After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 710 703. I like all of you, please be my wings...

Chapter 710 703. I like all of you, please be my wings...

Saori Konishi asked quite bluntly, and the question was quite sharp, so Ayane Sakura immediately fell silent.

When no one said anything, Kazuto Mogami, who had been silent all this time, took over the conversation.

"Well, that's the plan."

His eyes did not evade, his tone was neither light nor heavy, as if he was talking about an extremely common thing.

Sakura Ayane was still hesitating at first, but she never thought that Kazuto Mogami would answer so decisively, so she immediately glanced at him and pursed her lips.

Saori Konishi looked at Kazuto Mogami in surprise, and nodded after a long pause.

"So... ah."

"Yeah." Kazuto Mogami replied.

On the other hand, there is sand in the clear water on the other side, and they are cooking without saying a word, as if they have nothing to do with themselves.

Sakura Ayane lowered her head, quietly moved the hand under the table to Mogami Kazuto's palm, squeezed his fingers, and after attracting Mogami Kazuto's attention, she quickly retracted it, as if to say "I'm didn't touch you".

Kazuto Mogami knew that when she was having difficulty expressing his opinion, he had to speak for her. He couldn't worry about the feelings of Saori Konishi and Yusa Shimizu. If so, no matter how much you worry and escape, it is useless.

Therefore, there is no other way but to face it calmly.

"Then I should congratulate you all. I really should treat this meal." Gently tucking the hair hanging down her cheeks back behind her ears, Xiao Nishi Saori raised her slightly drooping head and squeezed out a smile. Said.

"Thank you."

Mogami Kazuto didn't think deeply about the true meaning of that smile.

Rather, Mogami Kazuto can probably understand something even if he doesn't think deeply.

In the past, Mogami Kazuto never took the initiative to think, and subconsciously chose to ignore the girl's intentions. Now he has become able to think, but he already has his own heart, and he can't allow him to do outrageous things, saying it is unrealistic words.

Xiaoxi Sazhi's mind, the mind of sand in clear water, is clear and clear in his heart.


I like all of you, please be my wings?

Stop joking.

Not to mention whether Mogami Kazuto himself had this idea, just on the side of Ayane Sakura, the first move was to contact the underground dark forces and sink him into Tokyo Bay, never to see the light of day.

"Don't make such an expression, Ayone."

"What expression do I have?"

"Hmm... the villain's success?"


"I'm joking! Really, it's obviously a good thing, but it's not like you to look at you with a gloomy face."

Konishi Saori eased Sakura Ayane's mood with a cheerful tone.

Maybe as she said, it was obviously a good thing, but Sakura Ayane couldn't show a smile at this moment.

"Oh~~ I didn't expect Cai Yin to be able to get married, it really surprised me."

"What is [that Caiyin]! There are too many people who want to marry me, stop looking down on them!"

"Yes, yes, that's great, getting married..." Xiao Xi Saori held her chin with one hand, focused her eyes on the light above her head, her eyes gradually blurred, and she said to herself:

"Why don't I go and have a relationship..."

Sakura Ayon was startled when she heard the words, and just about to tease her a few words, out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Mogami Kazuto's expression, her voice was stuck in her throat, and she couldn't say anything.



At 10:30 in the evening, the dinner was over. In the end, Xiao Nishi Saori paid for the meal. He had dinner with his ex-husband and his fiancee, and in the end he treated himself.

It can only be said that Sakura Ayane won numbly.

After saying goodbye to Konishi Saori and Shimizu Yusa, Mogami Kazuto and Sakura Ayane took a taxi and headed to Tsukishima together.

In the taxi, Ayane Sakura leaned against the car window and closed her eyes tiredly. Kazuto Mogami let her lean on his shoulder and chatted with her for a few words. Ayane Sakura didn't answer, just remained silent.

Kazuto Mogami thought she was tired, so he patted her hand lightly, and walked back to Tsukishima silently.

After entering the room, Kazuto Mogami took off his coat and threw it on the sofa. He was about to ask Ayane Sakura if she wanted something to drink, but Ayane Sakura was still standing at the entrance, motionless.

"Color sound?"

Mogami Kazuto walked over, just reached out to touch Sakura Ayane's cheek, but she took a step back, avoiding Mogami Kazuto's hand.

In this way, Mogami Kazuto finally found something wrong.

"Hey...He Renjun."

Sakura Ayane lowered her head and made a somewhat hoarse voice. The voice seemed to come through a thick layer of glass. It was clearly in front of her eyes, but it seemed to be separated by an invisible barrier.

"what happened?"

"Just now, why did you have that expression?"


"At that time, He Renjun must have been extremely sad. I think it's not just me, they all saw it too."

"that time?"

Kazuto Mogami didn't understand what she was talking about.

Sakura Ayane took another step back, her ears were buzzing, and she always felt that Mogami Kazuto's voice calling her was getting farther and farther away.

Kazuto Mogami saw that something was wrong, and hurried forward to hug Sakura Ayane's shoulders. She didn't struggle, but she didn't raise her head either.

"At that time, when Saori said that she was also going to find a new relationship, Kazuto-kun, do you... know what kind of expression you have?"


"It's like the expression of being pulled away from the world and thrown into a maze full of thorns. Kazuto-kun, you still care about her, right?"

Mogami Kazuto looked at the girl in front of him in confusion.

Did you have that expression at the time?
Or, when he heard Xiao Xi Saori's words, how did he feel?
Indifferent?Or was the heartstrings plucked?
Judging from Sakura Ayane's reaction, it's probably the latter.

But why.

I made up my mind early on to stay with this girl in front of me for the rest of my life, but will I be shaken by other people's declaration of love?
Mogami Kazuto didn't believe he was such a person.

He took a light breath, trying to make his voice sound calm, showing a faint smile, trying to erase the anxiety in her heart.

"Caiyin, no matter what you want to say, can you look at me first?"


Sakura Ayane slowly raised her head, her slightly dim eyes were shining with pitiful loss.

"You see, I am not standing in front of other people, but in front of you, I am not other people's lover, only your lover.

I will meet your conditions, I will fulfill your wishes for you, and the only thing I care about is you.

So... stop saying such sad things. "


She felt exactly what Kazuto Mogami said, and she really understood what kind of existence she was to the man in front of her.

But it was precisely because of this that she was so puzzled, puzzled by the true meaning hidden under his expression.

"I thought that what I did would make you happy, and I tried my best to prove something, but after being together for so long, you still can't believe my heart for you?"

"'s not like that..."

Sakura Ayane kept shaking her head, with a hoarse cry, which made Mogami Kazuto feel particularly uncomfortable.

"I know how much He Renjun likes me, but when I saw your sad expression today, I felt like I lost my soul...

I'm sorry, I'm sorry... He Renjun. "

Mogami Kazuto hugged her wordlessly, listening to her sobs.

In the field of vision, the icons that seemed to have disappeared for a long time kept flickering.

Distraughtly closing his eyes, he couldn't see anything.

(End of this chapter)

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