After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 723 717. Men and women who are just cheating have no future to speak of.

Chapter 723 717. Men and women who are just cheating have no future to speak of.

(repeated chapter, see group file)
After finishing work in the afternoon, Kazuto Mogami was sitting alone in the booth of the coffee shop, drinking coffee with a calm face, and glanced at the rather pretty female clerk who was busy in the shop from time to time.

He should be a high school student at that age, so cute and hardworking.

Shaking his head, putting aside this strange emotion, Mogami Kazuto rubbed the bridge of his nose, and returned his gaze to the book in his hand.

I don't know why, the words that can touch his heartstrings on weekdays are not as attractive as a beautiful girl who has never met before.

Mogami Kazuto always thought this was a very incredible thing.

The female clerk looked in his direction from time to time, and she didn't know whether she recognized Kazuto Mogami's identity, or whether it was just because of his appearance that girls liked him.

If you wave to her to order now and say you want a copy of her LINE number, she probably won't refuse.

he thinks.

Closing the book, Mogami Kazuto closed his eyes, took several deep breaths in a row, imagined the face of Ayane Sakura in his mind, and finally completely put away this absurd thought.

Suddenly, Kazuto Mogami opened his eyes, and was about to open the book again, when the female clerk whom he had looked at for a long time suddenly walked towards him.

"Um... Excuse me, is this Totsuka-san?"

Holding the prototype tray in her arms, she made a cautious voice, and once her eyes came into contact with Kazuto Mogami, she immediately looked away shyly.

The boldness and youthfulness of high school students really surprised him.

Mogami Kazuto looked at her and nodded.

"I... I'm your fan, can you sign me?"

Worry was written all over her powdery face, and her eyes were clear and bright, like a quiet stream flowing under a mountain peak.

"Where is it written?"

The girl was overjoyed when she heard the words, and after saying wait a moment, she hurried to the direction of the bar, looking at her anxious back, Mogami Kazuto was really worried that she would fall down in the store.

One minute later, the girl came back again with a cartoon-style notepad in her hand.

She stretched out her hands shyly and handed over the book.

After Mogami Kazuto took it, he opened it and saw that it was filled with various photos from the early days of Mogami Kazuto's debut to the latest, all of which were cut out from various magazines.

"To...Mr. Totsuka, I haven't released a photobook yet, so I used this method...Ah! I always buy double copies of magazines! So..."

She looked at Mogami Kazuto carefully, as if she was afraid that he would be unhappy.

However, Mogami Kazuto didn't feel the emotion she thought, and asked her for a pen with a smile.

"Where should I write it?"

"As Mr. Totsuka likes."

"That's it."

Mogami Kazuto turned to a blank page and looked up at her: "What's your name?"

The girl was startled, and immediately replied: "Mayumi."

"I see, then [for cute Mayumi]."

After Mogami Kazuto finished writing and handed the book back, she looked at Mogami Kazuto's signature on it, her eyes sparkled with starlight, and she bowed to Mogami Kazuto.

"Thank you very much, I will definitely cherish it!"

"I am, thank you for your willingness to support me, and I have to cherish fans who cheer for me like you."

"Well... thanks, thank you." She showed a shy expression.

After that, the girl happily left.

Kazuto Mogami took a sip of his coffee silently, the phone on the table vibrated slightly, Kazuto Mogami glanced at the number, and was silent for a few seconds before connecting.

"Hey... Kazuto-kun, what are you doing?"

"In the days when you come back."

"Pfft... What's the big deal, really! I'm going back to Tokyo the day after tomorrow."

"Well, I know."

"I guess you must be thinking about me too much now."


"Tsk tsk, I don't know if I miss me or want to do something with me."

"I want to."

"Wow... you actually admitted it without hesitation, He Renjun, you have a big problem, so awkward~"

Sakura Ayane let out a light giggle.

"It doesn't matter. If you say such a thing, no one will hear you?"

"It's okay, I'm resting in the hotel alone now."

"Thanks for your hard work."

"I don't work hard, it's Amy-chan and the others who work hard."

It does seem to be the case.

"Listen to me, Amy-chan is really amazing now, super amazing."

"You're not bad either."

"It's up to you to say that? Try singing the howling and sentinel class for two days in a row!"

"I shouldn't feel any pressure, and it's not a difficult song."

"Damn it! You pretended it!"

Kazuto Mogami chuckled.

"How were you doing while I was gone?"


"Hmm... eat, work, sleep, etc."

"Should I say I miss you so much I can't sleep?"

"It's really nasty, I don't like to hear that kind of talk."

Even so, her voice sounded cheerful.

"When I go back, I will sneak over to sleep with you at night."

"Don't be scolded by your parents."

"Well... that's true, you have to be careful.

Hey, I said, don't pick up other girls when I'm not around. "

Kazuto Mogami glanced at the girl named "Mayumi" who was busy outside the booth.

"Will not."

"You are also not allowed to talk to Saori and Kinosuke in private. Although they all look okay, it's uncomfortable to see you specifying in your heart. You can't make them feel uncomfortable anymore."

Kazuto Mogami thought she was worried that she would have an affair with those two, but she didn't expect that she was just thinking of her friends.

In this way, Mogami Kazu's heart became more and more sad about his derailment.


"Hey... what do you want for a gift? I can take some time to go around Hokkaido tomorrow."

Mogami Kazuto thought for a while: "Snow."



"Not only is it impossible, it's April now, where can I find that kind of thing, even if I find it, how can I bring it back?"

"It seems so."

"It's really annoying. I shouldn't ask you. Anyway, I'll buy it myself."

"it is good."

"Ah... let's not talk anymore, it's almost time for assembly."

"Well, cheers for the concert."

"Ah... there is one more thing I forgot to say."

Suddenly, Sakura Ayane lowered her voice a little.

Just when Mogami Kazuto was about to ask what was the matter, her soft and emotional voice came from the phone.

"Heren-jun, I miss you."


"That's it, I'm hanging up the phone, bye~"

Putting the phone back on the table, a sad atmosphere spread from the inside out.

Mogami Kazuto was silent, silent, sitting quietly as if dead.

(End of this chapter)

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