After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 738 732. Before he knew it, he took the initiative to attack.

Chapter 738 732. Before he knew it, he took the initiative to attack.

The next day, Kazuto Mogami asked about the health of Ayane Sakura's mother, and Ayane Sakura said that there was nothing serious, and then asked Kazuto Mogami how he was, and Kazuto Mogami was quite calm, saying that it was difficult to sleep at night without you, Saki Liang Caiyin blushed and said something disgusting.

Only Kazuto Mogami knew what he was thinking in his heart when he said this.

He is walking on a path full of sins, which is out of control and irreversible.

I met Qingshui Yousha and Xiaonishi Saori on the set of "The Wrong Place". The two are still inseparable, sitting next to each other on the set, talking and laughing.

Kazuto Mogami sat in the distance watching their interaction, in a trance, as if returning to an afternoon three years ago.

The location is not a recording studio, but the Mogami home in Tsukishima.

At that time, they were also intimate like this, but I was out of place, no matter to them or to the world.

Today, three years later, everything around him is different.

The former wife has become an ex-wife, and the former "rival in love" has become a lover who vents his lust.

He has also truly become the scumbag that Ayane Sakura said at the time, and no reason or rhetoric can excuse him.

But inconceivably, his heart was extremely peaceful, as if his purpose in coming to this world was to hurt this group of beautiful female voice actors.

I don't know when it started, he became extremely greedy, longing for the sincere love with Sakura Ayane, but also nostalgic for the ambiguity and excitement brought to him by Shimizu Yusa.

Not only that, Mogami Kazuto at this moment couldn't help but look at Saori Konishi a few more times.

That was the first person he had developed a liking for after he came to this world, the first girl he kissed, and the first girl he went to bed with.

The two girls seemed to be aware of Mogami Kazuto's gaze, and looked at him at the same time. Their expressions were different, and Mogami Kazuto slowly looked down at the script.

No, you have to restrain yourself.

Qing Shui Yousha stared at him meaningfully for a while, then put on an innocent expression again.

"Saori, accompany me to buy juice."

"Huh? Now?"


Shimizu Yousha resorted to coquettish tricks, and there was still some time before the official dubbing, Xiao Xi Saori had no choice but to accompany her out of the lounge and go to the vending machine outside to buy juice.

When their backs disappeared from sight, Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but sigh softly.

It's not enough just to have clear water and sand, he even had a little thought of flirting with Xiao Xi Saori just now.

There are some things that he knows he can't do, but there is a voice in his heart urging him to do them.

Not only that, but also Hidaka Rina and Taneda Risa, no matter how Kazuto Mogami persuaded himself, he knew deep down that he had become a despicable person who was greedy for female flesh.

If they gave Mogami Kazuto a chance to take that step forward, Mogami Kazuto would do more things to hurt Sakura Ayane.

Kazuto Mogami could no longer tell if it was his intention or was affected by his skills.

From a certain moment, the boundary between him and that skill became extremely ambiguous. On the one hand, he didn't want to be a despicable person, on the other hand, he seemed to release his true nature and be dominated by his own desires.

Whether the skills distorted his character, or magnified the desires that existed in his heart, he couldn't tell for a long time.



After recording.

Sitting alone in the coffee shop, Kazuto Mogami took the initiative to send a message to a female voice actor for the first time. After waiting for about 10 minutes, she pushed open the door of the coffee shop, looked around, and walked straight to where she was. .

"It's so rare that Totsuka-kun would take the initiative to buy me coffee."

"How can you describe people as cheapskates?"

She chuckled and waved to the waiter to order. After the waiter left, she dragged her face with her hands, leaned her elbows on the table, and looked at Kazuto Mogami with a smile.

"Are you looking for me?"

"Can't I buy you coffee if I'm okay?"

Taneda Lisha smiled and shook her head: "If you have this kind of time, it's better to go and strengthen your relationship with Caiyin."

"She's working."

"Why did you come to find me?"

"Don't say that, isn't it normal for friends to drink coffee and chat?"

"I'm just joking, Totsuka-kun is really funny hahaha."

Taneda Risa only knows that Kazuto Mogami is dating Sakura Ayane, but she doesn't know how far they are. So far, Taneda Risa has not talked about such a topic with Sakura Ayane.

Therefore, Sakura Ayane didn't know that Mogami Kazuto had confessed this matter to Taneda Risa, so she would sometimes say things that she had nothing to do with Mogami Kazuto. From a friend's point of view, such a Liang Caiyin is also very interesting.

"Just finished work?"

"Well, "Ground Wrong"."

"Well, I don't have a part in this week."

Taneda Lisa also played a role in "The Wrong Place", but not many roles.

"Won't it be awkward?" Taneda Risa said.

"What?" Mogami Kazuto was taken aback.

"Miss Xiaoxi is also on that set. If we meet every week, I feel a little awkward."

Mogami Kazuto thought for a while, then smiled and said: "A little bit, it would be a lie to say that there is no such thing at all, but we are all adults, and we can't get along with children, right now, it's still very difficult." Good work partner."

"That's it." Zhongtian Lisha replied.

"I always feel that Totsuka-kun is more mature than I thought."

"Just because of this?"

"Because it sounds outrageous, you can still be friends after divorce."

Kazuto Mogami shook his head: "Although it sounds wonderful to get along as an ordinary friend, the reality is not that simple. In fact, except for work, I basically don't talk to her in private."

"That's right." Taneda Lisha sighed softly.

What Kazuto Mogami said was true. He had very few private communications with Saori Konishi. He didn't communicate with her before because Kazuto Mogami didn't want to have anything to do with her.

And if he doesn't communicate with her now, Kazuto Mogami is worried that his thoughts on Saori Xiaonishi will be put into action.

In short, it is not a good thing.

"Well... To be honest, I still find this incident incredible."

"Is it still like this?"

"Well, because there seems to be no intersection between Totsuka-kun and Miss Konishi, and I have never heard of rumors between you before."


Mogami Kazuto smiled lightly, and had no intention of going further into this topic.

Suddenly, Zhongtian Lisha suddenly thought of something, hesitated for a moment, and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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