After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 714 708. This spring, something should change.

Chapter 714 708. This spring, something should change.

After bidding farewell to Kazuto Mogami, Shimizu felt a sense of relief for no reason.

The steps she took were not firm, but she was truly moving forward.

I didn't mess things up until the end, and I conveyed my feelings exactly, well, I should feel satisfied.

I have drawn a successful conclusion to this relationship with my own hands, and I have nothing to say to him.

For the rest, just wait for the passage of time and changes, maybe one day, there will be someone who can heal her.

Even if she didn't believe it would happen.

"There is sand!!"

Mogami Kazuto's voice came from behind her, and she heard it clearly, showing a sad wry smile.

Ah~ah~~ What is he trying to say?

He is always like this, talking to himself, hurting girls without changing his face.

How do you want to hurt me this time?

Qing Shui You Sha wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and squeezed out a happy smile.

turn back, turn around.

"Heren-san, again..."

She didn't even say a word, and the figure galloping in the evening wind had already arrived in front of her before her face showed astonishment.

He didn't stop moving forward.

Generous, powerful, warm.

The sudden hug made Qingshuiyousand's thinking stagnate in an instant, unable to think, unable to judge, but feeling at a loss for the current situation.

How long has it been since I hugged him?
Well, for a long time.

It takes a long time to even think about it.

The familiar temperature, the familiar smell, the sound of his heart beating, and the sound of panting, as if the whole world was covered with a static filter, she was pouring in the air alone, enjoying the slow passage of time , almost stopping the time of the world at this moment.

The time with clear water and sand seemed to be standing still at this moment, and every second that really passed was extremely long to Mogami Kazuto.

There is no purpose, no motivation, no thoughts, just purely wanting to embrace the girl in front of her.

Certainly, this is the last thing a human being can do.

He did it hopelessly.

"What are you... what are you doing, Kazuto-san?"

The girl in his arms made a trembling sound, her forehead pressed against his chest, Kazuto Mogami couldn't see her expression clearly.

"Please... let me go."

A girl's soft choking sound came from below her.




"Yousha, I..."

His throat was dry, hoarse and hoarse, and he swallowed an unquenchable fire, burning in his chest, burning everything in him from the inside.

Sobbing, the girl beat Mogami Kazuto's back weakly with both hands, and immediately pressed against Mogami Kazuto's chest, trying to push him away.

"Why, why... I can't push you away, woo..."

Even if he didn't look down, Mogami Kazuto could still imagine her sad expression at this time, her body and voice too, full of helpless trembling.

Kazuto Mogami did not let go of her arms, and stared blankly at the night sky. The crimson moon was so scarlet, and he closed his eyes sadly: "Yousha, you... just lied. "


"I know that Yousha... can't hate me."

"...Then, how about it?"

The gurgling tears flowed quietly into the lips, and the clear water and sand tightly pressed the lips.

"Whether I like it or hate it, these are my own feelings, and it has nothing to do with Kazuto-san."

"So far, hasn't Kazuto-san turned a blind eye to my 'like'? Then why... is he so sensitive to my 'dislike'?"

"Is it because you can't stand it? Totsuka Kazu-san, a popular voice actor, can't accept being hated by a female voice actor? If that's the case, you really..."

"Because it's very painful to watch."


"Yousha's expression when he said he hates me looks very painful, as if he is forcing himself and distorting his own will. With Yousha like that, I can't... just sit back and watch."


She clutched Mogami Kazuto's skirt, tears splashed in her eyes, and she cried as if she had been injured. Bear, who was separated from his family in the forest, licked the bleeding wound alone.

"Herensang is a big liar! You can't sit idly by and ignore me, but you've been ignoring me all the time! Those eyes of can only see that person."

"A girl like me is just... woo, woo... just..."

"There is sand..."

Her words, her crying, are all sharp knives, gouging out pieces of flesh and blood in his heart.

If I didn't hug her at this time, I would never be able to hear her sincere words in my life.

Maybe I lost, maybe I lost myself, maybe I just skimmed the ashes of the ruins in vain, and I was the only one kept in the dark.So the mood at this moment, is it the mood that I generate, or is it the emotion that it drives me to feel?

The clear water and the sand were still crying, and the hands that pushed Mogami Kazuto's chest had already lost their strength.

In other words, she couldn't use her strength from the beginning.

The moment he embraced her, she was convinced of this sad truth in her heart.

Unable to do so, she pushed him away.

Tears blurred her eyes, and she gradually couldn't see his face clearly, but everything she felt in her body was so nostalgic, as if it had magical powers, pulling away all her emotions and strength, leaving only an empty body, Beautiful body.

"Why...why exactly, have to be such a cruel person?"

"I managed to stick my broken heart back piece by piece, holding it carefully, but...why doesn't He Rensang let me go?"

"Again and again."

"Again and again……"

"Time and time again! Time and time again! Time and time again...!"

"Appeared in front of my eyes."

"Because I have done something wrong and something that cannot be forgiven, is Kazuto-san going to punish me like this?"

"Heren-san, it's really...too much."

"There is sand..."

From the girl's body, there is a sweet fragrance, it is a fragrance, even if I use the most incomprehensible reason just because she always eats sweets, it can't make me escape, it shakes the fragrance in my heart .

That's it.

This is probably my own mood.

Despicable, hypocritical, evasive, confused, struggling, turning a blind eye, and needing to be boosted by external forces at the last moment.

Mogami and the human mood.

"There is sand, don't... go to other places."

The moment his words fell, Qingshui Yousha didn't know where the strength and determination came from, struggling to push the man in front of him away, tears scattered.

All the camouflage until now has been removed, those nights spent alone, the tears left for him, all of them, turned into the courage to fight against him.

"Such words, such words... I don't want to hear them from my best friend's fiancé at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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