After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 711 704. On a spring night, I was wandering in the snowy forest, unable to find my way back.

Chapter 711 704. On a spring night, I was wandering in the snowy forest, unable to find my way back.

It was night, Caiyin beside me had completely fallen asleep, and there was a faint sound of breathing. I couldn't fall asleep for a long time, but I just kept looking at the ceiling. The ceiling gradually changed from the original darkness to the patterns on it. .

Raising my right hand and scratching the panel, the words [Lord of the Harem] flashed scorching scarlet, making me uncomfortable and creepy like someone suddenly pulling the sheets while I was sleeping soundly.

Closing my eyes, I can really feel my heart swaying.Those were the ups and downs that went beyond sadness and loneliness and fundamentally shook my own being.

Only when he put his hand on Caiyin's body, the ups and downs were tolerable.

I greedily extract something from her that makes me sober, so as to maintain myself.

I was shaking unusually, this shaking came so inexplicably, but it really made me feel incredible.

What's on my mind right now.

What I should think about is the girl next to me, and her future.

But what kept appearing in my mind was Xiao Nishi Saori and the unidentified man who was holding her hand and could only see his back.

This fantasy will not stop no matter what, and it has become the source of my inability to fall asleep. Just closing my eyes, I seem to be able to hear the gorgeous and solemn wedding march, and see my ex-wife in a wedding dress, making a vow with a strange man I don’t know. kiss scene.

Always felt……

Unable to calm down.

Be it the sound of the beating heart or the sound of blood flowing in the blood vessels, there are so many sounds, the murmur formed by these tiny sounds, seems to be a symphony that suddenly resounds across the world at two o'clock in the morning, and people all over the world are at a loss Waking up from the dream, I was at a loss looking at the beam of light surrounded by musical notes leading to the kingdom of heaven.

I can't calm down, there is nothing I can do.

He hugged Caiyin's waist, leaned on her thin shoulders, and smelled her shampoo-scented hair.

Even so, my heart is still restless, like an old tractor that has been started. Every time it vibrates, the parts all over my body will wail in disarray, as if it is on the verge of collapse at any time.

I have never hated myself so deeply as at this moment. On this spring night, my heart is wandering in the snowy forest, unable to find my way back.

"He Renjun..."

Suddenly, the voice of Caiyin calling me came from above the forest. The voice seemed to be blessed with special magic power, reaching the bottom of my heart, soothing my trembling restlessness.

I opened my eyes, and Ayane Sakura, who was lying next to me, woke up at some point and was looking at me worriedly.

Her arm stretched out from the quilt, and she quietly caressed my cheek, rubbing it lightly, her eyes revealing a faint sadness.

"Why...are you crying again?"

Are you crying?
Her slender fingers brushed the corners of my eyes, stained with transparent drops, and wet her fingertips.

it is true.

I'm literally crying.

When I opened my mouth, I could feel the rolling of my Adam's apple, but I couldn't make a sound.

She looked at me tenderly, leaned over her head, kissed away the tears on my face, and stroked my hair gently.

"It's okay, it's okay. There's nothing to be afraid of, good boy good boy..."

Loneliness still stings my heart from time to time, even the water I drink and the air I inhale have long, sharp needles. Pulling it out, the bright red and hot blood gurgling from her fingertips turned into dark purple mottled patches, tightly fitting on my beating heart.

Probably, I can't get rid of it in my life.

"Have you calmed down?"


Leaning on her soft chest, listening to her beating heart, an indescribable tranquility came quietly.

"Thank you... Caiyin."

I don't even know what I can say to her right now, other than thank you.

"Don't talk about such birthright, am I not the future supreme wife?"


"He Renjun."


"Do you like me?"

"Ang... I like it."

"How much do you like it?"

"The petals of the cherry blossoms follow the spring breeze without hesitation, so I like it."

"I just love to hear your inexplicable metaphor." She smiled lightly and stroked the corner of my mouth, actively put her finger into my lips, and I sucked it.


"Heren-jun, still can't sleep?"


"The energy is really strong, do you need my help to consume some?"


"If you don't say anything, you will accept it."



the following afternoon.

After the dubbing is over.

I stuffed the notebook into my bag and got ready to leave.

When I got out of the building and looked at the clear sky, even I couldn't help sighing in my heart that it was a rare good weather.

"Totsuka-kun, where are you going next?"

A voice came from beside him.

I fixed my eyes and saw that it was Ms. Naneda who was working on the same set just now.

"Well... find a place to drink something first, and then go to the set of "Departure"." I answered truthfully.

"What a coincidence, I also have the same arrangement, can we go together?"

Miss Taneda's smile is still very gentle, which is exactly the same as in my impression. I think she belongs to the kind of smart person who doesn't show her mood on her face.

That's why in the interpersonal communication with her, I feel that tenderness to incredible comfort.

"No problem." I said.

"Oh! Are you treating me?"


On the streets of Tokyo in March, I was walking ahead, and she followed me at a faster pace. The spring breeze gently curled up her long hair, and the snow-white long skirt clung to her lower abdomen and thighs. The curves were surprisingly beautiful, and I immediately moved He opened his eyes, and looked at the lonely telephone pole in front of him with some guilt.

Pedestrians are constantly on the road, and it is still during the spring break. There are many teenagers and girls who look like students. Everyone looks very happy, laughing and playing.

Adolescence has the troubles of adolescence, but also their own youth. On this heart-pounding afternoon in March, everyone seems to be enjoying themselves, but I think about what happened last night, and I feel helpless in my heart. In the snow-covered forest, I feel that I am the only one who is out of tune with this scene.

"The weather is finally getting better."

Miss Taneda kept up with me, and I couldn't tell if she was talking to me or talking to herself.

"Hmm." I replied.

She opened her hands and twirled lightly and happily like a high school student. I thought, maybe she is more suitable to talk to the group of students over there. Being with someone like me makes me feel the youthful breath in her. Covered up.

"Totsuka-kun, do you like spring?" She turned to me and asked.

"Well... I guess I like it."

"Me too, spring is really refreshing, like washing away the gloom of the whole winter, if possible, I really want to stuff the warm sunshine into the cotton wool of the pillowcase, and have a good night's sleep, what's the matter More important than sleep, Totsuka-kun thinks?"

I listened in silence, not knowing why I was smiling.


(End of this chapter)

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