After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 739 733. In this warm April, her hands are so cold.

Chapter 739 733. In this warm April, her hands are so cold.

"Anone...Totsuka-kun." Taneda Risa cautiously poked her head over her head, subconsciously lowering her voice.


"Can I ask a more personal question?"

Mogami Kazuto was slightly taken aback: "But it's okay to say."

"Between you and Caiyin, who is chasing whom?"


"I, I can't imagine that Totsuka-kun would take the initiative to greet someone every day. Totsuka-kun should be the kind of person who requires others to take the initiative in everything, so I am a little curious."

Mogami Kazuto didn't know how to answer this question. From the conclusion, it was Sakura Ayane who pursued him actively.

But in fact, Sakura Ayane did not do what she said, she just showed her feelings in the most straightforward way, relying on her determination to impress him time and time again.

No one can refuse such a cute and determined girl.

Seeing Mogami Kazuto suddenly fell into deep thought.

Zhongtian Lisha smiled: "Sure enough, as I thought, it must be Caiyin."

Kazuto Mogami smiled wryly: "Since you can guess it, why bother to ask?"

"I'm just curious about how Totsuka-kun was moved. A man who has been divorced once wants to be attracted again, and the other party is also a good friend of his ex-wife. Such a story can be written as a light novel.

How about writing a light novel with voice actors? "

Naneda Lisa was excited on her own.

"I'm already a great man who can write an autobiography?"

"I don't know if a great man is not a great man. Light novels are fine if they are not interesting, um..." Zhongtian Lisha frowned, thinking carefully.

"How about "After Divorce, Popular Seiyuu Falls in Love with Me Suddenly"?"

Mogami Kazuto gasped: "This is indeed quite sudden."


Kazuto Mogami sighed, "I mean Miss Taneda."

"If I saw a novel with such a title in the hospital, I would be happy to be cured."

"If this is the case, I will definitely try my best to write it."


Zhongtian Lisha was suddenly dumbfounded, unable to understand what Mogami Kazuto meant when he said this.

The originally exuberant mood disappeared in an instant, replaced by a somewhat coy silence.

a long time.

"Really, Totsuka-kun, don't say such things again, be careful, I will report to Cai Yin."

Mogami Kazuto smiled faintly: "That's right."

Taking a shallow sip of his coffee, Kazuto Mogami stopped talking.

In this way, Zhongtian Lisha felt a little empty in her heart.

To be honest, she didn't hate what Mogami Kazuto said to her, on the contrary, she was a little excited inside.

But when she thought that the person in front of her was Sakura Ayane's lover, her thoughts immediately cleared up.

Kazuto Mogami is willing to communicate with her like this because he regards her as a friend. As a friend, she must not destroy this relationship.

As for whether Mogami Kazuto had discovered her thoughts, she was not sure.

No, it should have been noticed, her attitude so far, and last year's Christmas.

In retrospect, she may have made many similar hints without her knowledge.

If she had known that he was dating Ayane Sakura, she would never have said those words.

Some regrets.

But since Kazuto Mogami is willing to get along with her as friends, Risa Taneda will follow his way.

After all, to be able to sit and chat face to face like now is only possible as a friend.

"The animation of "Journey to the Dead" should be completed next month."

Gengtian Lisha said suddenly.

At present, the second part of "Journey to Death" has been broadcast to the third episode, and the dubbing of the first eight episodes has been recorded, and there are four more episodes to be finished.

Taneda Risa said before that when she finished dubbing "Journey", she would go to the hospital for surgery.

"Miss Taneda will be fine, there will be a second season in the future where you will be required to voice."

Taneda Risa smiled: "If there is no other way, I can only ask Totsuka-kun to play two roles. You imitated me very well when you were in the hospital."

"Imitation can only be imitation after all, I still prefer to listen to the voice of Shessel whose CV is Taneda Risa."

Zhongtian Lisha chuckled, and there was not only a smile hidden in her eyes, but also other emotions such as gratification.

"Then what if I can't be a voice actor?"

"It's very simple, as long as you refuse to make animations, I don't want to hear the voices of people other than you from Shessel." Mogami Kazuto said calmly, holding the table coffee cup, took a few breaths, and took a sip.

As if she didn't expect Mogami Kazuto to answer like this, Taneda Risa was stunned for more than ten seconds, and then smiled a little lonely.

"Even if it's a lie, I'm still very happy to hear you say that. I really don't understand myself."

"It's not a lie."


"I am indeed a person who often lies, and I can always be seen through by you, Miss Zhongtian. I can't hide everything from you, Miss Zhongtian. In the eyes of Miss Zhongtian like this, what I just said seems to be a lie?"


Taneda Risa looked into Mogami Kazuto's eyes silently. She had no superpowers, and naturally she couldn't read minds, but the eyes of the man in front of her were so sincere, without any hesitation or trickery.

She didn't think Kazuto Mogami was lying.

Because of this, she couldn't let go.

Why... would you say such a thing?

Obviously just friends.

No one would do this for a friend.

"...Don't do that, I'll be angry." Zhongtian Lisha looked away from his eyes, not daring to look at him, pretending to be displeased, and mostly smiling.

"Besides, the voice actors in the industry are very good, and there are many people who are better than me in acting."

Taneda Lisa kept saying belittling words about herself. Seeing her behavior like this, Mogami Kazuto suddenly felt a pang of grief in his heart. Looking at her sickly pale complexion, he remained silent for a long time.

Mogami Kazuto didn't want to hold her hand tightly like this time.

In this warm April, her hands looked so cold, there was no warmth at all.

Sakura Ayane's cheerful smile came to mind, he did not do such an outrageous behavior in the end, and he still had a clear mind.

It was because he still had reason left that he was convinced that he had special feelings for the girl in front of him.

Even though Naneda Risa didn't say anything negative, Kazuto Mogami still found worry and fear on her face.

It is natural to be afraid. She loves the job of voice acting so much, but she suffers from the pain of illness every moment.

With pain and pity for the girl in his heart, as well as anger and disgust for himself, Mogami Kazuto showed a calm smile.

"All in all, the dubbing work of Shessel has to be done by Miss Tanada herself, so please take good care of it."

Gengtian Lisha was silent, and said "um", which was insignificant.

(End of this chapter)

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