After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 733 727. She remembered the past, one of the few, things with him.

Waking up in the morning, looking at the familiar but unfamiliar ceiling, Kazuto Mogami closed and opened his eyes several times, the ceiling is still the same, unchanged.So he gave up this meaningless behavior, put on his clothes and went downstairs.

Today is the weekend, but maybe it's because he hasn't fully adapted to this world, he doesn't sleep well at night, and wakes up extra early.

Downstairs, the newlywed wife was preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

Serves three.

"Kazuto, you're awake, come and have breakfast." Mogami Saori smiled at him, it was an extremely distant, polite smile, it was difficult to compare her face with the kiss she had at the wedding ceremony The person who is in the same place overlaps.

Perhaps, even that ceremony was just his dream.

Mogami Kazuto looked at her speechlessly, still full of unreality.

"What's wrong? Standing on the stairs in a daze."

Mogami Kazuto shook his head: "It's nothing, I'll brush my teeth first."

Looking at Kazuto Mogami who walked into the bathroom, Saori Mogami shook his head strangely, and said, "Why are you brushing your teeth before eating?"

When Mogami Kazuto finished washing and came out of the washroom, Mogami Saori and Shimizu Yousa were already sitting at the dining table. Shimizu Yousha was sleepy, eating mechanically as if his consciousness had not completely returned to reality from a dream. with breakfast.

Having lived with these two people for a week, Kazuto Mogami has almost figured out what kind of situation he is in now, and his heart is not only uneasy but still uneasy.

Acting as a completely different person is not a small difficulty for him. He is the kind of person who doesn't like to talk to others. It's better to say that he doesn't have any friends who can chat face to face.

At first, when he saw his own face in the mirror, he thought for a while that he would be a ghost with a group of friends.

After all, living in such a big house and having such a beautiful wife, no matter how you look at it, you look like a winner in life.

But the facts are slightly different from what he imagined. Those people with glamorous appearance may also experience suffering that others have never experienced.

After breakfast, Yusa Shimizu went to work. Only Mogami Kazuto and Saori Mogami were left at home. Seeing Saori Mogami washing dishes in the kitchen, Kazuto Mogami walked over quietly, wanting to share some housework.

Or rather, he would feel uncomfortable if he didn't do something about it.

However, what he didn't expect was that Mogami Kazuto had just stepped into the kitchen, and before he even made a sound, Mogami Saori felt his silent approach, and his whole body trembled, the plate in his hand fell to the floor with a slam. There was a broken "bang chi" sound.

Kazuto Mogami was also taken aback, staying where he was, not knowing what to do.

Anyway, apologies in advance.


Preempted by her.

Mogami Kazuto didn't understand why this was so, he immediately squatted down to pick up the plate fragments on the ground, and Mogami Saori did the same with him.

And when Mogami Kazuto's fingers were about to touch the shard in her hand, she took another step back in a panic, raising her arm subconsciously, and the sharp edge of the shards drew a long line on the back of Mogami Kazuto's hand. Short mouth.

The skin was split, and it took a few seconds for it to gradually turn red. The cut was like a pachinko machine that had won a big prize, spitting out scarlet coins.


Saori Mogami panicked, looking at Kazuto Mogami helplessly, his voice seemed to be stuck in his throat, like a robot that was only entered into an apology program.

Kazuto Mogami stared blankly at the back of his hand that was pulled away by the stroke, it hurt more than expected, it hurt unexpectedly.

But he never showed an expression other than plain, but he was extremely surprised in his heart, and for the first time he had a sense of identification with this body.

If you get cut, you will bleed and feel pain, so it should be your body, right?

"He, Kazuto... are you okay?"

She looked at Mogami Kazuto in a panic, but from the beginning to the end, she didn't reach out to touch Mogami Kazuto.

Mogami Kazuto shook his head, stood up and turned on the faucet to rinse the wound, and said slowly, "Sorry, I scared you."

Saori Mogami was still squatting on the ground, looking up at Kazuto Mogami in front of him.

Mogami Kazuto rinsed the back of his hand, and then looked at the broken plates on the floor. Her weak face was filled with rejection, which deepened Mogami Kazuto's understanding of her current situation.

In this family of three, he is the one who is not wanted.

Of course, that's nothing to be upset about.

He has no sense of belonging here, it's just a place to live.

"I'll go to the medicine cabinet to deal with it first. Can I leave it to you to clean it?"


Mogami Saori looked at him blankly and nodded.

