After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 724 718. Of the three of us, with whom is it more comfortable to be together?

Chapter 724 718. Of the three of us, who is more comfortable with us?

Waking up from the side of clear water and sand again, hugging her soft body, sniffing the faint fragrance of oranges on her body, Mogami Kazuto gradually became fascinated by this behavior.

It seemed that with this warmth, he could temporarily forget the fact that he still had a fiancée.

"woke up?"


"Good morning, Kazuhito-san who is sneaky."

"Well, good morning."

Kazuto Mogami hardly changed his face, and even slightly twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Wow...that's exactly the expression of a bad man."

"Is it possible that I can still be considered a good man?"

"If you can keep Neru-san from her for the rest of her life, keep her in the dark forever, and let her live happily until she dies, then you can barely be regarded as half a good man."

Mogami Kazuto shook his head, and sneered at such remarks: "Nonsense."

"Do you have work in the morning?"

"It starts at noon."

"Me too."

"Then sleep a little longer?"

"can not fall asleep."

Kazuto Mogami looked into Shimizu's sandy eyes and got the information she wanted to express from it.


"Come as much as you like."



At twelve noon, Kazuto Mogami went to the recording studio to record "Journey to the Dead". There were many other voice actors in the lounge. Kazuto Mogami just went inside to say hello, and then walked out again.

Silently drinking Coke in front of the vending machine, thinking about how to face Ayane Sakura tomorrow.

Committing such unforgivable sins, Mogami Kazuto couldn't calmly reveal the truth and beg for her forgiveness, there would only be one end in doing so.

Sakura Ayane will sever ties with Mogami Kazuto and Shimizu Aisa at the same time.

"What's the matter? With such a complicated expression, what happened?"

Hearing the voice, Kazuto Mogami turned his head to look.

It is farming pear yarn.

"It's nothing, just thinking about something."

Seeing that Kazuto Mogami didn't want to talk about it, Naneda Lisa naturally wouldn't ask, and they haven't reached the point where they can talk about everything.

Smiling, she walked to the vending machine and thought for a few seconds. She bought a matcha drink in a cardboard box inserted with a straw.

Mogami Kazuto subconsciously glanced at Naeda Risa's nails, which were also gaudy and long manicures.

"Miss Tantian, you are so beautiful." He blurted out.


Mogami Kazuto pointed to her finger holding the matcha drink box: "The manicure is very suitable for you."

Taneda Risa said "Ah~" suddenly, adjusted her expression, and said thank you with a smile, but there was a trace of doubt in the eyes that looked at Kazuto Mogami that she didn't have before.

"I did this with Caiyin last time. In fact, we are a couple, hehe~"

"It's the first time I've heard that manicures are available for couples. I've learned a lesson."

Taneda Risa was taken aback, and said with a smile: "Totsuka-kun answered the words so seriously, I suddenly don't know how to react."

"Is there?"

"Well... Totsuka-kun has always had this kind of personality, and I've gotten used to it by now."

"Although I don't quite understand what's going on, I'm sorry anyway."


"Recently, Miss Tanada has become more and more comfortable with Shessel's performance."

"Is that so? Great, praised by the original author."

"At that time, I insisted on choosing Ms. Taneda as the heroine. I am sincerely grateful."

Zhongtian Lisha bowed in a very funny way: "Thank you for your insight."

"Ms. Taneda's acting skills are needless to say, and besides that, she is a beauty. I believe that today, everyone will think that my choice at that time was correct."

Taneda Risa was obviously stunned when she heard the words, and immediately adjusted her expression, and said with a smile: "Although I am very grateful to Totsuka-kun for your compliment, but such words are not suitable for me."

"I just said something that everyone thinks."

Taneda Risa stared at Kazuto Mogami for a long time, then said softly, "Totsuka-kun today is different from usual."

"Is it."


Mogami Kazuto smiled, but didn't answer.

After that, the recording officially started, and until the dubbing ended, the voice actors left, and Risa Taneda never spoke to Kazuto Mogami again.



At 10:30 in the evening, Kazuto Mogami finished the recording of the sub-track of "The Wrong Place", and left the recording building with Shimizu Yousa.

After arriving at the station, Shimizu Yousa naturally followed Mogami Kazuto onto the same train.

"It's incredible."

Sitting in the terminal car with almost no one there, Shimizu Yousa leaned on Mogami Kazuto and said this sentence.

"You obviously didn't have any interest in me before, but now you brought me home for three consecutive days. What kind of change has happened to your mood?"


"It's weird, why do you suddenly like sleeping with female voice actors so much?"

"It just so happened that I was surrounded by female voice actors."

"Have you ever slept with Saori?" Qingshui Yousha asked suddenly.


"Why don't you talk?"

"I don't know where to start."

"That's why I fell asleep, well... Anyway, it's nothing to do with me, you and I are not even lovers."

Kazuto Mogami was silent for a while: "It was an accident, or rather, an accident."

Qing Shui Yousha shook his head: "If you have slept, you have slept, if you have not slept, you have not slept, it is such a simple thing, Neru-san knows?"

Mogami Kazuto shook his head in denial.

"I guess so. She has a cleanliness in this regard. Whether it's emotional or physical, if it doesn't belong to her from the inside to the outside, she will definitely not be able to convince herself."

Kazuto Mogami looked at her in surprise: "You know this about her well, and you are still willing to go home with me?"

Qingshui Yousha nodded generously: "That's right, I'm going too far, right?"

Kazuto Mogami was speechless.

The tram was running non-stop, and the bodies of the two shook slightly, touching each other, each wearing a mask.

In the eyes of outsiders, it may be a young couple in love.

"Hey, Kazuto-san."


"Can you tell me something about you and Saori?"

"Don't you know all about it?"

When it comes to the matter between Mogami Kazuto and Konishi Saori, it is undoubtedly clear that there is sand in the clear water, so Mogami Kazuto is a little confused about the reason for this problem.

"I didn't know you had slept before, how do you feel?"


"The three of us, who is more comfortable with us? Just referring to that matter."

"Why didn't I see that you still have this thirst for knowledge?"

"You were pretending to be reserved all day long, what can I do?"

It seems to make some sense.

Kazuto Mogami thought for a while and replied, "There should be sand."

Qingshui Yousha showed surprise on his face: "Ah...that's really surprising. You can't be the kind of person who just answers whoever you face."

"There will be no second person to ask this kind of question except you."

"Well...that's true, but why?"

"Yousha has good physical strength, so don't worry."

"That's all?"

"That's all."

After the clear water froze slightly, it gave out giggling sounds like silver bells.

"You are such a scum in the world, Kazuto-san."

Kazuto Mogami casts his eyes out of the window, under the night, the self-reflection on the glass shines with the evil of lust.

(End of this chapter)

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