Chapter 744 738.
"You and Yousha... what's going on?"

Xiao Nishi Saori's voice was so soft that even Mogami Kazuto could only vaguely hear it clearly, but his heart was immediately suspended by the content of the words.

However, Kazuto Mogami still maintained an indifferent expression, which puzzled Saori Konishi who was silently observing the changes in his expression.

Mogami Kazuto put Coke aside without even looking at her, and said casually, "What's going on? What's wrong with Yousha?"

Xiao Nishi Saori couldn't help frowning slightly, a little uncertain about Mogami Kazuto's thoughts.

After that night, Xiaoxi Saori thought for a long time. Based on her understanding of Qingshui Yousha, even if she had completely walked out of that relationship, she would not have a boyfriend so soon, let alone bring a man to her. Go back to your apartment.

Moreover, the novel she found at that time was obviously not the type of clear water and sand, and she was almost sure of this.

But if that book is not clear water and sandy, but something held by a certain man, Kazuto Mogami's name is ready to be revealed.

If it's Mogami Kazuto, then whether it's the novel, or Shimizu Yousa bringing the man back to the apartment, and during this time she often excused herself to leave and not come to the pajama party, all these things can be connected in series.

But, would she really do that kind of thing...

Saori Konishi couldn't believe it.

She didn't believe that Qing Shui Yousha would be such a girl, and she didn't want to believe that the man she fell in love with was such a shameless person.

And in order to prove that her conjecture was wrong, and to prove that Mogami Kazuto was not that kind of scum, she chose this method.

Similarly, while Konishi Saori was thinking, Mogami Kazuto was also thinking inwardly.

Why did Xiaoxi Sazhi ask this question, did she find anything, or Qing Shui Yousha said something to her.

Although Mogami Kazuto was a little flustered in his heart, it didn't show on his face.

What's more, this is the lounge of the studio. If Nishi Saori has any conclusive evidence, he will definitely not talk to him on this occasion, but meet him in private.

In that case, Mogami Kazuto will definitely be mentally prepared, and it will be easier to see the change of Mogami Kazuto's expression in such a sudden inquiry in a public place.

"Yousha and I haven't been in touch for a long time, what happened to her?"

Kazuto Mogami's expression didn't look like he was lying, Saori Nishi stared at him for a long time, but he still couldn't see anything, and sighed softly.

"She looks weird recently. She often talks about you, so you have no idea?"

Kazuto Mogami frowned, and immediately judged that Saori Nishi was lying.

Now he and Shimizu Yousa are lovers, with Qingshui Yousha's EQ, Kazuto Mogami doesn't think that Shimizu Yousha will mention his name in front of Xiaonishi Saori.

The only possibility is that Saori Nishi is lying.

So... what was her reason for lying.

The answer is obvious. She found some clues between herself and Qingshui Yousha, but there was no substantive evidence, so she came to test herself.

"Sorry, I may not be able to help you with the matter of Yousha. I think you should know that the relationship between me and her is actually quite awkward. It's better not to have too much contact." Mogami Kazuto said in a low voice.

"No matter how embarrassing, can there be embarrassment between the two of us?"

Kazuto Mogami smiled wryly and shook his head: "It's good that you understand, I don't want Caiyin to be misunderstood because of your matter now, even if there is something wrong with Yousha, I can only do nothing to help."

"I'm so eager to show my feelings for Caiyin, what are you worrying about?"

Kazuto Mogami frowned again, just about to say something, Saori Xiaonishi smiled and got up and left.

Watching her receding back, Mogami Kazuto pursed his lips and thought deeply.



After the dubbing ended, Kazuto Mogami received a message from Saori Konishi. He raised his head and glanced at her. She had already boarded the elevator, and the elevator door slowly closed. Those eyes flashed through the gap in the door, making him Uncomfortable gaze.

Ten minutes later, Kazuto Mogami came to a certain coffee shop next to the recording studio, saw Saori Konishi in the corner by the window, and Kazuto Mogami walked over in silence.

After sitting down in front of Konishi Saori, Mogami Kazuto smiled at the waiter, ordered a cup of coffee, until the coffee was served, there was no conversation between him and Konishi Saori.

Gradually, Mogami Kazuto became a little impetuous.

"and people."

Xiao Nishi Saori spoke.

Mogami Kazuto looked at her quietly, waiting for her next words.

"Heren, you are a little strange today."


"It's not like you that you don't even care what happened to Yousha."

That's because Mogami Kazuto was very convinced that nothing happened with the clear water and sand, and it was just a lie of Xiaonishi Saori.

She has been good at lying since before, but after so many years, her lies have become lame, or, because Mogami Kazuto has told too many lies herself, she has become sensitive to others' lies.

"I've said it before, I don't want Caiyin to be misunderstood because of the matter with you."

"In that case, you shouldn't have come to meet me at all, should you?"

Kazuto Mogami was silent.

In the message that Xiaoxi Saori sent him, it said that she had something she found in Qingshui Yousha's house, and she wanted Mogami Kazuto to see it.

Even though he realized that this might be a trap deliberately lured by Nishi Saori, Mogami Kazuto still didn't dare to bet, so he came here.

"According to what you say, it's better for me to leave now."


Kazuto Mogami looked at Saori Xiaonishi for a long time, but still sat still.

After a long time, Kazuto Mogami sighed softly: "Let's not do this, let's get straight to the point, even if we break up, I still regard her as my friend."

What Kazuto Mogami said was to show that he stayed not because he had a ghost in his heart, but simply out of concern for his friends.

As for whether Xiaoxi Saori believed it or not, only she knew.

Xiao Nishi Saori reached into the bag, took out a novel, put it on the table and pushed it towards Kazuto Mogami.

"Under the Wheel".

Mogami Kazuto glanced at it, and said in surprise, "You still read this kind of book?"

"Of course I won't read it, even if there is sand, but you will."

Kazuto Mogami remained silent.

"Were you in the apartment with the sand that night?"

"I do not know what you're talking about."

"No, you know."

Just when the two were at a stalemate, the sound of footsteps came from behind, accompanied by the voice of the female voice actress talking to the ears of the two.

(End of this chapter)

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