first live broadcast of Niconico before the official broadcast of the "Wrong Ground" animation. The participating guests are Mogami Kazuto and Shimizu Yusa, and the host is the well-known MC Ms. Matsuzawa.

It was the first time for Kazuto Mogami to meet Ms. Matsuzawa. Facing this female host who is different from a ostentatious intellectual voice actor, but a female host with real "intellectual" cultivation, Kazuto Mogami's contact with her was not smooth.

Generally speaking, this is the case when Mogami Kazuto meets most women for the first time. He hardly takes the initiative to strike up a conversation. He only answers a few words when the other party comes to say hello or ask questions.

Originally, Saori Xiaonishi would also attend this live broadcast, but for some reason, Saori Xiaonishi did not come to participate in the end, knowing everything.

Although Mogami Kazuto and Shimizu Yusa are both leading roles, but on today's occasion, apart from the initial greeting, there was no communication at all, which made Ms. Matsuzawa a little curious, thinking that the two of them did not discuss the script at all. Does it really matter?

"Totsuka-san, Minase-san, can you confirm with me about the process of broadcasting later?"



Ms. Matsuzawa took the initiative to talk to the two of them. The three of them sat on the chairs and began to compare the scripts. Kazuto Mogami silently moved the chairs to the open space beside him. Above and below the steps are black wires for various shooting equipment.

The chair under Mogami Kazuto suddenly vacated, and the two people beside him only heard a "plop", and Mogami Kazuto fell sideways on the ground, quite embarrassed.

"Totsuka-san, are you alright?"

"Ah~~ Please be careful."

"Please don't cause an accident before the broadcast starts, Totsuka-san."

"Please don't even after the broadcast."

Mogami Kazuto stood up in embarrassment, bowed to the surrounding staff, and finally moved the chair to Shimizu Yousha's side.

Qingshui Yousha suppressed a smile, and when Mogami Kazuto looked at her, he put on a serious look of "I don't know you well", making Mogami Kazuto not know what to say.

"It really hurts." Mogami Kazuto murmured and rubbed his waist.

Qingshui Yousha glanced at him, and said calmly: "It's because you always want to run away."

This is true, Mogami Kazuto smiled wryly, and began to compare scripts with the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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