After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 742 736. They are all talking nonsense.

Chapter 742 736. They are all talking nonsense with their eyes open.

Recently, Sakura Ayane has found a sense of the past.

When she was with Shimizu Yousa, she could clearly feel that she no longer harbored grudges in her heart. Sakura Ayane had always been concerned about this in her heart, worried that because of Mogami Kazuto, there would be an insurmountable bond between her and Shimizu Yousa chasm.

In fact, everything went much smoother than she imagined, and Qingshuiyousha was also stronger and more cheerful than she imagined.

After dubbing like this, going to the coffee shop to chat together is the happiest time for her.

It even made her feel that they could go back to the past.

That was what Ayane Sakura dreamed of.

And as the relationship with Mogami Kazuto tends to stabilize, maybe one day, I can also settle down with Konishi Saori, maybe.

However, this thought dissipated silently following Mogami Kazuto and Konishi Saori who caught her eyes.

Konishi Saori was looking at her in amazement, and Kazuto Mogami also had an expression of not expecting to appear here.

If you don't want to attract attention, I really want to ask them to find a more secluded place, who would have a tryst in the coffee shop downstairs of the recording studio.

Sakura Ayane didn't yell at the first time, perhaps she would have done so in the past, but now, after experiencing many setbacks, Sakura Ayane's heart and temper have been transformed.

There was no anger, no indifference, just doubts, wanting to wait for an answer.

That's it.

"Kazuto-san? Saori? Why are you here?"

On behalf of Sakura Ayane, Shimizu Yousa asked the doubts in her heart.

Kazuto Mogami regained his composure immediately after being surprised, and called them to sit down.

So, Shimizu Yousa consciously sat next to Saori Konishi, and Ayane Sakura sat down next to Mogami Kazuto.

When Qing Shuiyousha glanced at the novel on the table, his pupils constricted suddenly, and he immediately realized what had happened.

"Huh? Saori, have you bought this novel too?" Qing Shuiyou Shayun calmly picked up the book on the table, and flipped through two pages pretendingly.

Faced with the question of sand in the clear water, Xiaonishi Saori was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously glanced at Ayane Sakura, who didn't put her mind on it at all, obviously she was not in the mood at this time.

Xiao Nishi Saori forced a laugh, and gave a somewhat perfunctory "hmm". Before the situation was clarified, she didn't want to bring this matter up on the stage, let alone in front of Sakura Ayane.

"So, why are you here?"

Sakura Ayane questioned again.

Xiao Xisha glanced at Kazuto Mogami without any trace, and Kazuto Mogami immediately took up the conversation, saying that because they were on the same set, they came to drink coffee together after the end, and it was not an appointment in advance.

Of course, Kazuto Mogami couldn't go out to drink coffee with Saori Konishi for no reason, which doesn't sound reasonable at all.

Thus, Kazuto Mogami learned to tell lies mixed with truth.

He raised his finger to clear water with sand.

"It's mainly to talk about her."

Sakura Ayane was taken aback for a moment, not understanding how the topic would jump to Shimizu Yusa.

Qing Shui Yousha blinked his eyes a few times, his face full of confusion: "Huh? Me?"

At the same time, there was Ayane Sakura who showed doubts. She didn't understand what they were doing together to discuss the matter of clear water and sand.

Mogami Kazuto sighed softly, looked at Xiao Nishi Saori: "I'll just say it straight."

Xiao Nishi Saori remained silent.

Sakura Ayane tugged Mogami Kazuto's sleeve: "What's going on?"

"Just like you, she thinks that Yousha has a boyfriend, and she even suspects me."

Ayane Sakura and Saori Konishi opened their mouths wide at the same time, Saori Konishi did not expect Kazuto Mogami to dare to say it, and Ayane Sakura felt that this conclusion was absurd.

Only clear water and sand still had an expression of confusion beyond the situation.

"Huh? Am I in a relationship? Why don't I know?"

Mogami Kazuto looked at Sakura Ayane: "Because Saori said some strange things on the set, and I think you are also curious about what happened to Yusa, so you might as well listen to it. By the way, coffee She please."

Kazuto Mogami behaved very naturally, and what he said was frank and frank, and Xiao Nishi Saori couldn't pick out any faults in his words. After all, what Kazuto Mogami said was true, he just omitted the words about About that novel.

And Kazuto Mogami dared to conclude that in the presence of Ayane Sakura, Konishi Saori would never dare to say that Kazuto Mogami might appear in Yusa Shimizu's house.

So, when Ayane Sakura looked at Saori Konishi, Saori Konishi nodded her head silently, as if she agreed with Kazuto Mogami's statement.

As a result, everyone's eyes were sharp and natural, and they gathered on Qing Shui Yousha's face.

"Huh?! Why are you looking at me? I didn't do anything!"

Mogami Kazuto sighed softly: "Yousha, to be honest, I'm also quite curious, when did you get your boyfriend?"

"I told you that I didn't have a boyfriend! Why did you even say that to He Rensang!"

"Because you are really weird these days, and you often read esoteric books on the set, which is not like you at all." Kazuto Mogami patched Shimizu Yousa, but in fact there was no such thing at all.

Qingshui Yousha said with an innocent face: "I just read novels that I didn't know before, why do you react like this?"

"What's the matter that you didn't come to the pajama party last time?" Saori Xiaoxi asked.

"I said that I am too tired from work and want to go to bed early. If I go, Neru-san will definitely pester me again and won't let me go to bed."

"Then what about the red spots on your neck?" Sakura Ayane quickly questioned, and it was obvious that her interest was also aroused.

"Isn't it normal to have spring allergies?"

"Several times after work in the afternoon, you disappeared immediately. Where did you go?"

"Of course during the rest time, I go to eat. If I don't eat enough, I won't have the energy to rush to the next set."

As far as Qingshui Yousha is concerned, this answer is the most in line with her impression, so Yingxi and the two believed this statement almost without thinking.

But in fact, she went to have a room with Kazuto Mogami.

Faced with various questions from the two female voice actors, Shimizu Yousa responded to them one by one with an innocent face and a somewhat complaining tone.

This is a very strange state of mind. She and Mogami Kazuto are both talking nonsense with their eyes open, and Shimizu Yousha really has an uncontrollable sense of guilt surging in his heart.

But in a deeper place, she will produce a wonderful arrogance, keeping these two women in the dark, only she knows the true face of Kazuto Mogami, and only she has seen this man hiding under the beautiful skin. What a wicked and filthy soul.

She tasted such... exaltation.

(End of this chapter)

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