After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 715 709. You have really become a scumbag.

Chapter 715 709. You have really become a scumbag.

The clear water and sandy words brought Kazuto Mogami who was standing on the edge of the cliff back to reality.

The red light in the pupils gradually dissipated, and the turbid eyes quietly regained a trace of clarity.

Immediately, endless sorrow swept his whole body from head to toe.

Sakura Ayane.

Sakura Ayane.

Sakura Ayane.

He is Sakura Ayane's lover, the only girl in this world who he absolutely wants to protect.

I don't want to hurt her, and I can't disappoint her.

So what are the things I'm doing and what I'm saying now?

What the hell am I doing.

Too useless.

He obviously already had that irreplaceable girl in his heart, but still...

Shimizu Yousha took a few steps back in embarrassment, his face was covered with tears, and he couldn't tell whether he was crying or laughing, which made Mogami Kazuo feel like a knife was twisted.

"'s not that I want to go somewhere else."

"It's that I can't stay by your side anymore. If you are still single, even if you keep rejecting me and hurting me, I will still cling to you without hesitation."

"But it can't work now, it can't work..."

She stood under the faintly flickering street lamp, and the warm yellow halo made her look like a person outside this world. Mogami Kazuto stood under the shadow, clearly within reach, but unable to get close.

What is between them?

They all know each other very well.

"Heren-sang, Heren-sang, Heren-sang, Heren-sang..."

The girl was crying and kept calling Mogami Kazuto's name, and Mogami Kazuto could understand the meaning.

【do not come】

Standing in place, endless grief emanated from his heart, he raised his arm, his fingertips trembled, trying to touch the halo, but he couldn't reach it no matter what.

If you look back now, it's still too late.

Seeing Mogami Kazuto's movements, Shimizu Yousha took a slight step back, half of the halo on her face faded, as if she was about to escape into the darkness.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but take a step forward.

"No, if you come here."

Her words were like an ancient bell standing on the top of the mountain, deafening, making him stand still.

"If Kazuto-sang comes here now, I will definitely not be able to bear it."

"I know exactly what kind of person Heren-sang is. If you do something irreversible, Heren-sang will definitely regret it afterwards. I'm sure you are such a person."

"So please don't come here."

The raised hand gradually fell down, and Mogami Kazuto's eyes gradually returned from sadness to calmness, which was unavoidable.

Well, the things that can’t be helped are the things that can’t be helped.

I've experienced it too many times so far.

So this time, it must be the same.

Life is a process of constant loss. Precious things will slip out of your hands one by one, like a tooth in a comb.

Kazuto Mogami knew about such a matter of course.

The only regrettable thing is that only when you really want to lose the moment, will you suddenly understand what the lost thing is.

And whether that is valuable at all.

So be it……

At the moment when Mogami Kazuto's hand was about to fall back to its original position, the brain seemed to be hit hard, and the dark box hidden in the depths was knocked open, and countless fragments spewed out.

Memories from two years ago were all dyed with brilliant red light, spreading around his brain like cracks in glass, devouring him.

The first time I was confessed in person, the first time I hugged, the first time I held hands, and the first time I kissed.

On that midsummer night, the girl sat down on him without hesitation, tears shining.

He can still remember the expression full of despair.

[Heren-san, please love me. 】

Are you going back to the past again?

Are you going to hurt her again?
Already, I don't want to think about it.

Don't want to hesitate, don't want to hesitate.

(The rest, your body will tell you what to do.)
When Shimizu Yousha's figure was about to completely escape into the darkness, Mogami Kazuto stepped forward suddenly, raised his once-drooping arm again, and squeezed Shimizu Yousha's bright wrist tightly in the palm of his hand.


Some people in Shimizu did not expect that Kazuto Mogami would step forward so decisively. The whole person did not react at all, and instinctively wanted to retreat, but because of Kazuto Mogami's wrist, he lost his center of gravity.

The next moment, she was pulled into Mogami Kazuto's arms.

The strong embrace made her unable to break free.

In other words, at this moment, she didn't really resist in her heart, she didn't even break free from this idea, she just kept silent, feeling everything about him for a long time.

"Sorry... there is sand."

He hugged the girl in his arms tightly, whispering in her ear.

Qing Shui Yousha stood quietly, still imprisoned by his hands, knowing that this was an unforgivable thing, but felt a sense of peace in his heart.

Ah... Sure enough, Kazuto-san's chest was still so warm.

Wait one more second.

If I just stay in his arms for one more second, even Neru-san will forgive me...

This is a lie.

She knew that Sakura Ayane would not forgive, and also knew...she couldn't bear this feeling, and it would disappear in a second.

Time seemed to be forbidden, and the street lamp above his head flickered slightly, making a sizzling sound.

3 minutes passed.

No one made a sound.

Suddenly, the clear water in her arms was sandy and her lips parted slightly, her voice was surprisingly calm.

"Heren-san, do you know... what are you doing now?"


"This is betrayal, something that a man should never do."


Kazuto Mogami held her tighter, as if he could predict that she would disappear immediately after he let go of his arms.

"Then, it's the same for me, betraying my best friend and indulging in your arms, this is a more outrageous thing than what I used to do."

"I know……"

"even so?"

"even so."

Qingshuiyousha was silent for a while.

"I really don't understand you, for a girl who doesn't like that much, you can do such a thing, you really...

He has become what Neru-san called a scumbag. "


Qingshui Yousha slowly raised his hands, moved them up a little bit, and tightly grasped the clothes on Mogami and Ren's back.

Lifting his weeping face, staring into Mogami Kazuto's eyes, his breathing became heavier as time went by.

"Kazuto-san... I'll be the bad guy. Kazuto-san just needs to be a victim like he has been up to now."

Mogami Kazuto immediately understood her thoughts, facing Shimizu Yousha's actions, Mogami Kazuto lightly pressed Shimizu Yousha's shoulders to stop her behavior.

Qing Shui Yousha was startled, and showed a slightly bitter smile: "Regret? There is still time."

Mogami Kazuto didn't respond, looking at Qingshui Yousha's tear-stained eyes, he slowly lowered his head.

Qingshuiyousha did not dodge, muttering to himself:

"It's really... too bad, too bad, you too, and me too."

The lips of the two touched at this moment, the tears of each other mixed and flowed into each other's mouth, and they closed their eyes together.

I'm sorry, Caiyin, I'm sorry...

(End of this chapter)

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