After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 716 710. The matter has reached the end of the chapter.

Chapter 716 710. Now that things have happened, there is no turning back.

I don't know how long this kiss lasted. In my impression, this may be the longest and most painful kiss between me and her.

Tears had already dried up on their faces, and neither of them wanted to let go of each other's lips, they just kept sucking each other.

What happened after this kiss?
No one thought about it.

What do I want to learn from this kiss?

Of course, I want to use this to let her continue to stay by my side unconditionally. Obviously I can't give her anything, I can't promise her anything, but I still want to selfishly take her as my own.

The sin that has been hidden in my heart and turned a blind eye by me has been continuously magnified and expanded enough to break the chains and cages, and I will degenerate into a demon with no bottom line.

When I realized that whether there is sand in the clear water or Xiaoxi Saori, one day in the future, they will spend the rest of their lives with other men, I resigned to fate.

Well, because it is impossible.

Because I chose Caiyin, it is natural to let them go. This is the simplest truth, and no one can resist it.

I carefully sealed this crime and hid it in the black box in my heart. In fact, I know very well that there is no such inexplicable skill as [Harem Master].

Its appearance is just to release the evil that was already sealed in my heart in the most desperate way, and then guide it to magnify it to the point where no one can be spared.

Her panting became heavier, her petite body was softer than before, revealing a sense of sadness and powerlessness, she curled up limply in my arms, and I still let me kiss her.

"Kazuto-san,, can't."

She sobbed and separated from my lips, and she didn't even dare to look up at me. The sobbing sound was like thunderstorms wandering in my body, tearing my will.

"There is sand..."

She shook her head and whispered softly, and I could feel the great pain in her petite body.

She is bearing a heavier guilt than I am.

"Kazuto-san, I...what kind of expression should I use to face Neru-san from now on."

She asked silently, as if a pair of invisible hands were pinching my throat, I opened my mouth, but couldn't make a sound.

"It's hard to settle the suspicion with Neru Sang, thinking that we can always get along as good sisters in the future, why... Heren Sang is not willing to let me go?"


"I don't want your flirty apology, let me ask you again, do you really know what you are doing?"

I raised my hand to touch her cheek, and her body trembled instantly, her eyes were full of resistance to my intimacy, but she never broke free from my embrace.

"Yousha didn't do anything wrong, he didn't do anything wrong..."

I comforted her in a low voice.

Yousha still shook her head constantly, and silently pushed me away, I didn't have the will to continue imprisoning her.

I think what I'm doing now must be something despicable that a man should never do.

She took a step back silently and looked up at me. There were many emotions such as sadness and anger in those clear and moving eyes.

I looked down at her quietly. She seemed to have calmed down and her eyes were clear.

"Heren-san, I want to confirm one thing."


"Heren-san, what are you thinking?"

"We've already reached this point with Neru-san, but you do this to me, do you really think Neru-san will forgive us?"

"Certainly not."

"I think so. I won't ask you why you did this now, but I really don't want to make Neru-san sad. If she finds out that you did this behind her back, she will definitely not be able to accept it."

After finishing speaking, she suddenly sneered again, her voice extremely sad.

"Although I am not qualified to say such things now, I am... not worthy to continue to be her friend."

"There is sand..."

I took a step closer and cautiously reached out to touch her.

She didn't dodge, and stood there like a robot waiting for an order from its master, looking at me expressionlessly.

I held her in my arms again, and she closed her eyes without saying a word.

"Heren-san, I... am becoming a worse person than you."

"Not as good as mine."

"It's the same. From the moment I couldn't break free from you, my body was stained with a sin that I can't get rid of in this life."


"Hey, Kazuto-san, are you still unwilling to let me go?"


"Why? You obviously don't like me, and you already have a girl in your heart who you love so much, why do you want to keep me?"

"At that time, He Rensang told me that I was... not the clear water with sand you like.

Do you still think so? "

"I'm sorry, at that time... I said such exaggerated things to you."

"Actually, I know that that is not He Rensang's sincere words, because I have become less like myself, and I use such exaggerated words to stimulate me."

"I'm not the person you say you are, and you don't have to beautify my actions in your heart.

No matter what I think, what I say, or what hurts you, nothing will change. "

She raised her hand slowly, soft fingers lightly touched my lips, and looked at me sadly and affectionately: "I don't need any explanation from you, I will lie to myself."

"So... Heren-sang, lie to me again, hey."

"I don't want you to go where I can't see. There are always good girls around me. Yousha is a gentle and lovely girl. Looking at you like this, I can't let you go, let alone imagine you Will be with other men in the future.

Compared to that, it would be better to become a worse person than before at this moment, which is still tolerable. "

"not lying to you."

She smiled.

I couldn't even hold back my tears and laughed.

"Heren-sang, your lying skills are still as clumsy as ever."



At twelve o'clock in the evening, when I returned to Tsukishima, Kazuto Mogami stood in front of the door, and it took 5 minutes before he entered the house.

There was no light in the house, and Kazuto Mogami turned on the entrance light, but he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he didn't see Ayane Sakura's shoes.

She should be going back to Sakura's house tonight.

As Shimizu Yusa said, none of them could face Sakura Ayane calmly.

The black box in Kazuto Mogami's heart has been opened, and no one can prevent the expansion and extension of his crimes.

Curled up, staring at the leaves swaying in the wind outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, my thoughts are flying around with the wind, and I can't find a foothold.

A heavy sigh rises in the darkness, even giving birth to the hope that the sky will never dawn.

As of now, there is no turning back.

 I want to take time off to play games.

(End of this chapter)

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