Chapter 707 700. Mogami's morning.

Sometimes, time passes slowly and unbearably artificially, and sometimes, it jumps through several processes in one breath.

When Kazuto Mogami finished his second concert this month, it was already late March. Despite the scandal, the concert was still a great success.

He got drunk at the celebration banquet, was helped into a taxi by Dai Qiuhui, and almost forgot how he got home.

Sakura Ayane seemed to have expected it a long time ago. After watching the concert, she went directly back to Tsukishima, prepared to learn about alcohol and medicine, and dragged him to the guest room on the first floor with weak limb strength.

Let him take the medicine, feed him water, take off his clothes, throw them all into the laundry basket, throw the quilt off and lie down under the quilt, playing with his somewhat fluffy black hair with his fingers, thinking silently.


After a while, she poked Mogami Kazuto on the cheek, but Mogami Kazuto never responded.

"It's so cute when you're asleep, why is it so hated when you're awake?"

She said something to herself.

Fingers slid across his eyebrows, pinched the bridge of his high nose, and poked his lips for a while, making a wonderful sound of "puff puff puff".

Mogami Kazuto's eyebrows unconsciously furrowed together.

"Oh~ Dou! I can't wake you up, I'm on my period today, so please sleep peacefully."

"Well... I guess you don't have that energy when you wake up now."

Mogami Kazuto's breath gradually stabilized, Sakura Ayane saw that he had no sign of waking up, the smile on his face faded quietly, and the light in his pupils also decreased a bit, his voice was murmured, and he didn't know who he was talking to.

"Sure enough, Kazuto-kun on the stage is the most handsome. The girls sitting next to me are all fascinated by you."

"Look, I didn't make a mistake in my choice. The current Heren-jun belongs to the stage, and he bears the expectations of countless people. I can't do such a thing as dragging you off the stage and taking it as my own."

"Although I really want to do that."

The girl put her forehead against his ear, listening to his breathing and heartbeat.

Close your eyes.

"Actually... At that time, I wanted to hear your strong scolding, belittling my self-willedness.

But you never do things that embarrass me. Your attitude at that time was already tough enough. I was too cunning to force you to submit by saying marriage. I'm sorry. "

"He Renjun has done well enough, but I haven't completely changed my mind.


Obviously when you were asleep, I could speak the truth so easily, but when I talked to you, it was still insincere. "

"I really... am a troublesome and willful girl."

"However, I am serious about that agreement, and I will not lie to you only on this point."

"Well...if you don't feel moved when you hear that kind of words, maybe I will register with you at the district office on the spot.

Breaking into the headquarters of King Records without hesitation, and saying in front of your manager that you are going to submit a marriage application, that scene is very interesting just to imagine, hahaha. "

"But if you do that, my parents will definitely be super angry, and many people will."

"If it were the me I used to be, maybe I would really do that, regardless of the consequences, and doing whatever I want. This is also the characteristic of Ayane Sakura."

Her hands gently climbed up the man's face, feeling his temperature and breath.

"Hey, He Renjun, have I really...been not like myself?"

"Can such a change be considered growth?"

Mogami Kazuto in his sleep couldn't give her an answer, she opened her eyes, and her eyes lost the radiance of the past, indifferent, mediocre, like a lake without ripples.

She kissed him lightly on the lips and looked at him for a long time, her sigh echoed in the room.

"Good night, Heren-kun."



On Saturday, March 3, it rained lightly in Tokyo. Kazuto Mogami woke up to the sound of windows being knocked on, and pink petals stuck to the glass.

Walking out of the bedroom, I found that I slept in the guest room last night. The reason for this is very easy to think of.

"Good morning, Superstar."

Ayane Sakura is preparing breakfast in the kitchen, this scene is not common, in the Mogami family, the person in charge of cooking has always been Kazuto Mogami.

"Sorry, I'm late, let me come."

"What do you care about such details, do you look down on my craftsmanship?"

"Nothing like that."

"Then just wait, I've already done it."

Kazuto Mogami nodded and sat down at the dining table. Ayane Sakura brought the breakfast and sat opposite Kazuto Mogami.

Rice, fried egg, pickled vegetables, fried salmon, steaming miso soup.

The content is extraordinarily rich, and it is a Japanese breakfast that Mogami and people rarely cook.

"It smells so good."

"Hehe~ Don't underestimate the craftsmanship of the future Mrs. Mogami." Sakura Ayane held her head quite proudly.

"I'm gonna start now."

After breakfast, Kazuto Mogami took the initiative to clean up the dining table, and washed all the dishes and chopsticks. Because there was still a little alcohol smell on his body, Kazuto Mogami went to take a shower.

Sakura Ayane squatted in front of the bathroom, sorted the clothes and threw them into the washing machine. She didn't have work this morning, so she can wait until the laundry is done before leaving.

After Mogami Kazuto took a shower, he changed into clean clothes and prepared to wash his face and brush his teeth.

"By the way, He Renjun."

Ayane Sakura leaned against the door frame and looked at Kazuto Mogami who was squeezing toothpaste in the mirror.

"Do you have time tonight?"

"Tonight? Well... after nine o'clock."

"Let's have a meal together after a long time, outside."

"Outside? Yes." Mogami Kazuto nodded.

"Then it's settled. Do you have a job later?"

Kazuto Mogami thought for a while: "There is a sound audition at 10 o'clock, and I have to go out soon."

There is no concert arrangement next month, and most of the subsequent concerts will be concentrated in the second half of the year, so Dai Qiuhui has arranged a lot of dubbing work for him. Considering the future schedule, many of them will be solo Recorded games.


After brushing his teeth, Sakura Ayane came over, stood on tiptoe and kissed him, and then smacked his mouth a few times.

"This toothpaste tastes good, can I kiss you again?"


Sakura Ayane beamed with joy, hugging Mogami Kazuto for a thicker exchange of bodily fluids.

Kazuto Mogami just wanted to reach out to hug her, but Ayane Sakura immediately stepped back with a smile on her face, with a sly look on her face: "Go ahead, I can't delay you from going to work."

Mogami Kazuto shook his head helplessly.

"Then I'm going out."

"Well, be careful on the road."

(End of this chapter)

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