After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 743 737.——Degenerate, Kazuto-san!

Chapter 743 737.——Degenerate, Kazuto-san!

Qingshui Yousha struggled to convince the two of them that he didn't have a boyfriend.

In fact, Qingshui Yousha does not have a boyfriend, but does have a lover.

And that so-called lover was playing the role of a harmless, caring, dedicated and good man in front of her. Not only did Qing Shui You Sha not feel that he was hypocritical, on the contrary, he felt a different kind of pleasure about it.

Shimizu Yousha showed no flaws. Seeing that the investigation was fruitless, Sakura Ayane curled her lips in boredom, looked at Xiao Nishi Saori, and said with some impoliteness: "Next time, don't involve him in this kind of thing. It's time to cause misunderstandings when people see it."

Xiao Nishi Saori didn't know how to answer.

The next moment, Sakura Ayane changed the subject: "Come to me directly! I'm interested!"

Little Nishi Saori: "..."


In the end, this sudden crisis was resolved without any risk.

Sakura Ayane didn't lose her temper because Kazuto Mogami met Saori Konishi in private. Before that, she would have turned her face away and left.

In this relationship, Sakura Ayane learned that mutual trust is a very important thing. For her lover, she wants to trust him 100%. If she plays petty temper because of such endless things, Mogami Of course Kazuto would come to explain to her, but what would he gain?

Not only can't get it, but it will cause a rift in mutual trust. She doesn't want to see that kind of thing.

But it is regrettable that Mogami Kazuto really cheated.

He failed Sakura Ayane's trust in her.



Since the last incident, I have become more careful in my dealings with Yousha, paying more attention to concealing our infidelity, lest people discover our infidelity.

The time has quietly arrived in May, and Caiyin is still kept in the dark by me. When I sleep with her, I naturally love her with all my heart and don't think about the sand.

In the same way, when I went to Yousha, I never took the initiative to think about Caiyin.

It was as if I had been split in two by a huge battle axe. One half was in love with Caiyin, and the other half was full of love for Yousha.

I know very well in my heart that this kind of life cannot last forever, and Yousha will leave me one day.

And I don't lose anything, I just return the event, to the moment when I ran towards Yousha that night.

I'm still Kazuto Mogami, the one who made a marriage contract with Ayane Sakura.

At night when I slept with Cai Yin, she asked me if I loved her.

I say:

[Love to death. 】

She smiled and poked my nose with her hand.

[You are not allowed to die. 】

And when I was with Yousha, I asked her why she was willing to sleep with me.

she says:

[Compared to a real girlfriend who is not loved, I would rather be a lover who is loved by you. 】

do i love her

Well, I think it's love.

It's unbelievable that Mogami Kazuto, who couldn't have any preference for any woman, turned out to be such a man.

When did my life go off the rails?
I think of many moments, when I was kissed by Caiyin, when I was confessed by Yousa, and when I divorced Saori.

The more I think about it, the more memories come, leading me back to the original starting point.

Oh~~~I see.

As early as when I came to this world as "Mogami Kazuto", my life was no longer under my control.

But obviously, such rhetoric cannot justify my behavior, and I have no such intention.

I have figured out what kind of person I am, and I don't want to make more excuses for it. I admit that I am bad, but I don't want to change my mind.

I can't give up any one of them, and the meaning of making a change is actually to choose between them.

By now, I think I've been able to say that.

I want them all.

Whether it's Sakura Ayane, clear water with sand, I want them all.

Not willing to abandon any of them.

I can deeply feel that I am falling, and there is bottomless darkness beneath me, and I can't feel the existence of any light.

Mankind will gradually degenerate.

To live is to fall.



One night, I slept alone at Tsukishima's house for the first time in a long time. Caiyin and her parents went out to attend a relative's funeral, while Yousha went back to her parents' house.

I haven't slept alone for a long time.

There is no woman's soft body temperature around me, which really makes me feel uncomfortable.

It can't be said to be good or bad, it's just that my body is not used to it, as if I was born to be the kind of guy who hugs a woman to sleep.

It's hard to imagine how my former self survived one lonely night after another. With my body, I can't live without a woman.

If it weren't for Caiyin and Arisa, I might still have shot Ms. Taneda and Ms. Hidaka. They are both beautiful female voice actors, and they all exude a wonderful scent that can comfort me at night.

But I won't do that.

At least at this moment, I still retain my remaining sanity, restraining my body from doing that.

And when I woke up from the dream, it was three o'clock in the morning.

I'm having nightmares.

In the dream, I live in a vague way, just like me in the real world.

Everyone around me can see my essence, and I am terribly afraid of being prying into my heart.

And that dream read my wish again, and everything I showed would be unconditionally recognized and accepted by others.

In this way, I felt a deeper fear.

I put on an air of indifference, and people rumored that I was indifferent.When I pretended to be lonely, people rumored that I was withdrawn.I pretended I couldn't write novels, and people started rumoring that I couldn't write novels.I pretended to be a liar, and people rumored that I was a liar.I pretended to be female-phobic and people started rumoring that I was gay.I pretended to favor female voice actors, and people started rumoring that I was a playboy.

But when I do groan in pain, people accuse me of groaning for nothing.



One late night in May, Caiyin came home to visit her parents, and I went to Yousha's apartment, and we had a special show with her on the sofa.

There are all kinds of clothes scattered in the living room, and the fat curled up is hanging on the ankle of her right leg, and the water-blue underwear has long been thrown away by me.

Her skin was really smooth, as if it had been coated with slightly warmed butter, soft and elastic.

Sitting on me, Yousha wrapped her arms around my neck tightly.I could hear my heart beating faster, pounding my chest again and again, feeling that the air around me was being sucked out, she lowered her head and nibbled at my ear, making a charming low moan.

"Let's fall, Kazuto-san...

with me. "



………it is good.

(End of this chapter)

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