Chapter 709 702. Friends.


"I hope everyone can stop hurting each other."


Mogami Kazuto paid attention to Sakura Ayane's expression, her eyes were almost only focused on Saori Konishi.

Perhaps, it's not just clear water with sand, Mogami Kazuto himself is just an outsider in this situation.

This is a battle between Ayane Sakura and Saori Konishi, neither Mogami Kazuto nor Shimizu Yusa has room to intervene.

"From Caiyin's point of view, are we hurting each other?" Little Nishi Saori asked.

"As far as the result is concerned, no one is spared, is it?"

Little Nishi Saori shook her head: "Caiyin, you seem to have made a mistake."

"Oh?" Sakura Ayane raised her eyebrows.

"No one has the idea of ​​hurting others. You and me too. It's just that what we've done so far broke out at a certain time, putting each other in a dilemma, that's all."

"Does it make a difference?"

"Yes, to this day, I still regard Caiyin as one of my most important friends.

What about Caiyin?Do you see me that way too? "

Ayane Sakura remained silent, she still couldn't forgive what Saori Nishi did that day.

The air in the private room gradually condensed, and Mogami Kazuto and Qing Shui Yousha exchanged glances, neither of them dared to take a big breath, for fear of becoming the fuse of the incident.

At this moment, the door of the box was knocked lightly. The waiter kneeling at the door opened the door, put the dishes on the table, and then closed the door again after slightly bending.

During this time, no one made a sound.

The atmosphere was dull, full of viscous air that made people want to escape. Mogami Kazuto felt that as a man, he should take the initiative to stand up and lead the topic.

"Then what, you two..."

"He Renjun shut up first!"

"Don't talk to people."

"...Yes, I'm sorry."

Shimizu Yousha, who was sitting opposite, gave a very slight "tsk", looking at Mogami Kazuren's devastated expression, his eyes seemed to say "It's really useless".

Under the table, Sakura Ayane's fingers were entangled together: "I also... want to see you as a friend."


Immediately, Sakura Ayane changed the subject, her attitude was tough, and she almost glared at Xiao Nishi Saori: "But! I will never forgive you for that matter! Absolutely, absolutely!"

Xiao Xi Saori's eyes were calm, and his words were gentle: "I know, I didn't expect you to forgive my behavior that day."

Shimizu Yousha looked at Mogami Kazuto suspiciously, as if asking something.

Mogami Kazuto coughed lightly, eyes dodging.

Seeing this, Qing Shui Yousha became more and more confused, always feeling as if she was the only one left out.

Although she is indeed an outsider, yes.

"I think... Cai Yin, you may still be uneasy now, but at a time like today, if possible, I still hope that we can still be friends.

At least... I really hope so. "

Sakura Ayane pursed her lips vigorously: "Do you really think that we can continue to be friends?"

"As long as you want Caiyin, I will still be your friend."

Sakura Ayane fell into a brief silence. After a long time, she sighed softly, picked up the chopsticks, and clasped her hands together: "I'm starting."

Stuffing the salmon dipped in soy sauce into her mouth, the three people beside her watched her quietly.

After she swallowed, drank the tea, arranged the chopsticks neatly, and looked at Xiao Xi Saori again.

"Since we are friends, please treat me to this meal."



Mogami Kazuto felt more and more that he shouldn't appear on this occasion. Sakura Ayane was chatting happily with the rest of the other two women, but he couldn't intervene at all, and he didn't intend to intervene in his heart.

The three of them completely ignored his existence as if they had agreed.

The bored Mogami Kazuto could only silently observe the expressions of these three people.

Sakura Ayane's expression looked very cheerful, but Mogami Kazuto thought that her inner thoughts should not be just like that, at least the Sakura Ayane he knew was not what she showed now.

As for Konishi Saori and Kiyomizu Yusa, Mogami Kazuto did not pay much attention to it. The only thing that is certain is that the two people do have feelings such as "wanting to go back to the past" and "wanting to restore the old".

If it could be done, it wouldn't be in that kind of situation in the first place.

Kazuto Mogami thought, this might be a concession made by Ayane Sakura.

A concession made for friendship.

No matter how many grievances and complaints she has in her heart, she is still the Sakura Ayane who would do anything for her friends.

She didn't lose herself because of her victory in this love. Mogami Kazuto was very pleased, but at the same time worried that everything she did was forcing herself.

From this point of view, Sakura Ayane is much stronger than him.

Ayane Sakura dared to face Saori Konishi and the conflict between them, something Mogami Kazuto had never done before.

"Neru-san, can I add to my order?"

"Why do you ask me? It's agreed that she will treat me today."

Qingshui Yousha turned his head to look at Xiaoxi Saori.

Xiao Xi Saori rubbed his forehead: "Come on, go on."

There was sand in Qingshui and his face burst into a smile.

In terms of eating, the clear water and sand have not changed at all.

Kazuto Mogami doesn't know whether the current situation can be called happy and harmonious, but if this situation continues, when he and Ayane Sakura get married, the two of them are really likely to attend.

Sit at the table of your ex-girlfriend.


"So don't ask me for the order."

"No." Qing Shui Yousha slightly shook his head.

"Now the turmoil is gradually subsiding, but Neru-san's clarification report, I think it is a big hidden danger, have you thought about how to deal with it?"

Ayane Sakura wrote very clearly on the official website of the firm that the person in the photo is not herself, and that she and Mr. Totsuka, a fellow agency, had a good personal relationship at the same time.

If the news of their marriage is made public in a few months, it will be another big event, and the events of the previous period will definitely be dug up by then.

"About this, I have thought about it."

"I don't intend to make this public for years to come."

Sakura Ayane was very calm, met the eyes of the three, and continued: "No one stipulates that dating should be made public. Mr. Sakurai and Mr. Shimono, don't you all keep it secret?"

"At the end of the day, falling in love, getting married, etc. are all personal matters. Fans are not family and parents. There is no need for their approval for everything."

"That's what I said..."

Qingshui Yousha glanced at Xiaoxi Saori beside him, and said nothing.

Saori Konishi took a sip of tea, put down her chopsticks, and looked at Ayane Sakura and Kazuto Mogami.

"Already have plans? Get married."

(End of this chapter)

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