After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 732 726. The female voice actors are chatting about him, in the middle of the night when he

The location was Saori Konishi's 1dK apartment. In the small living room, there were four female voice actors in pajamas. There were snacks and drinks all over the coffee table, chatting about various topics.

When girls get together, the topics are often more outrageous than those on men's occasions, such as the recent growth of breasts, fantasies about men, in short, these are things that are very likely to be 404.

"And then?"

Ai Kakuma asked excitedly.

Speaking of this occasion, the person who least wants to speak must be Xiao Nishi Saori.

As the dust settled on that incident, the world gradually left it behind and turned to new pursuits of fun. Public opinion and life tended to stabilize, and Saori Konishi was forced to tell a lot about her relationship with Kazuto Mogami matter.

Having said that, there are not many memories between her and Mogami Kazuto, at least the memories of the 24 years before getting married belong to another person.

So when he heard something like "I really want to have a childhood sweetheart like this", she just laughed it off.

When they mentioned the reason for the divorce, Xiaoxi Saori thought about it and could only say that the two of them were too busy with work and had no time to accompany each other. Instead, they became each other's bondage. This is not the marriage she pursued, and no one resents the other. , the marriage ended.

Whether it is Kakuma Ai or Hidaka Rina, they all have a face full of regret.

Only Sakura Ayane was eating snacks in silence, her mouth was full of potato chips, and she looked like clear water and sand.

As if there was no sand in the clear water, Ayane Sakura played her role.

Just like when she was not in Tokyo, Shimizu Yusa played her role.

"It's great, it's great. If I have a husband like Mr. Totsuka, even if he doesn't work, I'm happy to see that face every day when I go home."

Sakura Ayane glanced at her: "Don't just look at the face, nympho."

"Ayaneru doesn't look at his face?"

"I'm not that superficial." Sakura Ayane replied arrogantly.

"Ah... isn't this a corner call to call me superficial?!" Kakuma Ai started talking.

Hidaka Licai said weakly from the side: "I think she shouldn't have turned the corner."


Hidaka Lina held the drink in both hands, took a sip, and tilted her head slightly.

"kuma likes handsome boys?"

"Does anyone like ugly ones?" She asked back.

"That's not what I meant, uh... besides the face, other things are also important, isn't it, character and so on."

"But the first thing I see is the face. Based on the face, I can judge whether to understand the other person's character. Otherwise, it would be a waste of time."

"Okay...that makes sense." Hidaka Licai seemed to be convinced.

Ai Kakuma propped her chin with both hands, and suddenly glanced at Ayane Sakura.

"Where's Caiyin?"

"Huh? What's wrong with me?"

"Do you like handsome or ugly?"

"It's either handsome or ugly. Is it too extreme, so it can't be ordinary?"

"Huh? Does Caiyin like the faces of passers-by? It's a surprise..."

A black line immediately hung on Sakura Ayane's forehead, she was a little speechless: "Why did you come to such a conclusion?"


"Because you don't seem to be interested in Totsuka-san's affairs at ordinary times, so I thought you wouldn't like that thing."

Although it is often rumored that the relationship between Mogami Kazuto and Sakura Ayane is ambiguous, they all think that it is the firm's intention to bundle the sales.

People in the seiyuu circle have a consensus that Kazuto Mogami seldom talks to female seiyuu on set.

And Ayane Sakura never took the initiative to participate in discussing the topic of Kazuto Mogami when she got together with her friends, so she gave many people the impression that she was not interested in Kazuto Mogami.

Therefore, the deeper you enter the industry, the more you will think that the relationship between these two people is just an ordinary relationship at the same time.

Of course, insiders like Saori Xiaonishi and Yousha Qingshui should be excluded here.

"I can do it."

"Huh?! Do you like handsome guys?"

"Your judgment standard is too strange. I just think that handsome people generally don't feel safe. Aren't most of the men who cheat and have extramarital affairs in TV dramas look like dogs?" Sakura Caiyin said casually .

"Hmm... that sounds reasonable, but you have to be more careful with the handsome guys in Tokyo." Ai Kakuma nodded seriously.

Sakura Ayane felt ashamed: "Did you change your face too quickly?"

"Girls are like me."

"Everyone here is a girl."

"Nonsense, isn't there a wife here?"

Xiao Xi Sazhi sighed helplessly: "Can you stop getting involved in your fight, and... I have already graduated as a wife."

"Wife graduation...hahahaha! What a funny word~~~" Ai Kakuma immediately shrunk her body with laughter.

Hidaka Rina blinked her bright eyes, looking back and forth between Saori Konishi and Ayane Sakura, thought for a long time, and sighed faintly.

"What's the matter, Li Caijiang? Suddenly sighed."

Hidaka Lina shook her head: "It's okay, I just think marriage is really complicated."

"Since it will develop into marriage, it must be deeply in love with each other, right? Neither of them has done anything to be sorry for each other, but they have to part ways because of real things. This kind of thing is so lonely."

Xiao Nishi Saori was taken aback when he heard the words, and subconsciously glanced at Sakura Ayane, and found that she was pursing her lips and looking out of the window casually, with an expression of not listening.

"Li Caijiang, life is full of unknowns. It is actually a very rare thing to be able to find someone who can accompany you to grow old in your 20s. I just don't have that kind of luck.

This is indeed a regrettable thing, but I don't feel lonely. I still have many good friends like you, so stop showing such expressions. "

Hidaka Rina looked incomprehensible, frowning seriously, Saori Konishi showed a relaxed smile, and stretched out her hand to pinch her cheek.

"Okay, with such a pretty face, don't always frown your eyebrows, it's too wasteful."

Hidaka Rina raised her small face, and said seriously and doubtfully, " you still love Mr. Totsuka?"

Xiao Xi Sazhi immediately froze in place upon hearing the words, with the previous smile still on his face.

Kakuma raised his hand extremely quickly: "Ah! I want to hear it too, I want to hear it too."

Ai Kakuma stared at Saori Konishi with bright eyes, while Rina Hidaka looked at Ayane Sakura from the corner of her eyes.

Sakura Ayane remained silent, breaking the potato chips in her hand into several pieces in boredom.

Saori Xiaonishi suddenly didn't know how to answer. This had nothing to do with whether Sakura Ayane was present, but more about what was deep in her heart.

But she still couldn't help looking at Ayane Sakura, and found that she was looking straight at her without saying a word.

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