Chapter 740 734. Are you pregnant?
Recently, Ayane Sakura felt that it was strange that there was sand in the clear water. She couldn't tell where the fault was, but she just had such a feeling.

Probably what she calls "a woman's intuition."

Although this stuff sounds a little unreliable, Sakura Ayane never tires of it, she is extremely curious if Shimizu Yousha really has a boyfriend.

She also didn't come to the pajama party last time, and Sakura Ayane was extremely suspicious of who she was going on a tryst with.

Shimizu Yousa is an idol seiyuu after all, and from the standpoint of a friend, Sakura Ayane is quite worried about her. If this kind of thing breaks out, it will definitely have an impact on Shimizu Yousa's career.

After the recording ended that day, the trio of Yingshuixi got together after a long absence and went to the family restaurant for lunch together.

Shimizu and sand are still the same, Sakura Ayane and Konishi Saori each ordered a set meal and a drink, only she also added appetizers and dishes, as well as desserts and ice cream.

"Qinosuke, why do you feel like you've been eating more and more recently?"

"No way, I have always eaten this much."

Saori Xiaoxi chimed in from the side: "Not only that, but recently I didn't go out with me after work. Every time I asked you, I said I went home and went to bed."

"Because work is really tiring." Qingshui Yousha said with a pout.

"I can eat and sleep, don't be pregnant." Sakura Ayane joked.

"I hate Neru-san, you call him like a pig." Qingshui Yousha pretended not to hear those two words.

When Xiao Nishi Saori heard Sakura Ayane's words, the unpacked condom in Shimizu Yousha's apartment living room immediately appeared in her mind, and she fell into confused contemplation for a while.

"Besides, I don't even have a boyfriend, so how could I be pregnant?"

Sakura Ayane curled her lips: "Who knows if what you said is true or not."

"It's too much, Neru-san doesn't trust me so much?" Qingshui Yousha pretended to be sad.

So far, they are still in the stage of joking with each other, and no one will take Sakura Ayane's words seriously.

However, Qingshui Yousha knows that she has indeed been a little slack recently, and occasionally feels that that thing is in the way, so she simply doesn't wear it.

Although the days are counting, for the sake of insurance, it is better not to take risks in the future.

If it is really unfortunate, it will be a big deal. This kind of thing can be done by Ayane Sakura, but she can't do it.

Ayane Sakura is Mogami Kazu's rightful girlfriend, and she is going to get married in the future.

Qingshui Yousha is very clear about her position, she is Qingshui Yousha, she is a mistress, a lover, and a child born after pregnancy is called an illegitimate child.

Besides, even if she was really pregnant, she had no plans to give birth.

"Compared to me, Neru-san is more likely. You are all about to get married." Shimizu Yusa brought this topic to Sakura Ayane.

Sure enough, Sakura Ayane blushed all of a sudden: "I, I, I... I don't want to have a baby so early."

"This is what He Rensang decides."

"If he dares to do that, I'll beat him up!"


It is Sakura Ayane's usual trick to hide her shyness with anger.

Saori Konishi has been silent all this time, when she heard the topic of Ayane Sakura going to marry Kazuto Mogami and have a child, even though she knew it was a matter of course, there was still a little turbulence in her heart.

This is a helpless thing, and there is no other way but to adapt. She once had the opportunity to get ahead of Ayane Sakura, but she didn't do that. action.

Those who don't pay will naturally not get rewarded.

"Neru-san, have you brought Kazuto-san to meet your parents?"

"Not yet, Dad is on a business trip again, and what happened last time made him quite unhappy."

"That's right."

"But I've made my point."

"Oh Huo, is it something like Feihe Rensang not marrying?"

Sakura Ayane blushed, "Well..."

"Huh? Really?! It's so powerful, it's no mistake that it's Neru-san." Shimizu clapped his little hands with a crackling sound, showing a lovely expression of admiration.

"Come on, don't do that! You're ashamed."

At this point, Sakura Ayane has already attached her heart to Mogami Kazuto. Although she has not been in contact for a long time, she has already given her heart to each other. She also believes that she will form a family with Mogami Kazuto. Even if there will be ups and downs in the future, it will be happy and beautiful.

Shimizu Yousa looked at the blushing Sakura Ayane, her mood was quite complicated, she was happy for her from the bottom of her heart, but when she remembered what she had done, she was swallowed up by the despicable feeling in her heart, and became more and more angry. Couldn't hold his head up in front of her.

Xiao Nishi Saori looked at Ayane Sakura from time to time, and then looked at Shimizu's greasy expression. For some reason, she had some bad premonition in her heart, as if...she had left out something important.



In the afternoon, Konishi Saori met Mogami Kazuto on the set. Mogami Kazuto was still the same, sitting alone in the corner of the lounge and reading the script.

Besides the two of them, there are other voice actors in the lounge. Not long after the divorce turmoil, although the public opinion has stopped, there are still voice actors in the industry who are curious about them, and she can still feel the eyes of the voice actors on her and Mogami Glance back and forth between people.

She has long been used to this look.

I bought Coke in front of the vending machine, and after returning to the lounge, after thinking twice, Xiao Nishi Saori plucked up the courage and walked towards the person in the corner.

In an instant, the air in the lounge seemed to freeze, and everyone looked at the male and female voice actors who were making a fuss about the divorce with astonished and vague gazes.

Kazuto Mogami raised his head, shifted his gaze from the script to Saori Nishi, and looked at the Coke in her hand.

He took it with his hand and said thank you.

Xiao Nishi Saori sat down on the chair beside him. In Mogami Kazuto's impression, Xiao Nishi Saori had never done such a thing on the set.

She never took the initiative to talk to herself on the set, let alone buy a Coke and sit next to her.

Today's Mogami Kazuto, whenever he sees a female voice actor he likes, he will always feel a strange emotion, and his rationality tells him that he doesn't want Xiaonishi Saori to do such a thing.

On the other hand, he couldn't reject her behavior from the bottom of his heart.

Kazuto Mogami knew very well in his heart what kind of position Saori Xiaonishi occupied in his heart. It was something that hadn't changed since three years ago.

However, the next moment, Xiao Xi Saori's deliberately lowered voice came.

"You and Yousha... what's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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