Seeing the back of Mogami Kazuto leaving quietly, the restlessness in Mogami Saori gradually calmed down. She thought that Mogami Kazuto would show a gentle smile and say that she was fine, and then continued to squat down, picking up the blood while bleeding. Pieces on the ground.

Finally, he raised that warm and creepy smile, and said something like "I don't feel any pain at all".

At least the Mogami Kazuto in her memory would definitely do the same.


I found the medicine box, took some medicine randomly, wrapped it with gauze, and sat quietly on the sofa with someone to read a book.

Mogami Kazuto didn't turn his head as the sound of a broom sweeping away debris came from the open kitchen behind him.

I do not know how long it has been.

"and people."

Mogami Kazuto raised his head upon hearing this, and his nominal wife was standing in front of him.

"How about the wound...?"

She asked with some difficulty.

Kazuto Mogami raised his hand casually, the originally white gauze was already stained red with blood, it was so wet that it hurt to look at it.

Saori Mogami hesitated for a while, then took out the medicine box from under the TV cabinet, and sat down beside Kazuto Mogami.

"You can't do that."

She stretched out her hand tremblingly, and touched the gauze-wrapped hand of Mo Shangheren. Mo Shangheren had an indifferent expression, and she didn't understand what she was afraid of.

She didn't speak, and quietly let her fiddle with her hands.

After a long time, the bandaging was completed. Kazuto Mogami looked at his left hand and said in surprise, "Are you good at bandaging?"

Mogami Saori nodded wordlessly.

After hesitating for a long time, Mogami Saori squeezed the handle of the medicine box tightly with both hands, and said slowly: "Kazuto, why don't you blame me?"

The answer is predictable.

Because he is the person he likes, everything the person he likes can be forgiven.


Her mother believed this without a doubt, and even felt that it was a bit evil for herself to ask more questions even though she knew the answer.

Mogami Kazuto glanced at her calmly, then picked up the book again quite calmly, turning the pages was much easier than before.

"It doesn't matter. You will take off your guard against me because of my blame? Since you won't, why should I bother."

"Fairy Wood"

She didn't answer, Mogami Kazuto suddenly felt that he was in the same space with her, and he was panicked because he didn't come, so he closed the book immediately.

Even with the slight sound of closing the book, her shoulders trembled visibly to the naked eye.

There was a lonely sorrow in his heart, and he really couldn't find his belonging in this world.

"I went upstairs to read."

After dropping these words, Mogami Kazuto went upstairs in silence until he disappeared at the end of the stairs, and Mogami Kazuto didn't hear her call.

As the days passed, Kazuto Mogami's initial expectations were completely shattered.

Kazuto Mogami tried his best to avoid contact with them at home. He went to get off work during the day and locked himself in his room after returning home from work. He only went downstairs to eat.

But most of the time, they didn't go home until ten o'clock in the evening because of their seiyuu work, and Kazuto Mogami felt more relaxed this way.

This kind of behavior is not wrong with evasion, but Mogami Kazuto is happy and at ease.

Until one day, Qingshui Yousha went back to his hometown to visit his parents, and there were only the two of them left at home, around eight or nine o'clock in the evening.

Kazuto Mogami was reading in the room, and Saori Mogami was taking a bath in the bathroom. The originally bright light suddenly disappeared, leaving only darkness in the room.

Mogami Kazuto went downstairs with the light of his mobile phone, wanting to see if it was a problem with the switch. He glanced out the French window, and almost the lights in the entire residential area were off. This was the first time such a large-scale sudden power outage occurred.

Kazuto Mogami originally wanted to go upstairs to sleep like this, but when he saw the closed bathroom, he asked her how it was inside, but he couldn't wait for an answer.

Kazuto Mogami knew that she just didn't speak on purpose, he didn't take it to heart at all, turned on the phone LINE, and found the avatar of Shimizu Yousha who had never sent each other messages after symbolically adding friends to each other.

After a brief conversation, he connected to the voice call from Qingshui Yousha, turned on the speaker, put his mobile phone in front of the bathroom, and went upstairs.

The lonely man and the widow are alone in a room. For his wife, she should want to hear the voice of her true lover more than her own husband.

The next morning, when Kazuto Mogami went downstairs, there was a breakfast covered with plastic wrap on the dining table, and his mobile phone was placed on the dining table, fully charged.

Saori Mogami was nowhere to be seen, maybe he was in the room, maybe he was out.

After breakfast, I washed the dishes and went to work.

After Kazuto Mogami left home, the door of the room on the second floor was opened, and Saori Mogami walked down the stairs, looking at the washed dishes in the kitchen, silently alone.

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