After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 712 706.1 As always, be a cowardly self.

Chapter 712 706. As always, be a cowardly self.

After all, this cup of coffee was not finished. As the time approached, Mogami Kazuto and Taneda Risa went to the recording studio of "Traveling" together to conduct the official recording of the second part of the split animation.

There are not many characters in today's scene. Apart from Mogami Kazuto and Taneda Risa, the only female voice actor on the set is Hidaka Rina, and scattered male voice actors.

Kazuto Mogami, as the original author, revised some of the lines in the script after communicating with the supervisor, and the set officially entered the working state.

The 20-minute TV animation, including preparation time and testing time, took almost several hours. When the official recording of Part B was completed, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

Next week will be the first episode of the second part, which is the official broadcast of the 14th episode of the whole season. So far, Kazuto Mogami has not seen the finished film of the 14th episode.

However, Kazuto Mogami is not worried about the effect of the finished film. The first part of the split broadcast was completed to a high degree. The main reason why it failed to become the top-ranking hegemony of the season is the original slow-moving plot. The production team has contributed a lot of cooking power.

After the dubbing work was over, Taneda Risa rushed to the station immediately after saying goodbye to each other because she still had broadcasting work.

Kazuto Mogami walked out of the dubbing building and sent a message to Ayane Sakura, but it remained unread, presumably still at work.


Kazuto Mogami turned his head and looked at the female voice actor who was much shorter than him not far away.

"Hello, Miss Hidaka."

Hidaka Rina walked slowly: "Recently, I always feel that Totsuka-kun is very busy."

"Is it?"

"Yes, last time I wanted to ask your manager to let me take a look at your schedule. You are really busy to an unbelievable level, won't your body be overwhelmed?"

Kazuto Mogami was startled, and then said: "Probably because of the concert, I should be able to take a good rest next month."

"Well, I heard about the concert. It seems to be a big success. As expected of Totsuka-kun, if it's not because I can't get away, I really want to go and see it."

"There is a chance." Mogami Kazuto casually agreed.

"Where to go next?"

"I don't have a reservation, I'm looking around for a place to eat, and then I'll record the broadcast at night."


"For "Wrong Ground", the main anime will be aired soon."

""Wrong Ground"? Hmm... It seems that I have heard of such an animation, but I didn't participate in it, and I am a little regretful." Hidaka Lina looked at Kazuto Mogami and smiled.

Kazuto Mogami didn't know what regret she meant by "regret" because she couldn't receive a new dubbing job?

Or is it because he failed to appear in the same drama as Kazuto Mogami?

In fact, this kind of thing is good no matter what, Mogami Kazuto will not care about it, and then he, who should not care about it, is actively guided by something in his body to explore deeply.

Everything wants to be clear.

Smiles, movements, words, trying to figure out what kind of message is hidden in it.

Saori Konishi was also at that time, why did she involuntarily show that expression that made Sakura Ayane uneasy.

And after hearing Taneda Risa's words, why did he feel that the blood in his body was flowing faster.

There are so many things that are unclear.

The only thing he understands is that it is better to be ignorant about some things. Once he is clear, there is no way to turn back.

"Maybe there will be a chance to play in the future." Kazuto Mogami said.

"Hmm... It's hard to say, but in that case, I can only play a supporting role at most. Personally, I still want to play the leading role with Totsuka-kun."


"Because Totsuka-kun's acting skills are very good, if I play with Totsuka-kun, my acting skills will also be tempered."

Looking at that innocent expression, Mogami Kazuto's voice was stuck in his throat, unable to speak out smoothly.



At ten o'clock in the evening, Kazuto Mogami ended the radio recording of "Ground Error", and his partner was Yusa Shimizu, who acted as the voice of the heroine in the animation.

After the two finished packing up, they said goodbye to the staff. Although they didn't talk to each other, they walked together in a tacit understanding and headed towards the station together.

In the sparsely populated quiet street, the street lights are bright, and the footsteps are light and heavy, resounding alternately.

"Hey, Kazuto-san."


"That day... what did Neru-san say?"


"Don't pretend to be stupid. I asked Saori after that, but she refused to tell me anyway, so I can only ask you."

Kazuto Mogami was silent.

[I will never forgive you for that matter!Absolutely absolutely! 】

Sakura Ayane, what she said that day, Mogami Kazuto never forgot, and no one present would ever forget.

"Saori, did she do something excessive to Neru-san?"

Rather than saying that it was Konishi Saori who did too much to Sakura Ayane, it would be better to say that Konishi Saori and Mogami Kazuto were together.

In that incident, Kazuto Mogami was unwilling to separate himself and treat them as a bystander.

But Sakura Ayane didn't blame Mogami Kazuto, she put all the responsibilities on Konishi Saori, together with the share that Mogami Kazuto should have borne.

Presumably, Sakura Ayane must have understood it herself and knew it well, but she still chose to accept it.

From that moment on, Sakura Ayane had abandoned some of her own qualities, and she chose to ignore them.

In exchange for this, Kazuto Mogami felt more self-blame and love.

(can't make her sad anymore)
(I definitely don't want to see her tears anymore)

(Even if it hurts someone, I don't want to make her feel uneasy)

"If you don't want to say it, forget it."

Qing Shui Yousha beside him returned to his usual expression, staring ahead indifferently, without any hesitation in every step he took.

Mogami Kazuhito couldn't help but be moved by that awe-inspiring figure.

"Yousha, what should I do to be as strong as you?"

Qing Shui Yousha, who was walking in front, suddenly stood still, and turned his head slowly, with a faint smile on his face, and his tone was as gentle as an autumn leaf.

"In Kazuto-san's eyes, am I strong?"

"In my eyes, Yousha has always been strong, at least I can't be like you."

Qingshui Yousha smiled and shook his head: "That's because someone is always by Kazuren-sang's side."


"Saori, Neru-san, they are all by your side when Heren-san is sad and helpless.

So it doesn't matter if you are not that strong, they will accompany you with patience and gentleness, Kazuto-san doesn't have to force yourself to be strong like me.

As always, be your cringe-worthy self. "

(End of this chapter)

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