After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 708 701. They are all victims...probably.

Chapter 708 701. They are all victims...probably.

【Ahe, are you done with work, are you going to drink? 】

At [-]:[-] in the evening, Kazuto Mogami had just finished today's work and was about to leave the dubbing building when he received a message from Nobunaga Shimada.

[I have an appointment today, please hurry up tomorrow. 】

[Really, is there anyone else besides me who would ask you out for a drink? 】

【I'm so sorry. 】

【Maybe Ms. Sakura, I can’t think of anyone else besides her. 】

What a smart guy.

Seeing that Kazuto Mogami did not deny it, Nobunaga Shimada immediately approved his inference.

[Okay, then I will let you off today. 】

Kazuto Mogami shook his head, called Ayane Sakura, and after getting the address, he stood at the intersection and hailed a taxi.

When he arrived in Ginza, Kazuto Mogami went to a high-end sushi restaurant based on Ayane Sakura's address. He was surprised that Ayane Sakura rarely came to such a place.

However, more surprises are yet to come.

Putting on the disposable slippers in the store, she followed the receptionist into the box. In the box, besides Ayane Sakura, she also saw Yousa Shimizu and Saori Konishi.

He was completely stunned.

"What are you doing standing outside, come in."

Sakura Ayane hooked her fingers at him.

Kazuto Mogami was silent for a while, and glanced at Saori Xiaonishi and Yousha Shimizu, but neither of them looked at him.

It seems that the three agreed.

Whatever Mogami Kazuto can do, come here.

He took off his shoes, walked into the box, and sat cross-legged beside Sakura Ayane.

"Can I serve food, please?"

"Well, let's go."

When the receptionist closed the sliding door, the atmosphere in the box suddenly fell into dead silence.

Except for Kazuto Mogami, the other three female voice actors all looked down at their phones, and none of them took the initiative to speak.

The scene was very embarrassing.

I should have followed Shimada Nobunaga just now.

Ex-wife, ex-girlfriend, fiancee.

Kazuto Mogami felt that this scene had a sense of déjà vu.

Even though the conversation hadn't started yet, Kazuto Mogami's stomach started to hurt.

This scene, no matter how you look at it, looks like a Hongmen banquet, and some high school students are holding a tripartite meeting at school.

Doing as the Romans do, Kazuto Mogami also took out his mobile phone and found the profile picture of Ayane Sakura on the LINE interface.

【What does it mean? 】(Have read)

Ayane Sakura calmly glanced at Kazuto Mogami beside her.

[Just treat them to a meal. 】

[Look at the atmosphere, does it seem like you're here to have a peaceful meal? 】(Have read)

[We had a great chat before you entered the door. 】

[Then I go? 】(Have read)

Sakura Ayane pressed the phone's lock screen button, buckled the phone on the tatami, and coughed lightly.

The other three were all attracted by her movements. It might be better to say that all three of them were looking at their mobile phones on the surface, but in fact they were secretly looking at her and paying attention to her every move.

"First of all, I would like to thank everyone for your kindness. I did not invite you here for anything else. The main purpose is to make a technical summary of the events that happened a few days ago. Everyone will get along in the circle in the future. It is better to talk about some things."

Kazuto Mogami was full of question marks.

Why bureaucratic?

On the opposite side, Shimizu Yousa and Konishi Saori didn't say a word, they just looked at Sakura Caiyin indifferently.

"Don't be so blunt, can you give me some feedback?"

There is sand in the clear water: "I don't know where to start complaining."

Xiao Nishi Saori: "Talking about a relationship won't ruin your head."

Sakura Ayane puffed her cheeks and turned to stare at Mogami Kazuto.

"One thing to say, I think the same as them... Hiss!" The flesh of Mogami Kazuto's thigh was caught off guard and twisted together.

He looked at Sakura Ayane, just about to say something, but saw that she had just twisted his hand, trembling slightly.

This discovery suddenly made Mogami Kazuto calm down, and he silently looked at Sakura Ayane's face.


How could Ayane Sakura not be nervous? If she didn't have something important to say, how could she gather all these people to sit here.

The same is true of the speech just now, everything is her way of trying to calm down her mood.

Mogami Kazuto, who had seen through this point, quietly squeezed Sakura Ayane's hand, and Sakura Ayane looked at him calmly, then withdrew her hand.

She has recovered.

Sakura Ayane was about to speak, but was interrupted by a girl present.

Qingshui Yousha raised his arm: "Then what, I seem to be an irrelevant person, can you not drag me into this?"

"Then you should be a witness of this meeting." Sakura Ayane said.

"It's really troublesome." Qingshui Yousha muttered, glanced at Mogami Kazuto, and put down his hand.

Kazuto Mogami and Saori Xiaonishi didn't speak, and they didn't even look at each other once. Saori Xiaonishi kept rubbing the ceramic teacup in his hand, wondering what he was thinking.

Mogami Kazuto was thinking about it, when Sakura Ayane beside him said, "Actually, I wanted to chat with you a long time ago, but I knew that the time was not suitable, so I waited so long for the appointment." Let's meet."

"Hey, hey! I shouldn't be counted among [everyone]." Qing Shui Yousha raised his hand again to interrupt.

"There is sand, let's listen to Caiyin first."


Mogami Kazuto silently watched this delicate discussion.

"I should have thought that this kind of thing would happen, but until it happened, I didn't think about it. As far as the conclusion is concerned, this is not a good thing for us."

Xiao Nishi Saori pursed her lips. It has been nearly a month since the incident happened. She and Ayane Sakura have not had any in-depth discussions. The two seem to be enemies. Even when they met, they deliberately avoided this topic. .

But since Sakura Ayane is willing to take the initiative to talk about this matter, she will not avoid it.

"I'm sorry, the main reason for this incident is me. If I hadn't concealed it back then, such a thing would not have happened, and it has caused trouble for you two."

"It's meaningless to say these things now. If it were me, I might be like you, hiding it for as long as I can."

Unexpectedly, Ayane Sakura did not blame Konishi Saori for this point, she thought that Ayane Sakura would hold on to this point.

"Sorry...thank you." Saori Xiaoxi bowed her head and said.

"Now the matter is barely in the past, and the public knows the reason of your marriage. The turmoil has gradually subsided, and even the firm has reduced the number of times you cooperate at work in order to avoid suspicion."

Kazuto Mogami is silent, this is what Dai Qiuhui once told him, presumably Xiao Xi Saori was told the same.

"We've all been hurt a lot, and I'm tired of being a stranger on set, or pretending in front of the crowd that it's nothing to do with me."

Sakura Ayane's words paused slightly.


(End of this chapter)

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