After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 706 699. If you want to open the chapter of the harem, you can count me as one.

Chapter 706 699. If you want to open a harem, you can count me in.

The live broadcast officially started at ten o'clock in the evening. Kazuto Mogami thought that he should be able to handle this kind of live broadcast, but it turned out that he was not.

Especially when asked to jump around with Kendama in front of the camera, Kazuto Mogami had no idea what he was doing here.

In contrast, it is still more comfortable to play boxing game with Naneda Lisa on the radio show.

Having said that, Mogami Kazuto will never win in boxing games. Anyone who has played boxing games with him two or three times knows that this guy can only produce rocks in boxing games, making him look like a cat-shaped robot.

If I have to say why, it can only be said that it is the sequelae of doing too many radio programs.

At [-] o'clock in the evening, the live broadcast ended without incident. Although there were relaxation incidents, they did not cause any major impact, and everyone was used to it.

After exchanging hard work with the on-site staff, Mogami Kazuto was going to take a taxi home. At this point, he would not be able to catch up with the final electricity at the station.

Walking out of the photography building, the spring weather in March was very pleasant. Kazuto Mogami walked alone in the dimly lit alley. Under the quiet night, the footsteps behind him were particularly clear. Every step seemed to be stepping on cotton candy that had been roasted by the fire.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help turning his head, the footsteps behind him didn't stop, they were approaching more and more clearly.

"Why did you stop?"

She asked.

"No, why don't you take the main road?"

"I want to go to a dessert shop to buy some cakes, and this road is closer."

"Is this point still open?"

"I can't tell."

In this way, Kazuto Mogami said no more.

He also wanted to go to the convenience store to buy a bento and go home. He was so busy with work in the afternoon that he hadn't had dinner today, and the refrigerator at home didn't have any ingredients except a few eggs.

Stepping forward again, the figure of the girl has arrived beside him at some point, maintaining the frequency of advancing together with him.



"Just now."

"Just now?"

"Guess the punch." Qing Shui Yousha said lightly.

Kazuto Mogami was stunned.


"It seems that it was an agreement with Ms. Taneda on the radio or something, I can't remember clearly."

"Well, I'm surprised you'll know."

"At that time, I watched all of your broadcasts. What you said and did to other girls were absolutely unacceptable."

"That's it."

"You just have inexplicable attachments in this kind of place."

Kazuto Mogami shrugged, "Maybe."

"Sometimes I really want to open your head and see what's inside."

"After reading it, will you put it back for me?"

"Needless to say, I don't want to see Neru-san crying like a beast."

Mogami Kazuto laughed lightly, just hearing that girl's name, he would feel a warm sense of tenderness.

"I want to remind you that Neru-san and Miss Taneda have a very good relationship."

"……I know."

Shimizu Yousha raised his head and glanced at Kazuto Mogami, thinking that you know what the hell.

"You are a person who never takes the initiative. I mean, when a girl wants to take the initiative, it is too late for you to withdraw."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Knowingly asking."

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help being silent, always feeling that the clear water now has sand, and he is really much smarter than before.

He sighed softly: "She won't."

"So sure?"



"Because they are friends."

Qingshuiyousha was silent for a while.

"Judging from your tone, it seems that you have already noticed it."

"I guess I'm not a dull person."

"Wouldn't that be worse?"

"Ok, I know."

Kazuto Mogami's reaction surprised her, including what he said before, which she had never heard from the man who hurt her.

"Kazu-san, it's changed."

"What changed?" Mogami Kazuto asked.

"I can't tell. When you encountered this kind of thing before, you would just pretend not to see it, instead of talking about it like you are now."

Mogami Kazuto heard the words, raised his head to look at the night sky where not a single star could be seen, and sighed leisurely: "I'm also pretending not to see now, no...we all pretend not to see, the only way we can continue to get along with each other."

"What a cruel person, Kazuto-san." Qingshui Yousha sighed.


Perhaps, the cruelty in Qingshui Yousha's mouth is not a derogatory word, but a word full of sadness.

The cruelty she said was based on someone's admiration for her.

For example, he is now walking side by side with himself in a dark alley, talking freely, which is a kind of cruelty.

He can have a more correct approach, the most straightforward way is to leave quickly and never have any relationship with a girl like himself.

He couldn't do it, so cruel.

It's just that Qingshui Yousha no longer cares about these things, the things she cares about will not fall on her head, then the only thing left is a blank, there is no need to care about the blank things.

"Could it be that the goal is to make all the female voice actors in the industry fall in love with you?"

"How could it be? What good would it be for me to do that? Could it be that I could marry all the female voice actors and usher in a happy end like a beautiful girl game? I don't have that kind of obsession."

"It doesn't sound bad, count me in then."

Kazuto Mogami froze in place, looking at her swaying single ponytail, he couldn't help but let out a "hey".

Qing Shui Yousha stood firm and looked back at him, his expressionless face suddenly turned into a sneer.

"I'm just kidding, what a sweet dream."

Of course Kazuto Mogami understood that this was a joke, but he just didn't understand the meaning of Shimizu Yousa's joke.

Life is not a game for beautiful girls. It is not a game where you can see all the faces of the girls by clicking the options, saving and loading the files, and lead them to a happy ending that never exists in real life.

All the girls greeted each other with smiling faces, surrounded by crowds, it was a scene that only existed in the CG of the game.

Far from reality.

"I'm just curious about what it looked like when you were sunk into Tokyo Bay. The water in Tokyo Bay is very cold."

she says.

"There won't be that day."

"Oh huh?"

"At that time, I had no goal, no vision, no dream, and even nothing to do. I didn't even know what I liked or hated."

"Have you found it now?"

"...Well, probably."

Qingshuiyousha mouth slightly raised, she stopped looking at him, saw the light of the convenience store in the distance, and heard the bell ringing when the automatic door opened from a long distance away, she quickened her pace, opened the distance from him, and moved Mogami and people left behind.

"If that day really comes, I won't shed a single tear for you."

Anyway, the tears that should be shed had already been shed at that time.

"Well, that's fine."

Watching her leaving back, Mogami Kazuto murmured softly.

(End of this chapter)

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