Chapter 725 719. I'm just a mere lover.

After arriving home, without even turning on the living room light, Mogami Kazuto kissed Shimizu's sandy lips and carried her upstairs.

After entering the bedroom, just as Kazuto Mogami was about to take off her clothes, the phone rang in his trouser pocket, and their movements stopped abruptly.

Qing Shui You Sha looked at him quietly: "Don't you want to pick it up?"

Mogami Kazuto did not reply.

"I think it's probably Neru-san calling." She continued.

Kazuto Mogami didn't speak. He took out his phone and looked at the caller ID. It was indeed Ayane Sakura.

Shimizu Yousa also didn't speak, and without a word, he unbuttoned Kazuto Mogami's shirt, and took off his shirt, revealing his lovely aqua-blue underwear.

Mogami Kazuto closed his eyes dully, let out a long breath, and threw the phone on the floor.

In the dark bedroom, the panting sound of clear water and sand gradually sounded, the floor was cold, and the mobile phone screen emitted a faint white light until it went out.



"Moses, Moses, and Renjun?"

"Well, I'm sorry, I didn't receive your call just now. I was so tired after I got home that I fell asleep before I knew it."

"It's like this, the work is too hard. When I go back, I will discuss it with Miss Dai and see if I can adjust your work arrangement."

"It's okay, it's much better than before, and I only have work in the morning next Monday, so I should be able to take a rest."

"While it's nice to get a job, it's not worth breaking your body down."

"Well, thank you, I know what's on my mind."

"Actually, I still have a lot of things I want to say to you, but your lovely fiancee can't bear to delay your rest, so I will save it until I come back. You should have a good rest."

"okay, I get it."

"Good night then."

"OK, good night."

After hanging up the phone, lying on the top of the bed, He casually threw the phone aside, turned over, took the clear water and sandy body into his arms, and kissed her snow-white neck heartily.

"Heren-san, it's really bad enough."

Shimizu Yousha stroked his black hair gently, Mogami Kazuto didn't respond, just kept kissing her.

"In this way, it seems that you can only go to Tokyo Bay, um...don't make trouble, it's very itchy."

Gradually, Mogami Kazuto calmed down. In the conversation with Sakura Ayane just now, he lied very naturally, without even a slight hesitation.

To Kazuto Mogami, it can almost be called an extraordinary lying skill.

He became the man who could calmly lie to his girlfriend while being naked and hugging other women.

Even though he was determined again and again not to lie to her again, he still failed to follow through.

Zeng Jin's promise was like a joke, mocking him for being a slave controlled by skills so easily.

"Yousha, what do you think people like about me?"

"How can I know what other people think."

"What about Yousha? Why does Yousha like me, and even willing to betray her with me."

"Sana...Maybe it's because I'm a bad woman with an abnormal mind."

Mogami Kazuto remained silent.



"Three years ago, Kazuto-san looked particularly lonely, as if he was wandering alone on the edge of the world, far, far away from all of us. It was very distressing. I couldn't help but want to be your partner."

"Three years ago... me?"

Qingshui Yousha raised his eyes: "Now there is no distressing element at all, it's better to say that he is a villain through and through."

"That's right."

"So, like you, I am an out-and-out villain."

"Yousha, is that my partner?"

"Do not."

She shook her head.

"I'm just a mere lover."



April [-]th.

After Sakura Ayane returned to Tokyo, she first went back to her home, and then went to the office. She had accumulated a lot of scripts during her absence in Tokyo.

After getting the script at the office, she continued to participate in animation dubbing non-stop. Sakura Ayane maintains a high-intensity work attitude throughout the year. Every year during the Chinese New Year, she would cry once because of too few holidays.

After crying, she turned her head and devoted herself to work. Ayane Sakura is such a strong girl.

After the recording work in the afternoon, Ayane Sakura asked Yusa Shimizu to have dinner with her, while Saori Konishi went to Chiba to participate in a certain animation promotional event, so there were only the two of them for this meal.

In addition, she also asked Tian Tian Lisha to do a manicure tomorrow.

As for the overnight stay tonight, it is natural to go to Mogami Kazuto's house.

Sakura Ayane has already had a showdown with her parents, saying that she has already tied her body and mind to him. Regarding this, Sakura Ayane's father didn't say much, only saying that her life is up to her.

When she said this, Ayane Sakura could clearly feel her father's loneliness. Aside from the guilt in her heart, she strengthened her determination to live happily ever after with Kazuto Mogami and not let her parents down.

When meeting with Shimizu Yousa at the family restaurant, Sakura Ayane came up with a big hug, and Shimizu Yousa stuck with her.

"Qinosuke, did you miss me these few days when I was away?"

"Hmm... Should I say I thought about it or didn't think about it." Qing Shui Yousha put his index finger to his lips innocently.

When Sakura heard this, she immediately pursed her lips: "I bought you many, many delicious local specialties."

Qingshui Yousha laughed: "Well, I've been thinking about Neru-san all the time."

"Hehehe... I knew that Qibao is really my favorite, and I like you the most."

Qing Shui You Sha smiled brightly.

However, from a certain point in time, Sakura Ayane noticed that Kiyomizu Yusa was different from the past, and immediately frowned in deep thought, until the end of dinner, she still couldn't let go of it deeply.

After dinner, I went to work. At ten o'clock in the evening, I met Kazuto Mogami at the station, and the two returned to Tsukishima's house together.

Having not seen her for several days, Ayane Sakura had piled up a lot of things she wanted to say, but when she saw that face, her body couldn't help kissing it.

Tossing until one o'clock in the morning, Sakura Ayane finally lay contentedly on the bed, huddled in Mogami Kazuto's arms, and began to talk about what happened to her in Hokkaido.

"Speaking of which, I met Kinosuke today."

After Mogami Kazuto heard the words, he said "hmm" calmly.

"I think she's kind of weird."


"Yeah!" Sakura Ayane nodded heavily.

While playing with Mogami Kazuto's hair, he said solemnly, "I think she may have a boyfriend."


(End of this chapter)

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